Tag: money
Economics 101: You are not entitled to the labor or product of any other person.
Posted on September 1, 2021 in Money, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
Any argument that seeks to determine conclusively how much a person can earn or own, is not only subjective and faulty from the outset, but it necessarily leads to both slavery and political oppression. It especially leads to political oppression when we demand the government get involved and pass laws limiting freedoms.
Maybe Being Quarantined is Just What We Needed
Posted on April 7, 2020 in Family, Life, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
Our culture has become so obsessed with entertainment in all its forms that we have almost forgotten how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Our lack of contentment is not just a contribution to high levels of debt and lack of margin; our lack of contentment is a driving force in our break neck pace of life that we swear we love as we complain about constantly being tired and busy.
These 8 Questions are at the Heart of a Solid Financial Plan
Posted on December 4, 2019 in Family, Money by Nathan Cherry

Being able to answer a few questions can make the difference between a confident financial future and a disaster waiting to happen. Don’t wait for an emergency to begin protecting yourself and your family. If you can’t answer these 8 questions, it’s time to consult a financial professional today.
The Currency of Contentment: How Avoiding Happiness Can Impact Your Financial Position
Posted on October 30, 2019 in Money by Nathan Cherry
If you learn to manage this special “currency” well, it will help you to avoid financial ruin. In the public
These Unusual “Currencies” Can Create Tremendous Wealth
Posted on October 22, 2019 in Money by Nathan Cherry
I work in an industry where currency is central. Whether we are speaking of domestic fiat currency, foreign fiat currency,
New Study Shows Americans are Not Prepared for Retirement – And I Know Why
Posted on September 12, 2018 in Money by Nathan Cherry
This seems to indicate that americans are having trouble affording their necessities and the result is less saved for retirement. I disagree that the problem is the ability of the average American to cover their necessities. I would suggest that the issue is the desire for non-necessities that is causing a lack of savings.
The Best Way to Be More Productive – Stop Eating!
Posted on September 6, 2018 in Money by Nathan Cherry
We have been trained, as Americans, to believe that our bellies should be full all the time. Any twinge of hunger is a bad thing and we must immediately put something in our mouth to satiate the hunger. But this habit could also be contributing to our many ailments, our problems focusing, lowered productivity, and obesity.
An article at Forbes last year comments on the mental benefits of fasting:
The “Economic Stimulus” Most Americans are Overlooking
Posted on August 21, 2018 in Money by Nathan Cherry
This is very different than the eating schedule most people currently observe that has them eating breakfast (or drinking coffee) at 7AM and having a snack before bed at 10 PM. And it’s this “normal” American eating schedule, involving multiple meals and snacks, that is causing so many of the physical and health issues Americans are facing.
Three Great Reasons for Christians to Save and Invest Their Money
Posted on June 26, 2018 in Money, Theology by Nathan Cherry
It’s no secret that most Americans have little to no savings. I’ve written previously on the inability of many Americans to cover even a small $400 emergency. This reality shows that many people do not prioritize saving. If you asked the average person to stop getting coffee at Starbucks daily, end their Netflix subscription, or take their lunch to work with them, you will be met with looks of disgust and shock. Clearly something isn’t right.