The Reformed Advisor

Tag: moral

If Home School Students Do Better Academically – Why Criticize?

Posted on January 15, 2014 in Home School by

It’s not surprising to me that people are choosing to home school their kids rather than send them to one of the nation’s many failing public schools. Try as they may, everyone from lawmakers to talking heads openly criticizes anyone who considers home schooling, yet the trend continues to grow. One lawmaker in Ohio even proposed a bill that would require social services investigation, background checks, and approval before parents be allowed to home school.

At one time the majority of people that home schooled did so for religious reasons. These families wanted to instill certain religious convictions in their kids that would result in a worldview based on their religious beliefs. And while many continue to home school for that same reason, it seems many others are choosing to home school for academic reasons. (A small percentage chooses home schooling for safety reasons.)

I’ve spoken before (here) about the fact that home schoolers almost always fare better academically than their public school counterparts.


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