The Reformed Advisor

Tag: parents

Government Decides to Appoint Nanny for Every Child from Birth to Eighteen Years Old

Posted on August 19, 2014 in Family, Home School, Religious Freedom by

It sounds like something out of a horror movie. And yet parents in Scotland are living this nightmare right now. The government has passed and begun to implement a new law mandating a government appointed overseer for every child from birth to eighteen years of age.

No, seriously, I’m not making this up, you can read about it here. And no, I didn’t make a mistake or fall for a satire piece in The Onion. This is actually happening in our world. A government has taken the brazen step of deciding that children between birth and eighteen years old need not just one parent, not even two, but two parents and a government nanny tasked with looking out for the “wellbeing” of the child.

VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Tells Young Girl to Watch Porn and Visit Sex Shop

Posted on July 25, 2014 in Sexuality by

The first thing that should alarm and disturb anyone about the following video is that begins with the story of a 43-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl “playing sex games.” In my world that’s called statutory rape and constitutes a crime, and yet that is not even the entire story here.

The video becomes more disturbing when you begin to realize that a “15-year-old” girl is being given advice on how to engage in BDSM type of sexual activity. I can’t help but wonder if the Planned Parenthood (PP) worker in the video would be so willing to share this information if the girl’s mother or father was sitting next to her. Then again, Planned Parenthood doesn’t really like parents and is generally willing to do whatever is necessary to circumvent parental authority.

Sex Education for Parents: Why It Should Matter Who Teaches Your Kids

Posted on July 23, 2014 in Family, Sexuality by

But here is also where the problem arises. My wife and I talked to our kids about sex from very early in their life. We always answered their questions truthfully, but never more than necessary at every age. When asked how “Mommy got pregnant”, We explained how God designed men and women, and Daddy’s seed fertilized mom’s egg. For a while that satisfied their curiosity. Later they would ask other questions, and the more questions the more detail we gave.

We see sex as a beautiful thing, something wonderfully created, something that is more than a way to orgasm, but full of purpose, meaning, and containing tremendous substance.

Why would I want someone to teach anything less?

How the Transgender Will Redefine Gender, Marriage, Parents, and Family

Posted on July 7, 2014 in Family, Marriage, Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

This is the second part of a two-part post. Read part 1 here.

A recent article by TIME magazine gleefully advocates for transgender people and their “struggle” to be accepted. Sharing the story of Cassidy, the first openly transgender Homecoming Queen in the U.S., the TIME article (and video) eagerly exposes people to another world full of confusion.

At one point Cassidy says she “came out” to her parents as a gay man in high school, but now lives as transgender. Yet Cassidy said it was in 5th grade that “she” first acknowledged and knew “she” was transgender. The amount of sexual confusion here is astounding to me. This is a young man that has been confused for a long time and rather than seeking any kind of help he is being encouraged in his confusion by others.

Speaking of confusion, an article at The Federalist details the extreme confusion of a female named Tracey transitioning to male:

Sex-Ed Class Asks 14-Year-Old Girls: How Far Will You Go Sexually?

Posted on June 20, 2014 in Sexuality by

Parents that send their kids to school without paying attention to what they are being taught are failing in their duty to protect their kids.

At one time our schools focused on academics, math, reading, and science; or even offered trade classes to prepare students to enter the workplace. Not anymore. The focus of today’s public school is political indoctrination aimed at creating a very specific worldview.

One of the most powerful weapons in the school arsenal is sex education. There’s no doubt we live in a sex-obsessed culture where sex is used to sell everything from tires to office supplies. If you want people to take notice of your advertisement, include a half- naked person. Public schools are now using the “sex sells” method to “educate” students regarding sexuality and abortion.

Parents of students at a California middle school was shocked and outraged when their kids brought home the handout of a presentation that included pictures. A description of these pictures was given by a local news station:

Recap: A Home School Convention Is Like No Other

Posted on June 17, 2014 in Home School by

It was about 10 years ago when I attended the my first Home Education Association of Virginia conference. That year, my family relied on a trusted friend to tell us which break-out sessions were worth going to and which we should avoid.

This year, my wife and I didn’t need any mentoring. We are the experts going from session to session knowing what would be most beneficial for our family. Still, after being a part of the home education movement for over a decade, I am still learning and amazed. Here are some of what we learned or observed this year.

The average homeschooler is now scoring the top 15% of all students

Homeschoolers are knocking a home run academically. Our average student is not only excelling, but they are doing so in undeniable terms. Way to go homeschoolers.

Don’t Fall for the DPTHLTCTOP Method of Raising Your Kids

Posted on May 16, 2014 in Family by

Do you want to help your kids?

This might seem like a silly question. You might be thinking that I’ve lost my grip on reality for asking something so inane and obvious. But, I think there is greater depth to this question and the answer than we might know. In fact, there is a possibility that you are doing more to harm your kids than help them.

Of course every parent wants to help. There is something in every parent (well, nearly every parent) that innately desires to do everything within our power to help our kids. This help looks different for every parent and child of course, but we all want to help.

Maybe we start teaching money management at a very young age so our kids will not get into financial trouble. Maybe we make sure our kids have the coolest clothes and shoes so other trendy kids will like them. Maybe we enroll our smaller than average child in martial arts class to make sure bully’s learn their lesson. I can see where each of these would be considered help.

Will Your 35 Year Old Kids Be Living in Your Basement?

Posted on April 29, 2014 in Family by

As a 5-year old child I can vividly remember asking my parents if we had enough money to pay bills, and get food. Not because we ever lacked the ability to pay our bills or buy food, but because things were tight and I had enough sense to be concerned about our financial matters. Now, people who know me best often joke that I still have the first nickel I ever earned saved somewhere for a rainy day.

One thing is for certain; I don’t want my kids to grow up without the ability to be savers and givers, and the responsibility of teaching kids proper stewardship falls squarely in the lap of parents. This is a responsibility that, sadly, many parents neglect and conclude their kids eventually will learn.

Don’t be so sure. I taught money management to high school juniors and seniors for a time, and I was amazed at what they didn’t know. They didn’t know how to balance a check book. They didn’t know how to write a check. They didn’t know you have to pay back the money you put on a credit card! And these are students preparing for college.

Dave Ramsey is a financial guru with years of experience. More importantly he knows what it is like to be wealthy, lose it all in bankruptcy, then claw his way back to the top stronger than ever. Now Dave Ramsey is a debt-free multi-millionaire that spends his time teaching others the principles needed to have “Financial Peace.”

NBA Star Says He Believes in Creationsim

Posted on April 22, 2014 in Religious Freedom by

I’ve you’ve ever watched NBA star Blake Griffin dunk a basketball, you know why sports commentators often refer to him as a “freak of nature.” The man can jump and dunk a ball in a way that seems almost super-human. Or perhaps Griffin would say it is supernatural. Griffin has been open about his faith and his upbringing in a Christian home and going to a Christian school. So his answer should have been no surprise when he was asked whether he was “team creationism or team evolution.”

Griffin responded by saying:

“I was raised in a Christian household and went to a Christian high school, so I believe in creationisim, for sure.”

Somehow this “stunned” sports writers and reporters who then took to the media to criticize Griffin for his position and speculate whether or not he was kidding. I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised that a professing Christian raised in a Christian home would believe the biblical account of Creation. Maybe the sports writers were kidding. I really, really hope they were kidding.

Parkersburg South Wrestling Team Intimidated for Expressing Religious Freedom

Posted on April 21, 2014 in Religious Freedom by

A controversy over wrestling shirts is brewing in Wood County, West Virginia, at Parkersburg South High School. Thanks to the dubious Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) lodging a complaint with the school Superintendent the wrestling team has been asked to stop wearing their shirts which display the Bible verse Philippians 4:13:

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation makes a practice of sending threatening letters to anyone expressing their religious freedom in the public sector. The group seeks to use bullying and scare tactics to intimidate silence on the part of Christians seeking to live out their faith.


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