The Reformed Advisor

Tag: Planned Parenthood

Regulating the Abortion Industry Takes Uncommon Common Sense

Posted on December 4, 2013 in Life, Public Policy by

Planned Parenthood vehemently opposes any laws requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. Abortion advocates often refer to such laws as TRAP laws – Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers – and say their sole purpose is to put undue burden and stigma on abortionists. But is that the truth behind these laws?

First, let’s be clear about what laws requiring admitting privileges are. These laws simply require that any medical professional that performs any type of invasive surgical procedure hold admitting privileges at a hospital close to the clinic where the procedures are being performed. Admitting privileges simply means the medical professional is allowed to attend to the needs of their patient should something go wrong and the person need to be admitted to the hospital.

So, in essence, all these laws are doing is to require a person performing medical procedures be allowed to serve their patient at a local hospital should something go wrong. That seems like an easy to understand, common sense requirement for any medical professional; one that a doctor would gladly endorse in an effort to serve his or her patients.

Abortion Breast Cancer Link Worse Than Previously Thought

Posted on December 3, 2013 in Life by

It was previously believed that having an abortion increased the risk of breast cancer by 30%. But a new study says it’s much worse than that. According to a peer-reviewed meta-study’s findings, the risk of breast cancer is increased by an astounding 44%. A report states:

“[T]he overall risk of developing breast cancer among women who had at least one induced abortion was significantly increased by 44%…Since 2003, armed with this new official “truth”, NARAL and their ilk have viciously been attacking pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) for “lying” to women by telling them about the ABC link as a reality. In places like Maryland and New York City, they even went so far as to enact laws to muzzle the PRCs. Thankfully, the courts have struck down such laws as violations of free speech rights–so far.”

While NARAl and Planned Parenthood accuse pro-lifers of waging a “war on women,” they continue to lie to women about the risk of breast cancer just to make money and kill unborn children. Click here for original article.

Viral Video: Baby Celebrates 1 Year Birthday After Being Born Months Premature

Posted on November 26, 2013 in Life by

The video below is incredible for a number of reasons. First, it shows the first year of a little boy born 3 1/2 months premature. After spending many days and nights in the NICU the boy went home and finally celebrated his first birthday. The video tribute to his first year is nothing short of amazing.

This video is also incredible for the context it presents. This boy was born at 5 1/2 months gestation. According to abortion rights groups, Planned Parenthood, and President Obama, this child was not actually a child at this time. Whatever he was, he was not a human being worthy of protections from the torture of abortion. This is why these groups and our president have repeatedly fought to make it legal to kill children at this point in pregnancy.

As well, in our home state of West Virginia it is currently legal to kill an unborn child up to the moment of birth. So this child, obviously human, obviously alive, could have easily been killed by his mother is she would have chosen to do so. Why doesn’t West Virginia believe it is important to protect living human beings like this little boy? Why do our lawmakers continue to claim to be pro-life while they do nothing to protect the unborn?

Lack of Common Sense Required for Abortion Advocates

Posted on November 25, 2013 in Life by

Abortion advocates say some of the most outrageously absurd things. I don’t know how else to characterize the words that come out of their mouths. By any logical, rational standard the ideas and comments they put forth make absolutely no sense and would in any other context be considered too ridiculous to take seriously.

Take for example the comments of a British abortion advocate and attorney who said that rape victims bear some responsibility for being raped. In other words, “the fact that you were violently attacked and forced against your will to have sex is kind of your fault too.” I can’t even imagine making such a statement in the case of a prostitute being raped because logic dictates that there is a difference between consensual and non-consensual sex in every context.

Does Planned Parenthood Really Care About Women?

Posted on November 18, 2013 in Family, Sexuality by

Parents in Europe can breathe a little easier after a draft report seeking to establish abortion as a fundamental human right was rejected by the European Union.

A report on the incident states, “The resolution on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights was presented by Portuguese MEP Edite Estrela but her report is said to be the work of the International Planned Parenthood Federation in Brussels.”

The reason this is important is twofold. First, it seems our lawmakers of late envy Europe and want to refashion the United States in the image of Europe. They repeatedly cite cases, laws, and even culture as a reason for change here in the U.S. I suppose the government overreach, failing economy, and complete lack of moral compass doesn’t mean much to Washington; but it sure does to Americans. We left Europe for a reason.

Reasons: To Have An Abortion Or Not

Posted on November 15, 2013 in Life by

Two articles caught my attention recently. One was from a “parenting” website called “Mommyish” at which a blogger shared a list of reasons to kill your unborn child. Now, I don’t know for sure if the irony of advocating child murder on a parenting website was lost on the writer, but it wasn’t lost on me.

The list of reasons this blogger felt were worthy of killing an unborn child is below.


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