Tag: retirement
These 8 Questions are at the Heart of a Solid Financial Plan
Posted on December 4, 2019 in Family, Money by Nathan Cherry

Being able to answer a few questions can make the difference between a confident financial future and a disaster waiting to happen. Don’t wait for an emergency to begin protecting yourself and your family. If you can’t answer these 8 questions, it’s time to consult a financial professional today.
New Study Shows Americans are Not Prepared for Retirement – And I Know Why
Posted on September 12, 2018 in Money by Nathan Cherry
This seems to indicate that americans are having trouble affording their necessities and the result is less saved for retirement. I disagree that the problem is the ability of the average American to cover their necessities. I would suggest that the issue is the desire for non-necessities that is causing a lack of savings.
Every Government Employee Needs to Understand the Recent OPM Proposal
Posted on June 27, 2018 in Money by Nathan Cherry
The proposal aims to reduce the amount of money the federal government spends each year on income and pensions for federal employees.
It is estimated that the proposal would save the federal government approximately $143 billion over the next ten years.
Three Great Reasons for Christians to Save and Invest Their Money
Posted on June 26, 2018 in Money, Theology by Nathan Cherry
It’s no secret that most Americans have little to no savings. I’ve written previously on the inability of many Americans to cover even a small $400 emergency. This reality shows that many people do not prioritize saving. If you asked the average person to stop getting coffee at Starbucks daily, end their Netflix subscription, or take their lunch to work with them, you will be met with looks of disgust and shock. Clearly something isn’t right.
Americans are Financially Illiterate – and Maybe Insane
Posted on March 27, 2018 in Money by Nathan Cherry
But financial literacy is more than just knowing the tools and resources needed to be financially successful. Financial literacy includes understanding the “why” behind the financial goal. A writer for Bloomberg Finance recently told Financial Advisor IQ “Once you know why to do it there are resources that will show you how.” Maybe the “why” is more important than the “how.”
For example, accumulating funds that will be tax-free in retirement is a great idea. But the average American is not likely to put much priority on this without knowing why it’s important.
The #1 Way to Take Advantage of the New Tax Bill
Posted on January 16, 2018 in Money by Nathan Cherry
As a financial professional I work with people newly retired, nearing retirement, or hoping to one day retire accumulate assets, preserve assets, and protect assets. It’s a job involving comprehensive financial planning, asset management, and budgeting. All of the parts have to work together to make sure someone doesn’t outlive their money, among other things. But all this planning can be brought to a screeching halt for one reason:
What Everyone Needs to Know About Choosing a Financial Planner (And Why You Need One)
Posted on May 2, 2017 in Money by Nathan Cherry
Now, anyone can call himself a financial planner. There are actually no laws governing who can use the term and refer to himself as a financial planner. That is a problem; and one that every person seeking quality financial help needs to remember when interviewing people to be their financial planner.
When I speak of a financial planner, I’m not talking about the insurance guy that says he offers “financial services,” or the local financial adviser that got his CFP (Certified Financial Planner) designation and suddenly offers “financial planning services.” Genuine financial planning is a comprehensive service that will entail every aspect of your finances both now and into the future.
This One Powerful Tool Could Change Your Financial Future
Posted on March 8, 2017 in Money by Nathan Cherry
What if I told you there is one very simple, yet powerful tool you can begin using today to make a significant impact in your family’s financial future? Would you be interested in learning more?
The reality is that a majority of Americans are in financial trouble. Everything from student loans to credit card debt is keeping Americans from reaching their financial goals. And, for some, it is keeping them from even saving money on a regular basis. A recent survey found that 33% of Americans have no savings at all, making them prey for financial shock.
Don’t Let These Retirement Mistakes and Myths Ruin Your Fun
Posted on February 14, 2017 in Money by Nathan Cherry
It’s not surprising to me that at the top of the list of ways to ruin your retirement is to have too much debt. And, unfortunately, I see this a lot. Debt is a burden that will suck the life out of retirement. It will prohibit you from doing the things you really want and keep you awake at night. And, debt will keep you working far longer than you would like.
Other retirement killers include…