The Reformed Advisor

Tag: sex

Gender Issues: After Gender Identity Comes “Gender Stereotyping”

Posted on September 11, 2014 in Sexuality by

What is the logical end of the new sexual revolution that seeks to erase inherent differences between the genders and make sex a matter of cognitive choice rather than biology?


Nope, I’m not overstating it even a little bit. If anything that might be an understatement. But just in case you still aren’t convinced by my fool-proof logic and obviously sound reasoning, let’s look at a couple of recent accounts to see if my hypothesis holds up to scrutiny.

Bryan John Ellicott was born a woman, but now identifies as a man. According to a recent article the 24-year-old went to a Staten Island public pool where “he” changed into swim trunks and a t-shirt. A little while later when “he” returned to change shirts an employee of the pool told the transgender man that he had to either use the women’s locker room or leave.

Planned Parenthood Tells “15-Year-Old” That Painful Sex is OK

Posted on September 3, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

Planned Parenthood just can’t keep from giving terrible, awful advice to underage girls. It’s almost as if they are trying to see how dangerous or perverted they can be, always pushing the limits.

The latest example of the systemic failure of Planned Parenthood comes from the ongoing undercover video series carried out by pro-life organization Live Action, led by Lila Rose. In the latest undercover video a Planned Parenthood staffer at a clinic in Eden Prairie, MN, tells the undercover girl, posing as a 15-year-old, that painful sexual activity is fine as long she consents to it.

Watch the video below to see just how dangerous the advice given by Planned Parenthood is.

Do 10 Year Olds Have a Right to Contraception and Abortion? Researchers Say Yes!

Posted on September 2, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

A group of four researchers at the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University say that very young adolescents (VYA) – kids between the ages of 10 and 14 – have a right to contraception and abortion. But that is the least troubling conclusion of this new report, published in Global Public Health.

Here is a glimpse into the thoughts of people attempting to influence the sexuality, sex-education, and moral training of our children in public schools:

The Most Pornographic Place Your Kids Will Visit is Their School

Posted on August 21, 2014 in Sexuality by

Parents have enough to protect their kids from these days. Not only do they need to monitor what they watch on television – because apparently naked reality shows are all the rage – but the Internet has it all. Then there’s making sure they aren’t receiving naked pictures via text or drinking at parties. Even parents that are fully engaged, teaching their kids solid morals and values will be exhausted at the sheer magnitude of ways kids need protected.

And of course parents must be defended from their local school!

Yep, you read that right. Where once the local school was a place of safety and learning, it seems it is now a place of undermining parental authority and sex.

The newest example of school-overreach into the lives of students comes from California where a book that will be used in a sex-ed class is being called nothing short of pornographic.

How Does “Gay Marriage” Hurt Straight Marriage? A Simple Answer

Posted on August 15, 2014 in Marriage by

I’ve spent some time lately discussing whether or not homosexual relationships are the same as heterosexual ones. The very fact that this needs to be discussed at length, that others are pondering this thought, indicates a fundamental lack of understanding of what marriage and the man-woman relationship is truly all about.

I don’t want to be juvenile or crude here, but the obvious answer to the question “are homosexual relationships exactly like heterosexual relationships?” is, no.

By not wanting to be juvenile or crude I mean that I want to point out the obvious…er…um…plumbing problem, without going into detail. Phrases like “you can’t put a square peg into a round hole” come to mind and I think you get the idea. But to begin and end the discussion with the sexual aspect is the problem.

Part of the success of the LGBT movement has to do with their ability to separate marriage and sex. For years sex has been downplayed in our society as just another recreational activity. Everything from television to movies made sex nothing more than a decision for consenting adults: have sex on the third date or the fourth? Now they don’t even wait for the third date, entire services and websites are devoted to helping people hook up for “casual sex.” And we’ve all seen social media posts of people in bed with someone they don’t remember, or recognize after a one night stand. There’s no shame. There’s also no morality.

And now that sex and marriage have been successfully separated the uniqueness of the male-female relationship and the need for traditional marriage is also in question. After all, if sex is just another recreational hobby, and who you have sex with is just a matter of personal preference, why does traditional marriage need defended and preserved?

Do You Know What the “Gay Rights Platform” Is? If Not You Will Be Shocked!

Posted on August 11, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy, Sexuality by

The question is, “Do you know what that gay rights agenda is?

In an article for WND, pastor, writer, and human rights consultant Dr. Scott Lively has explained in great detail exactly what the gay rights agenda is, and how it is being accomplished. And he’s done so using their own writings.

Take for example the 1972 Gay Rights Platform. This platform was adopted in 1972 when more than 200 homosexual organizations met in Chicago to write and adopt it. Why should it matter to you? Because nearly every plank in this platform has been achieved. A platform that is more than 40 years old has been implemented with surgical precision. Check for yourself, read the platform and check off how many of their goals have been accomplished.


1) Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.

Planned Parenthood Tells Young Girl to Watch “Educational Porno”

Posted on August 4, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

What continues to amaze me about these videos from Live Action taken undercover at Planned Parenthood (PP) abortion clinics across the country, is how unconcerned the PP staffer seems to be about the age of the “patient.” According to PP 15 is not too young to not just be in a sexual relationship, but to be engaging in BDSM behavior. Am I the only one shocked by that?

It is equally disturbing that PP does not care that this young, minor child has no parent present. I mean, I knew that PP would happily do an abortion for a 15-year-old without telling her parents, and that they oppose all parental notification laws, and yet it’s still surprising to me to witness. I suppose I am surprised because if this was my child and I learned PP was giving such advice without my knowledge it would not be such a calm, serene scene. But hey, that’s me.

What kind of advice is PP giving to this underage patient?

This particular PP staffer thought it would be a good idea to tell a 15-year-old that she should find a good “educational porno” to watch. I can’t help but wonder if she would feel the same way about an adult telling her underage daughter the same thing. Suppose I decided to tell this PP staffer’s daughter that there is some great porn out there she should be watching. How would the mother react? If she has any moral scruples at all she would be furious and seek legal intervention. But she feels completely at ease telling this young girl – someone’s daughter – to go watch porn.

VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Tells Young Girl to Watch Porn and Visit Sex Shop

Posted on July 25, 2014 in Sexuality by

The first thing that should alarm and disturb anyone about the following video is that begins with the story of a 43-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl “playing sex games.” In my world that’s called statutory rape and constitutes a crime, and yet that is not even the entire story here.

The video becomes more disturbing when you begin to realize that a “15-year-old” girl is being given advice on how to engage in BDSM type of sexual activity. I can’t help but wonder if the Planned Parenthood (PP) worker in the video would be so willing to share this information if the girl’s mother or father was sitting next to her. Then again, Planned Parenthood doesn’t really like parents and is generally willing to do whatever is necessary to circumvent parental authority.

Judge Says Incest is Okay Because: Abortion

Posted on July 24, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

Do you want a picture of the liberal, Utopian society they are seeking to achieve? Here it is:

Incest is acceptable because abortion will rid the world of any deformed children caused by the relationship.

What? Does that shock you? Does that sound absurd? Are you under the impression that such an idea would never be offered by any sane person in our society? Think again.

A judge in Australia offered that exact idea while presiding over a case recently. A man was being tried for repeatedly raping his sister over the course of eight years. When evidence was presented the judge refused to allow it because, he said, incest is a taboo that people are willing to accept these days. A recent article shares the judge’s thoughts:

Sex Education for Parents: Why It Should Matter Who Teaches Your Kids

Posted on July 23, 2014 in Family, Sexuality by

But here is also where the problem arises. My wife and I talked to our kids about sex from very early in their life. We always answered their questions truthfully, but never more than necessary at every age. When asked how “Mommy got pregnant”, We explained how God designed men and women, and Daddy’s seed fertilized mom’s egg. For a while that satisfied their curiosity. Later they would ask other questions, and the more questions the more detail we gave.

We see sex as a beautiful thing, something wonderfully created, something that is more than a way to orgasm, but full of purpose, meaning, and containing tremendous substance.

Why would I want someone to teach anything less?


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