The Reformed Advisor

Tag: unborn

LifeNews: Gov. Tomblin Should Sign H.B. 4588 and Protect Babies

Posted on March 13, 2014 in Life by Over the weekend the West Virginia House and Senate put the finishing touches on a hugely important bill. If Gov. Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin signs HB 4588– The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act– West Virginia’s unborn babies, who can feel pain, will be protected from abortion. If there is not a compelling state interest in protecting unborn children from such a hideous death, what would qualify?

If Gov. Tomblin signs the bill into law, West Virginia will join ten other states and the United States House of Representatives that have passed similar bills. If Governor Tomblin signs the bill into law, he will be recognizing what huge majorities in both the House and Senate saw clearly. That HB 4588 is grounded in a moral empathy that resonates loudly with the people of West Virginia: “You don’t kill unborn children who are capable of feeling pain.” If Governor Tomblin signs the bill into law, he will be doing the right thing.

BREAKING: Fetal Pain Bill in West Virginia Awaiting Governor’s Signature!

Posted on March 10, 2014 in Life by

The much discussed Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act has passed every legislative hurdle that has been thrown at it. With much discussion the life saving bill has made it through the state senate and is now on its way to Gov. Tomblin for his signature. Unfortunately, if a quote in a recent article is any indication, the governor may not be signing the bill. The article stated:

“West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin said he’s concerned that a bill to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks could be unconstitutional. ‘Even the legislative attorneys and others have said that they feel that the bill is unconstitutional,’ he said Saturday.”

The bill passed by an 85-15 margin and would enjoy majority support in the state. And with provisions for the mother’s life embedded there is little doubt that the bill would stand up to judicial scrutiny.

Gov. Tomblin has always claimed to be pro-life but done little to nothing to defend life or advance life in West Virginia. This is his chance to put actions to his talk and prove to the people of West Virginia that he is more than just talk. If he chooses to veto this bill it will send shock waves across the state and keep West Virginia as one of just nine states with not a single limitation on abortion.

I encourage you to contact Gov. Tomblins office and let him know you support this bill and want to see him sign it. Our encouragement should not be necessary for someone that claims to be pro-life, but perhaps it will remove any hesitancy on the part of the Governor. (Click here to contact the Governor’s office.)

URGENT: Today Could Be the Day West Virginia Protects the Unborn!

Posted on March 8, 2014 in Life by

Today is a critical day in West Virginia, one long overdue. Today HB 4588, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act will receive its third reading in the state senate. After passing the first and second readings all that is left is this third reading before the bill will be sent back to the house for a vote. If it passes the house vote it will be sent to the Governor for his signature.

Here’s why its important:

1. West Virginia is one of just 9 states that has no limitations on abortion. In other words an unborn child can be killed up to the moment of birth. That is a shame on every mountaineer. This bill would restrict abortions after approximately 22 weeks for the first time in our beautiful state.

2. It has been scientifically proven many times that unborn children at 20-22 weeks can feel pain. This means abortion at that age, usually done by ripping them limb from limb is nothing but torture. To think that our “civilized” society would allow such a thing to occur is absurd. HB 4588 would prevent such torture of unborn children.

3. This is important because it will tell us if Gov. Tomblin is truly pro-life or not. As governor he has done nothing to protect women and unborn children from the harms of abortion. He has encouraged no legislation while only talking about being pro-life. If he refuses to sign this bill we will know that his talk and his walk don’t agree.

Please pray for this bill and those that will be voting. Let your elected lawmakers know that you support it and want to see them do the same. You can reach any member of the house or senate here:

We are very close to enacting the first law that would protect women and children from the harms of abortion, let’s not let this one slip away due to apathy or a “busy day.”

Why Yes, Del. Palumbo, West Virginia IS in the Minority

Posted on March 3, 2014 in Life by

The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that passed the West Virginia house by an overwhelming margin last week is coming before the Senate this week. The senate is expected to modify the bill.

Ron Stollings (D-Bone) said he expects the committee to modify the “draconian” punishment of one to five years in jail and up to $5,000 in fines for anyone performing a late-term abortion after 20 weeks. Umm…how is that draconian? Is Mr. Stollings suggesting that the life of an unborn child is not worthy of jail time or fines? Murder charges tend to carry steep penalties so I am unclear as to why this is an issue.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Corey Palumbo (D-Kanawha) was surprised to learn that West Virginia is one of only 9 states that has no time restrictions on abortion. Well, Mr. Palumbo, that is a fairly well-known act that someone in public office should probably know.

What this shows me is that our lawmakers are woefully out of touch with reality in regards to the issue of abortion. To think that one to five years in prison and a measly $5,000 fine for killing an unborn child is somehow “draconian” is absurd. Furthermore, without punishments that are steep enough to deter the crimes the criminals have no reason to fear the law or even keep it. For one of our elected officials to now know just how out of touch West Virginia is withe rest of the country in having no time limit on abortion is shameful.

Hopefully these lawmakers will help West Virginia catch up in defending the unborn with proper laws, appropriate penalties, and shared information.

Beautifully Graphic Photo Shows the Humanity of the Unborn

Posted on March 2, 2014 in Life by

The following photo is baby Noah. He died due to spontaneous miscarriage at just 12 weeks and 5 days old. What makes that so horrible is that Noah is at the age when most unborn children are aborted.

Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates tell us that unborn children are blobs of tissue, not really living, and not human. But I ask you to take a look at the photo below and tell me if any of those statements seems remotely true or even logical. The fact is, an unborn child at 12 weeks is every bit as human as a 12 year old; and deserves to be fully protected from the horrors of abortion.

Tell Gov. Tomblin to Sign the Pain Capable unborn Child Protection Act

Posted on March 1, 2014 in Life by

West Virginia has a chance to make state history as well as send a strong, clear message to Democrats in Washington. The question is whether or not we will claim victory and make that statement, or sink into the abyss that is status-quo for Democratic led politics.

Let’s be clear on the facts first.

West Virginia currently has no laws restricting abortion. Not one. A woman can have an abortion in West Virginia up to the moment of birth for any reason and no one will ask a single question. West Virginia is just one of nine states that have no laws protecting unborn life. What makes this so ironic is that most of our elected lawmakers claim to be pro-life.

BREAKING: WV House Passes 20 Week Abortion Ban

Posted on February 26, 2014 in Life by

By a 79-17 margin, the West Virginia House of Delegates passed the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (HB 4588). The bill now goes to the Senate. The Charleston Gazette reports:

“Legislation that would make it a felony to perform abortions on fetuses after 20 weeks’ gestation passed an emotionally charged House of Delegates late Tuesday evening on a 79-17 vote. The passage vote followed a lengthy, emotional debate on the bill (HB4588). That included comments from Delegate Nancy Guthrie, D-Kanawha, saying the Legislature does not have the right to tell her or any other woman what rights she has with her body. ‘All of you should be ashamed of yourselves for bringing this bill to the floor of the House,’ she said.”

Whether the Gazette simply wants to be sterile and use medical terms like fetus or they are pro-abortion, I don’t know. I do know that Del. Guthrie thinks it is acceptable to torture and dismember an unborn child before it is born. But I’m sure she is glad her mother didn’t do that to her.

This bill has been a miracle since it was introduced and now needs another miracle to make it out of the senate. With just 11 days left in this legislative session the fate of the bill is presently unclear.

I encourage you to contact your elected state senators and let them know you support the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and want them to do the same. You can get in touch with every member of the legislature by going to:

For more information read the article: “West Virginia House Passes Bill Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks”

What’s More Important: Cookies or Babies?

Posted on February 24, 2014 in Life by

As you might know by now, there is a boycott of Girl Scout cookies taking place across the country. The purpose is to expose the connection between the Girl Scouts and the abortion industry. Many still do not know that every box of cookies bought will send money to groups like Planned Parenthood and help fund abortion.

For years now the Girl Scouts (Part of the World association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts – WAGGGS) have been in bed with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. They even recently honored both Nancy Pelosi and Cecile Richards as “women of courage.” Nancy Pelosi is the minority leader of the House of Representatives, while Cecile Richards is the president of Planned Parenthood. Apparently supporting the whole sale murder of innocent children makes you a “woman of courage” to the Girl Scouts. Hmm…might have to check into other groups for my daughter.

URGENT: Contact W.Va. Delegates to Ask Them To Support Pro-Life Bill

Posted on February 19, 2014 in Life by

After the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (HB 4588) failed during a procedural vote last week, state lawmakers were taken to task for their failure to protect innocent children from the torture of abortion. Perhaps they are feeling the pressure as it seems the bill has been revived and has passed a key hurdle in being discharged from committee.

According to

“…on February 12, 2014, the Democrats convened a caucus where, according to The Charleston Gazette (see Statehouse Beat: Caucus Becomes Heated), ‘Tensions are running high in the House of Delegates, after a three-hour, knock-down, drag-out Democratic caucus Wednesday that was marked, we’re told, by yelling and screaming, and even delegates concerned that fisticuffs might break out.’ Why such a heated caucus? The Gazette continued, ‘A procedural vote on this year’s anti-abortion bill being championed by West Virginians for Life…'”

The bill was set to be in the judiciary committee yesterday and news of what will happen next is pending. The best thing you can do right now to help pass this critical, life-saving bill is to contact your elected lawmakers and urge them to support the bill.

For contact information for your delegate, go to: or go to

Shocking Viral Video: Baby Inside Amniotic Sack!

Posted on February 15, 2014 in Life by

The video below has gone viral as people around the world share it and view it. The discussions raised as a result are important as people question the morality and legality of abortion.

The video shows an unborn child approximately 20 weeks old, unborn, still in the mother’s amniotic sack. Speculation abounds as to why the child is in the amniotic sack outside the mother’s womb. Theory’s, such as this is the result of a miscarriage, or that the child was delivered as a result of a car accident abound. But the reality is that this is a human child.

As you watch the video you can see the child move when touched. Does that look like a “blob of tissue”? Are we really going to pretend that the lies from Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates that abortion does not kill a human being are true? Are we going to keep ignoring the greatest act of genocide in our nation’s history?

I don’t know who this child is or why I am seeing this video. But it is my hope and prayer that this video will spread far and wide and confront abortion advocates where they are. I hope this video sparks conversations and prompts a greater defense of the innocent unborn in our nation. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.


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