The Reformed Advisor

Tag: life

What is the Most Important Lesson My Kids Can Learn from Me?

Posted on March 9, 2016 in Family, Theology by

As parents we spend a lot of time teaching our kids. Over the years I have helped teach my kids to:

tie a shoe,
ride a bike,
brush their teeth,
vacuum the floor,
and eat with a fork.

These “lessons” were often informal, not something planned with a manual and graded when we were done.

I’m sure you can recall many “lessons” you taught your kids as they were growing up (or maybe you’re still teaching because your kids are young; or hard-headed.) We often teach our kids without even realizing that we are doing so; a truth that is both interesting and somewhat frightening.

We’ve all been told that kids watch our every move and will learn by watching; they will imitate us. So we do our best as parents to be polite, use our manners, and refrain from burping at the dinner table. We want our kids to learn good habits so we try each day to set an example for them. But what about the lessons that can’t be learned by simply watching and observing someone else?

These Are Some of the Reasons Support for Abortion is Plummeting – And They’re Good Reasons!

Posted on February 2, 2016 in Life by

Support for abortion is dropping. That is a fact certifiable across the country. You might not have known that by watching many media outlets that shower praise on groups like Planned Parenthood for their “courageous” work in killing unborn children. And our presidents wish that “God bless” the work and people of Planned Parenthood might give the impression that Americans support the world’s largest abortion merchant.

The truth however is that support for Planned Parenthood and abortion in general is falling. Planned Parenthood is more nervous each year as state legislatures pass more and wide-ranging pro-life laws aimed at stopping the bloodshed.

I came across an article at Ligonier sharing “18 Reason the Abortion Industry is Losing Support” and thought it was not only well written but acutely accurate. The reasons shared not only shine a bright light on the truth of how Americans feel about abortion; they counter the well-crafted media talking points we are bombarded with each day.

Take a quick look at these 18 reason for the decline in support for abortion and see if they ring true and give you reason to continue defending life.

She Claims to be a Christian, Minister, AND a Planned Parenthood Volunteer

Posted on January 5, 2016 in Life by

I’ve almost come to the conclusion that nothing is shocking anymore. In a world where people get paid obscene amounts of money to sing, act, or play sports while the people educating our kids struggle to get by. It’s hard to fathom too much that would be shocking.

For that matter, we live in a world where our government works hard to protect plants and animals while they endorse the whole-sale murder of unborn children. So I say once again that it seems we are living a time when nothing can shock us.

Then I ran across this gem of a story.

Methodist Minister: I Help Women Get Abortions at Planned Parenthood Because I’m a Christian

Emma Akpan is a self-identified Christian, minister, and Planned Parenthood volunteer. She says that helping women at Planned Parenthood to kill their unborn children is something she does “because of my faith.” She recently said:

Pro-Lifers – Not Muslim Terrorists – Are Responsible for San Bernardino Shootings?

Posted on December 7, 2015 in Life by

Two shootings have occurred in the last month. I know you know about them, we all know about them because the media is fixated on the shootings. They want to bring us every possible detail – even the ones we don’t want or need – in order to make sure we all know that these shootings are the fault of the pro-life movement and global warming skeptics.

Yep, you read that right. According to the media and all their political allies, such as President Obama, Planned Parenthood, members of Congress, and many Hollywood elite, these shootings were caused by pro-lifers and global warming skeptics.

Now, if that seems odd and not at all sensible to you, you are probably exercising common sense and critical thinking skills. These skills are not as common as you think in our current culture where political correctness and groupthink rule the day. So if you’re paying attention to actual facts about these cases and have concluded that the shooters were neither pro-life nor did they have anything to do with the global warming issue, you’re doing just fine.

The first shooting, taking place at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, CO. was the work of a man that has been identified as a registered Independent voter, a woman, and a transgender. To date no one can show any ties to the pro-life movement. And yet, simply because he chose a Planned Parenthood clinic to commit a violent crime every pro-lifer has been blamed. In fact, even pro-life views have been called out by the liberal media for being “violent.” Can someone please help me understand how asking for all life – from conception to natural death – to be respected is “violent”?

Did You Know the Planned Parenthood Shooter was a Pro-Life, Christian, Conservative, Republican?

Posted on December 1, 2015 in Life by

Last week a man committed a terrible act of violence at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, CO. Depending on what article you read about this incident the picture you will get of the gunman, Robert Dear, will be very different. In fact, as more details emerge about this man and his crime(s), the entire story becomes very troubling.

Abortion activists are painting Mr. Dear as a pro-life activist and calling his crime an act of “domestic terrorism.” They are using the tragic events as an opportunity to paint pro-life activists as extremists that condone violence (a twisted sort of irony).

Gun control advocates are using the incident as an opportunity to call for stricter gun laws. They see Mr. Dear as the typical American gun owner and want to make it more difficult to own a gun.

Some even decided to be very specific with their blame by saying the shooting was the fault of “Christian, white, conservative, Republicans.” These accusations were made while the shooting was still going on and before the suspect was in custody? Either the media coverage was extremely biased and those reporters should be ashamed of themselves; or someone is trying to create an artificial picture of specific groups for a political agenda.

Dr. Frasier Crane – Kelsey Grammer – Has a Message to Gun Control Advocates About Life

Posted on October 12, 2015 in Life by

I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to admit this, but I’m a big “Frasier” fan. I used to watch the show all the time. Partly for it’s witty banter and robust vocabulary; partly because they shared my views and values (which is why I currently watch Tim Allen and Jim Gaffigan shows). So when I saw “Frasier” star Kelsey Grammer wearing this pro-life t-shirt I was encouraged by his defense of life and reminded of why I enjoyed his show.

Grammer has always been an outspoken conservative in Hollywood; not an easy task I’m sure. But he refuses to back down and is unashamed of his views on issues such as abortion. The shirt he is wearing makes a powerful statement about the value of life in America, and the hypocrisy of those who call for gun control. When people like President Obama tell us that if even one life can be saved we should enact stronger gun laws, and then in the next breath praises Planned Parenthood and abortion, something is wrong. If every life matters then even the unborn should be fiercely protected from violence, like the being torn apart in order to sell their body parts (that’s what Planned Parenthood does).

My hat is off to Grammer and his bold defense of life. I wonder where I can get one of those shirts?

If You Think Bill Nye is a “Science Guy” You Should Watch This Video

Posted on October 5, 2015 in Life by

The “science guy” Bill Nye has become a sort of poster-boy for the abortion movement. With one breath they tell men to keep out of it with respect to opposing abortion or making laws against abortion. But in the very next breath they fawn all over Nye as he trumps their bloody movement. Talk about hypocrisy. Nye recently posted a video that is causing waves. For abortion supporters the waves are cheerful and supportive. For pro-life advocates the waves are groans and sighs as Nye – who is supposed to be a “science guy” – completely botches the science of human reproduction. In fact, Nye sounds so un-scientific that it’s hard to listen to his ramblings or give him credit. Here’s some of the highlights from this amazingly terrible video:

“Many, many, many, many more hundreds of eggs are fertilized than become humans.”

“And so when it comes to women’s rights with respect to their reproduction, I think you should leave it to women.”

“I’m not the first guy to observe this: You have a lot of men of European descent passing this extraordinary laws based on ignorance. Sorry you guys.”

If you think that’s bad, try watching the rest. And just to make that easier, I’ve posted the video below for you. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

You’ve Never Seen An Interview Like This One

Posted on June 22, 2015 in Life by

Interviews are a dime a dozen. They happen every day, multiple times a day. If you’re like me you often wonder why you are wasting your time listening to what seems to be a pointless interview. This interview, however, is very different. This interview is unlike anything you’ve every seen because this interview is with an unborn child.

The video below is titled “Interview with an Unborn Child.” LifeNews reported on this amazing video recently. In their report they give a brief synopsis of the video’s content.

“The creators of this very brief video (4:16) know that abortion is a sensitive topic and even many pro-lifers find brutally honest pictures of aborted babies very unsettlingly. So they immediately tell the viewer, ‘The film contains NO shocking images.’ And it doesn’t! Instead the narrator (the unborn child) ever-so-quietly reduces you to tears in about 60 seconds in. Why? How? Partly it is because the refrain ‘not even my mother’ is the narrative thread that binds the video together–that and the expressions of deep, deep pain etched on his mother’s face. The music is perfectly haunting. We understand immediately that this child is utterly alone and completely helpless.”

Take a few moments to watch the video and share it. This powerful message could change someone’s life.

This Picture Proves Why We Need the 20 Week Abortion Ban

Posted on March 16, 2015 in Life by

As a resident of West Virginia, I am proud that our state legislature not only passed the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” I am proud that they passed it, then overrode the governor’s veto to make it state law.

Why is this an important bill?

The picture in this post is of a baby boy named David that died by miscarriage at 7 weeks old. What is immediately obvious by looking at the picture is that the unborn child is…a living human being! It is easy to identify arms, legs, the head, and the eyes beginning to form. The fact that this child, before he died through miscarriage, had a heartbeat makes it clear that it is a living child.

A recent article commenting on this story shares the words of the mother in the wake of her loss:

Have You Been Fooled By One of These Pro-Abortion Myths?

Posted on March 13, 2015 in Life by

Writing at Live Action News and, pro-life activist and lawyer Kristi Burton Brown discusses “10 Pro-Abortion Myths That Need to be Completely Debunked.” What’s curious to me is that several of these myths have been offered as “convictions” by people claiming to be pro-life. One has to wonder if the constant media hounding of pro-life people has created compromises that pro-life people are willing to accept. I certainly hope not. What other explanation could there for a person claiming to be pro-life that finds an exception (read: loop hole) where killing an unborn child is acceptable? How can that be justified?

More to the point, if killing an unborn child can be justified in certain circumstances, can’t killing any person be justified? (This example does not include death incurred as the result of just war.) If killing a person can be justified in a few circumstances can’t those few circumstances eventually be expanded to include others? You see where this is going? The bottom line is that if killing the unborn can be justified in any way, it will (and must) lead to the killing to others.

Some of the “myths” Burton-Brown discuses are: (To read the entire list with commentary, click here)

1. MYTH: Abortion is safe.

2. MYTH: Abortion doesn’t kill a person.


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