The Reformed Advisor

Tag: Jesus

Would Jesus Join Looters in the Street?

Posted on June 16, 2020 in Public Policy, Theology by

If Jesus overturned tables one time, does it mean He would join looters in the street today? Our nation is

A Cautionary Tale for Christian Investors

Posted on March 31, 2020 in Money, Theology by

The goal of these groups – aligning clients’ biblical values with investments that reflect those values – is commendable. And when clients genuinely seek to be a part of the BRI movement, it is truly a match made in heaven. There is an underlying message, however, being subtly sent out from many of the financial professionals involved in the BRI movement.

What’s So Good About “Good Friday”?

Posted on April 19, 2019 in Theology by

The streets must have been strange. The environment odd, as religious leaders walked with noses pointed into the air down the street as if to remind the people that radicals come and go, but they were there to stay. These arrogant hypocrites that knew the Scriptures better than most still had no idea what they’d done and what was coming. Judas knew. He realized quickly that he made a mistake. His sin was so heavy on his shoulders that he could only commit suicide. But the Pharisees were too proud, too arrogant, far too narcissistic for that. I can see them smiling smugly, proud of their accomplishment. All the while not knowing that while it was Friday…Sunday was coming.

Are You Sure You Want Christians to “Be More Like Jesus”?

Posted on August 22, 2018 in Theology by

These are just a few instances where Jesus “judged” that people had committed sin and clearly called them to stop sinning. Was Jesus being a hypocrite for telling people not to judge and then judging people Himself? Of course not. In fact, Jesus was showing us exactly how to judge other people.

Google Offered No Easter Doodle. And?

Posted on April 24, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

But, let’s ask ourselves, does it really mater if Google doesn’t post a doodle celebrating Easter? Does it somehow change the day and our celebration of the risen Savior? Is our efforts best spent criticizing Google on social media on a day intended to remember that Jesus is alive?

An Unconventional Easter Story of Beauty

Posted on March 29, 2018 in Theology by

I was the rebel, running from God. I spit in God’s face and ran from His grace. I fought for my rights not knowing hell was waiting. And somewhere, on my road to self-discovery and liberation, it wasn’t a fair-skinned moral man that appeared and begged me to accept Him. It was a beaten, bloody, crucified Christ asking God to forgive me because I didn’t know what I was doing.

I Am Tired of Evangelical Christians

Posted on March 1, 2018 in Theology by

Most of all, I’m tired of the sin in my own heart. It calls to me daily to enjoy a moment of pleasure and forget about the season of death that will follow. I struggle daily to kill the sin that lives in me. The battle is never ending and tiring. My soul is weary. My heart is heavy.

What makes it harder is that Christians largely don’t know how to “bear one another’s burdens.” We’re too busy being judgmental.

Mega-Church Pastor Gives Terrible Answer to Abortion Question on Live TV

Posted on December 12, 2017 in Life by

The question asked was simple, it needed a simple, truth based response. For any Christian the answer to whether abortion is sinful is a resounding yes. Some want to talk about nuances and specific circumstances, but such a discussion is not necessary when talking about human life. As one that used to believe abortion in the case of rape was acceptable, I am familiar with these conversations. But once one understands that life is life, regardless of how it is conceived, the nuances disappear and the conversation becomes simplified.

Lentz, however, seems to believe it is not quite that simple. He was asked whether abortion is “an open and shut case to you?” Lentz replied:

The Miracles of Jesus Revealed The Wonder of the God-Man

Posted on November 14, 2017 in Theology by

The simple answer is yes! He had to show us that He was Lord over all heaven and earth. He couldn’t just come and die for us without first showing us Who He really was. He knew we wouldn’t believe that He was God’s Son without some evidence, some proof that He more than just a man. He knew our hearts would doubt, even if we watched Him die. So He came as a baby, lived as a man, and bent time and space to His will with just the words of His mouth.

He needed to walk on the water so we knew that the powerful ocean was under His command. He needed to calm the storm so we knew that the untamable wind obeyed His voice. The mighty earth with vast oceans and dizzying mountains belong to Him and He wanted to make sure we knew they would bow to Him when commanded to do so.

The Nashville Statement Reaffirms Biblical Doctrine. Why Are Christians Upset?

Posted on September 20, 2017 in Marriage, Sexuality, Theology by

What is mind-boggling to me is the number of self-professing Christians that are unhappy with the statement. I can understand lost people hating it, they hate the truth of God’s Word. Their mind and heart are ravaged by sin and under the influence of their inherent sin nature. As enemies of God (we are all born this way), they reject His authority and the clear principles for life given in Scripture. After all, darkness hates light. Darkness craves darkness to continue evil deeds that darkness loves. So when lost people react with vitriol to a biblical statement of orthodox Christian doctrine, it’s no surprise.

But I can’t figure out why Christians are so upset.


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