The Reformed Advisor

Tag: cross

What’s So Good About “Good Friday”?

Posted on April 19, 2019 in Theology by

The streets must have been strange. The environment odd, as religious leaders walked with noses pointed into the air down the street as if to remind the people that radicals come and go, but they were there to stay. These arrogant hypocrites that knew the Scriptures better than most still had no idea what they’d done and what was coming. Judas knew. He realized quickly that he made a mistake. His sin was so heavy on his shoulders that he could only commit suicide. But the Pharisees were too proud, too arrogant, far too narcissistic for that. I can see them smiling smugly, proud of their accomplishment. All the while not knowing that while it was Friday…Sunday was coming.

An Unconventional Easter Story of Beauty

Posted on March 29, 2018 in Theology by

I was the rebel, running from God. I spit in God’s face and ran from His grace. I fought for my rights not knowing hell was waiting. And somewhere, on my road to self-discovery and liberation, it wasn’t a fair-skinned moral man that appeared and begged me to accept Him. It was a beaten, bloody, crucified Christ asking God to forgive me because I didn’t know what I was doing.

The Agony of Gethsemane: The Most Amazing and Terrifying Scene in the Bible

Posted on February 1, 2017 in Theology by

In the entire Bible there is a single scene that is at once the most loving and most terrifying in all of Scripture. In fact, it’s the most painful scene in all of history. If we’re not careful, we will pass over this scene without fully considering its implications and appreciating its magnitude.

When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, he demonstrated His obedience to the Father and His love for humanity in the most painful and terrifying way possible. Scripture records the scene for us:


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