The Reformed Advisor

Tag: outrage

An Open Letter to Hollywood Regarding Ratings (And Morality)

Posted on November 9, 2017 in Sexuality by

But the straw that just might break this tired old camel’s back is your “moral outrage” over conservative values. For decades you have tried to shame people into abandoning their conservative moral positions. You have memorialized every immoral action under the sun and told us how “heroic” it is. Your talking heads have repeatedly blasted anyone disagreeing with your “moral outrage” while you actively end the careers of men and women brave enough to espouse a different view.

And you did this while keeping the secrets of sexual deviants and abusers.

I’ll Tell You Exactly What I Think of Starbucks and Their Red Cups

Posted on November 16, 2015 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

Last week the country flipped out over the decision by Starbucks to use red cups for Christmas this year. Accusations of religious persecution and limiting free speech abounded as self-proclaimed Christians blasted Starbucks for the red cup design. Social media lit up and arguments got heated as “offended” people made their feelings known.

Despite employees saying that Starbucks has never prohibited them from saying “Merry Christmas,” some urged patrons to tell their barista their name was “Merry Christmas” so they would have to write it on the cup and say it. Hilarity and absurdity ensued from there.

Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed as Christians reminded us all that they were there to get a cup of coffee, not be evangelized or reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. Some even cautioned us from expecting a secular organization to act religious or in any way celebrate Christmas in a biblical way. Good advice.


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