The Reformed Advisor

Tag: redefine

More Judges. More Marriage Amendments Struck Down. More Confusion Over the 14th Amendment.

Posted on August 5, 2014 in Marriage by

So here we are, reading the news that yet another judge has struck down another voter-approved marriage protection amendment. This time both Virginia and Florida watched as judges simply tossed the voters’ voice aside and decided for the entire state what the definition of marriage will be. And the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, another group of judges, has decided that Oklahoma’s marriage protection amendment is unconstitutional struck it down.

That’s three more traditionally conservative states where LGBT activists and politicians alike had little chance of getting a voter-approved measure legalizing gay “marriage” past the people. So, they circumvented the people, trampled both the Constitution and the voter-approved marriage protection amendments, and forced their will on the entire state.

How Many People in America are Gay? Does it Matter?

Posted on July 28, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

Here’s a quiz for you: What percentage of the American population self-identifies as homosexual?

Think about it. With the massive effort to create homosexual rights, the media reporting every time a person announces to the world that he or she is gay, and all the other hype shoved at each day. What massive, enormous percentage of the American population is languishing under our archaic laws preventing them from marrying?

It must be massive, right? I has to be. People are being fired from their jobs for refusing to support the homosexual lifestyle. Businesses are being shut down because the owners are Christians that refuse to violate their religious convictions. Other Christians are being charged and convicted with hate-crimes for adhering to their convictions that marriage is between one woman and one man.

Surely the percentage of the American population that is homosexual is not just very large, but growing.

More Christians Being Told to Violate Their Religious Convictions

Posted on July 21, 2014 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

So the Brendan Eich’s, Phil Robertsons, Chick-Fil-A’s and bakers of the world are targets. For that matter all who hold to any view of sexuality that does not affirm any kind of sexuali activity will be a target. So maybe you are okay with homosexuality but you “draw the line” at polygamy, polyamory, or pedophilia; you will soon be just as much a target as those who currently oppose homosexuality.

This is the game, a game of degrees. The way it’s played is to slowly but surely take steps toward the ultimate goal. Those seeking to redefine marriage know full well that to come out and say “we don’t want marriage to exist” or “we support polygamy, pedophilia, and bestiality” would result in nothing less than an overwhelming defeat for their movement. So they move slowly, with what they believe is most palatable to society, two consenting adults that just want to love each other. And, like a great fisherman, society has taken the bait and the hook is sunk.

Understanding the Progressive Sexual Ideology: Sex for Everyone – Even Kids!

Posted on July 18, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

At one time sexuality was held within the moral confines of one man one woman marriage. This doesn’t mean that every person adhered to this confine, but it was nonetheless an established, accepted norm for sexual activity. Furthermore, those who abandoned these boundaries were viewed as guilty of…immorality. So the moral boundary of sexual activity carried with it a price for anyone that chose to treat across the boundary.

But a major goal of the LGBT movement and progressive ideology is to eliminate all such boundaries. If sexual boundaries can be eliminated then the sky is the limit in determining what behavior is acceptable. To this end the “hook-up” culture was created and normalized among American youth. The effectiveness is obvious.

How the Transgender Will Redefine Gender, Marriage, Parents, and Family

Posted on July 7, 2014 in Family, Marriage, Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

This is the second part of a two-part post. Read part 1 here.

A recent article by TIME magazine gleefully advocates for transgender people and their “struggle” to be accepted. Sharing the story of Cassidy, the first openly transgender Homecoming Queen in the U.S., the TIME article (and video) eagerly exposes people to another world full of confusion.

At one point Cassidy says she “came out” to her parents as a gay man in high school, but now lives as transgender. Yet Cassidy said it was in 5th grade that “she” first acknowledged and knew “she” was transgender. The amount of sexual confusion here is astounding to me. This is a young man that has been confused for a long time and rather than seeking any kind of help he is being encouraged in his confusion by others.

Speaking of confusion, an article at The Federalist details the extreme confusion of a female named Tracey transitioning to male:

Help Wanted: Where is a Christian Supposed to Work?

Posted on June 5, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

It appears to me that those seeking to redefine marriage, and those that oppose faith, are creating a hostile work environment for Christians. The choice is clear: choose between your job and your faith.

There seems to be an effort to force Christians into silent support for what the Bible calls sin. If society cannot pressure us into willingly supporting homosexuality and other immoralities, it will threaten us with the loss of our livelihood. You will either conform and support or you will lose your job. The choice might be better stated as: choose between silent condoning of sin and your faith.

Boys Being Boys: The Redefinition of Boyhood in American Schools

Posted on May 28, 2014 in Sexuality by

So when experts like Christina Hoff-Summers starts talking, I start listening. Hoff-Summers is the resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and she has a serious message for America: Let boys be boys!

That might sound like a silly old cliché but more and more it is becoming a battle cry for many parents at odds with a society that wants their boys to behave like girls.

I’m not saying that people want boys to wear dresses and sport some well applied make-up. I’m talking about the effort to “reform” the behavior of boys so that it resembles that of girls. In other words, we’re taking the macho out of our boys and replacing it with feminine characteristics.

In a recent video for the American Enterprise Institute and Prager University, Hoff-Summers explains the problem taking place in schools regarding boys and their behavior:

Another One (Three Marriage Protection Laws) Bites the Dust

Posted on May 26, 2014 in Marriage by

Judge strikes down Idaho marriage protection law.

Judge strikes down Arkansas marriage protection law.

Judge strikes down Oregon marriage protection law.

The disturbing trend of judicial activism that continues to plague our country has claimed more victims. I’ve previously written about what is happening in a number of states regarding marriage. The previous article centered on 13 states: Pennsylvania, Virginia, Oklahoma, Utah, Kentucky, Colorado, Oregon, Texas, Michigan,
Tennessee, Indiana, Florida, and Ohio.

In each of these states federal judges or a combination of federal judges and state legislatures (in cooperation with attorney’s general) have either overturned voter approved laws or simply refused to defend state laws from attacks. Or a state was on the list because a challenge was in place and an outcome to the challenge was pending; as in the case of Oregon which has now “fallen” and had marriage redefined by a federal judge.

The Trouble With Throuples is That Throuples Are Troublesome Things

Posted on May 5, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

Let me make a statement I have been making for several years:

If the government redefines marriage for homosexuals ti was necessarily have to continue redefining marriage for any other group or be guilty of the same “discrimination” it now accuses traditional marriage supporters of.

Try as they may to deny it, every advocate of marriage redefinition knows intuitively that if the arguments currently winning the day to legalize same-sex “marriage” are successful, they will also be successful for polygamists, polyamorists, and even pedophiles and bestiality advocates.

Ask yourself when is the last time you heard a same-sex “marriage” advocate standing up for the rights of polygamists and polyamorists? If their goal is based on “love” and “equality” then surely they would desire the same love and equality for every other minority group hiding in the shadows, right?

But you won’t see these groups standing together or hosting town hall meetings on bus tours across the states. Why? Simply because if every day America knew that redefining marriage for one group meant doing so for every other group the wheels of the political machine churning in favor of homosexuals would come to a screeching halt.

The LGBT Movement is the New Fascism. Conform or Else! (Part 2)

Posted on April 17, 2014 in Marriage by

This is part 2 of my commentary on the the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich and the “new fascism” that is the LGBT movement. Part 1 is here.

Even calm voices such as Dennis Prager is alarmed by the actions of Mozilla. In a recent blog for WND Prager actually told people to uninstall Firefox and boycott Mozilla entirely – something he has never done in his career. Prager warned America that the issue of totalitarianism is the most pressing issue in America right now and must be fought by lovers of liberty. He wrote:

“Worldwide…every genocidal totalitarian regime of the 20th century was leftist. And domestically, too, the left has much less interest in liberty than in forcing people to act in accord with its values. A totalitarian streak is part of the left’s DNA. How you think matters and what you do away outside of work matters: More than 20 states prohibit judges from being leaders in the Boy Scouts – because the left deems the Boy Scouts homophobic.”

Prager is right and that is a frightening thought. At this moment the left is not seeking rights and equality for everyone, the left is seeking conformity by everyone. This matters for two reasons:


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