The Reformed Advisor

Tag: Brendan Eich

Justin Bieber and Jonah Hill Prove Free Speech is Dying

Posted on June 12, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Did you see the massive media firestorm over the comments made by both Jonah Hill and Justin Bieber?

It’s crazy, there has been nothing on my newsfeed, my Facebook and Twitter but stories about how angry people are over the comments made by these celebrities. Hill made a homophobic comment and Bieber made racist remarks not once, but twice on video. The result has been chaos as media across the country discusses the comments and the anger people are expressing as a result.


People Might Call Me Names for Agreeing With Donald Sterling

Posted on May 22, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

I like this move by Donald Sterling.

I know saying that might make some people angry. Some might even call me names or believe that I am racists or that I support racism. But nothing is further from the truth. Here’s why I agree with Sterling.

It seems redundant at this point to say it again, but let me be clear: I do not condone racism of any kind. That includes black on white racism that is often ignored by media and activists. Racism of any kind is an evil disease in our country that needs to die.

So here is where we’re at concerning Donald Sterling.

RIP American Free Speech. Next Up Religious Freedom

Posted on May 7, 2014 in Religious Freedom by

Let’s stop pretending that America believes in free speech. I know we all want to believe we still believe in it, we want to scream desperately from the roof tops that America still practices and believes in free speech. The truth is that we don’t.

If America believed in free speech former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich would still have a job. He shared his opinion on the topic of marriage via a monetary donation, a form of speech, and was ousted. Eich “let his voice be heard” by contributing to a cause he believed in and Mozilla, along with the most intolerant and hateful gay activists demanded that he be fired.

If America believe in free speech Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, would not have been banned from the NBA and fined $2.5 million for making racists remarks. Sterling simply shared his own personal views and as a result a media firestorm and public outcry has been overwhelming against him. Some have even demanded the NBA force him to sell the Clippers. (How exactly do you ban an owner of a team? How do you force someone to sell something they own?)

Before anyone gets the impression I’m defending racist comments let me be clear: racism is an immoral sinful practice. Oh, you didn’t know it was a moral problem or sinful? Rejecting a person created in the image of God is certainly a moral issue. Open discrimination against such a person is nothing short of sinful. (By the way, why was the NAACP set to give Sterling an award, again, if he had a record of racism?)

The LGBT Movement is the New Fascism. Conform or Else! (Part 2)

Posted on April 17, 2014 in Marriage by

This is part 2 of my commentary on the the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich and the “new fascism” that is the LGBT movement. Part 1 is here.

Even calm voices such as Dennis Prager is alarmed by the actions of Mozilla. In a recent blog for WND Prager actually told people to uninstall Firefox and boycott Mozilla entirely – something he has never done in his career. Prager warned America that the issue of totalitarianism is the most pressing issue in America right now and must be fought by lovers of liberty. He wrote:

“Worldwide…every genocidal totalitarian regime of the 20th century was leftist. And domestically, too, the left has much less interest in liberty than in forcing people to act in accord with its values. A totalitarian streak is part of the left’s DNA. How you think matters and what you do away outside of work matters: More than 20 states prohibit judges from being leaders in the Boy Scouts – because the left deems the Boy Scouts homophobic.”

Prager is right and that is a frightening thought. At this moment the left is not seeking rights and equality for everyone, the left is seeking conformity by everyone. This matters for two reasons:


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