The Reformed Advisor

Month: January 2014

How to Deal With Entitlement in Kids…and Parents!

Posted on January 16, 2014 in Family by

And many of us want to give our kids every advantage, we want them to have everything we didn’t have growing up, so we struggle with giving our kids the latest and greatest of everything. One by-product of our sincerely good intentions is a generation with an entitlement mentality believing they are owed anything and everything. Those items we would have described as “wants” and “privileges” when we were growing up are now called “needs” and “necessities” by our kids. Something went wrong.

John Piper Shares Thoughts on Marijuana Use

Posted on January 15, 2014 in Theology by

Well-known author, preacher, teacher, and theologian John Piper has not been one to shy away from difficult topics. Piper regularly engages cultural issues with a biblical wisdom and perspective that serves to benefit many. Piper recently wrote an article at Desiring God called “Don’t Let Your Mind Go To Pot,” in which he sets out to show, biblically, why Christians ought to refrain from recreational drug use. He writes:

If Home School Students Do Better Academically – Why Criticize?

Posted on January 15, 2014 in Home School by

It’s not surprising to me that people are choosing to home school their kids rather than send them to one of the nation’s many failing public schools. Try as they may, everyone from lawmakers to talking heads openly criticizes anyone who considers home schooling, yet the trend continues to grow. One lawmaker in Ohio even proposed a bill that would require social services investigation, background checks, and approval before parents be allowed to home school.

At one time the majority of people that home schooled did so for religious reasons. These families wanted to instill certain religious convictions in their kids that would result in a worldview based on their religious beliefs. And while many continue to home school for that same reason, it seems many others are choosing to home school for academic reasons. (A small percentage chooses home schooling for safety reasons.)

I’ve spoken before (here) about the fact that home schoolers almost always fare better academically than their public school counterparts.

Poll: Most Americans Favor Abortion Waiting Period

Posted on January 14, 2014 in Life by

The percentage of Americans that are pro-life is growing, that much is sure. As that number grows, so does the percentage of people that favor other common sense measures. A mandatory waiting period before an abortion is a common sense measure that is gaining support nationwide. An article at comments:

Why Shouldn’t You Experience Pain and Suffering?

Posted on January 14, 2014 in Theology by

Have you ever gone through difficult circumstances and uttered that immortal phrase that runs through every mind at the time, “why me?” Sure, we’ve all done that. It’s a passphrase into the club of commiseration that every person wants to join as we loathe our circumstances together. And with the ability to network and share every detail of our lives on sites such as Facebook and Twitter we can quickly gain sympathy for “how awful” and “unfair” our trial is from lots of very well- meaning people.

And, as cyber friends remind us that “this too shall pass” we are increasingly pushed to focus on the day when our trial will be over and we’ll all look back and have a good laugh about it; rather than considering the purpose for the trial in the first place.

Should We Seek to Secure Rights for Animals?

Posted on January 13, 2014 in Life by

A question being considered by some in our society is one of fundamental importance. The question is whether humans are exceptional among other living things. The belief in human exceptionalism was once a nearly universally held one. Recent attempts to elevate animals – to the detriment of some humans – have called the idea into question.

For centuries humans have occupied the prominent place as the dominant and most respected living creature on earth. This was first due to the special creation of mankind by God at the outset of human history (Gen 2). God further told man to “be fruitful and multiply” on the earth (Gen. 9:1) and that he would be “feared” by other living creatures as the blessed creation of God (Gen. 9:2).

This idea of human exceptionalism has been a foundational principle in our society for generations. Western civilization has fashioned laws around this idea and even attempted to convince other peoples of this idea in an effort to secure human rights. The belief that mankind is the greatest creature on earth is being threatened now by efforts of animal rights activists, among others, that want us to see animals as co-equals with mankind.

Powerful: New Pro-Life Movie “Gimme Shelter” Tells a Gripping Tale

Posted on January 12, 2014 in Life by

A new star-studded pro-life movie set to release January 24th has a gripping tale to tell. Based on a true story, Vanessa Hudgens stars as Apple, a girl that’s been in and out of the foster care system nearly her entire life. After leaving her mother’s house again because of the abuse Apple seeks shelter with her father, played by Brenden Fraser. But after finding out that Apple is pregnant her father encourages her to abort the child. Since Apple wants to keep her baby she decides to leave her father’s house. After a near fatal car accident Apple is shown kindness by a hospital chaplain (James Earl Jones) and consequently finds shelter in a home for pregnant young women.

This powerful tale has the potential to reach a wide audience with its star-studded cast. The message of life will come through clearly as Apple seeks to make decisions to benefit her unborn baby.

Take a look at the intense trailer below and share it with someone else. This movie needs to gain attention and support across the nation. If the video doesn’t appear automatically please refresh your browser. Click here for original article.

Breathtaking Video Shows Conception to Birth

Posted on January 11, 2014 in Life by

The video posted below is breathtaking. This video is a visualization of what the process of conception all the way through birth looks like. While the process may not look exactly like this in every case, there is no doubt that the accuracy of the process has been captured. And, if you pay attention to the words used to describe the various stages, the author of this film uses the word baby to describe the life being formed.

Here’s some additional facts visualized through this video:

24 hours: the baby’s first division
25 days: heart chamber is developing
32 days: arms and hands are developing
36 days: Most rapid development – if the baby continued to grow at this speed for the entire 9 months, it would be 1.5 tons at birth
45 days: baby’s heartbeat is twice as fast at the mother’s
52 days: developing retina, nose and fingers
The baby’s continual movement in the womb is necessary for muscular and skeletal growth
9 months: baby has 60,000 miles of vessels bringing nutrients and taking waste away
Birth: mystery, magic and miracle.
Take a few moments to watch this incredible video and then share it with others so they can be awed by the miracle of life and the humanity of the unborn. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser. Click here for original article.

The Definition of Marriage is More Than A Defintion

Posted on January 10, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

The definition of marriage is not just an arbitrary conglomeration of words with no meaning. But that is exactly what those seeking to redefine marriage are trying to make it. Opponents of traditional marriage believe the definition is too narrow and exclusive, so they are seeking to broaden the definition in order to be more inclusive.

The problem is that by broadening the definition of marriage, these self-titled liberals and progressives would also erase any actual or perceived definition of marriage. Marriage is inherently the union of one man and one woman for one lifetime. For example, the Webster online dictionary defines marriage thus:

Pro Life Winning: More Life Laws in 2011-2013 Than Previous Decade

Posted on January 9, 2014 in Life by

A recent report by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute says that more pro-life laws have been passed in the last three years, 2011-2013, than in the previous decade.

The info-graphic shown here puts the numbers into clear focus. The single greatest year for pro-life laws was 2011, followed by 2013. shares comments from the Guttmacher Institute report:

“This legislative onslaught has dramatically changed the landscape for women needing abortion. In 2000, the two states that were the most restrictive in the nation, Mississippi and Utah, had five of 10 major types of abortion restrictions in effect (see Appendix). By 2013, however, 22 states had five or more restrictions, and Louisiana had 10.”


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