The Reformed Advisor

Is It Fair to Let Men Compete Against Women in Sports?

Posted on April 6, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Australian weightlifterWomen should be angered by the fact that men are being allowed to compete in their sporting events.

The winner of a women’s weightlifting competition in Australia is, in fact, a man. A 39-year-old man named Gavin Hubbard is living as a woman named Laurel. Gavin entered the Australian International Weightlifting Competition and dominated his weight class to win the competition.

First, let’s state the obvious: men competing in women’s sporting events is not fair.

There’s a reason men’s and women’s sports are kept separate. It doesn’t have anything to do with misogyny, sexism, or anything other politically correct trigger word. The reason men and women’s sports are kept separate is because men would always have an unfair advantage over women.

For example, men tend to be taller, have more muscle, produce more testosterone, have thicker bones, have larger hearts, and have better vision and depth perception than women. This all translates to the simple, and observable fact, that men are better athletes than women. (Click here to read a study detailing the differences between men and women.)

This is not a sexist statement; it’s a scientific statement that can be easily observed. If you are still unsure about this statement, answer these few questions:

  1. Why are men and women’s sports and competitions, such as the Olympics kept segregated?
  2. Who would win in a game between the NBA and WNBA all-stars?
  3. Is there’s a woman’s football team that could beat the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots?
  4. Why do men play baseball and women play softball? (Differences in field size, base path size, etc.)

You can dance around the answer to these questions all you want, but the reality is that men and women are biologically different. Anyone with a shred of honesty knows that women can’t beat men in sports due to the inherent, natural physical differences. This story out of Australia only further proves this truth.

Let’s think about it this way. Pick the best player in the WNBA, the woman that can do it all and can take on any opponent with ease. Now, match her up against LeBron James and let me know who will win. Plenty of NBA players struggle to guard LeBron. Do we really think there is a woman alive that can shut him down or even contain him?

How about this: Pick the baddest, most skilled female MMA fighter, the one that beats every opponent and is unstoppable. Put her against the top male MMA fighter and watch what happens. She will go down quickly. (Click here to read about one female MMA fighter’s bout with a transgender fighter to see what I am talking about.)

There are a couple of significant things to point out here.

First, the International Olympic Committee is beginning to allow (transgender) men to compete with women. The rules that they had set are being changed, being relaxed. This is most likely due to pressure from the LGBT community. Regardless of why they are relaxing the rules, they are doing it. As the article points out:

“Previously, the International Olympic Committee had strict guidelines for transgender athletes, requiring transitional surgery and two years of hormone treatments before competitions. These have now been relaxed, however, and now no surgery is required. Also, female-to-male athletes may compete at will, while male-to-female must prove they fell under a certain level of testosterone for a single year.”

Pay attention to that statement carefully. Women transitioning to become men can compete “at will.” But men transitioning to become women have to wait until their testosterone drops to a certain level for an entire year. Why is that? Isn’t that unfair? Simply put, it’s because men have an unfair advantage over women simply by nature and the IOC is seeking to mitigate that unfair advantage. But the truth is that there is no way to eliminate the unfair advantage men have over women.

If I was a woman, training to compete in national and international competition, I would be concerned. I would recognize that I am about to compete against biological men that will have a natural advantage over me. So we now have to wonder, where’s the outrage from feminists over this obviously unfair treatment of women?

Well, the sexual revolution has created an environment in which any utterance against someone that relates to his or her preferred gender identity is seen as unacceptable. So while most, if not all female athletes are thinking that this is entirely unfair, few will be willing to say anything. Few, but not all.

In a separate article covering the Australian weightlifting competition, Deborah Acason, a two-time champion said:

“If I was in that category I wouldn’t feel like I was in an equal situation. I just feel that if it’s not even why are we doing the sport?”

That’s an excellent statement and question. This is not an equal situation because men and women are not biologically equal. Acason has correctly identified that she and other biologically female athletes are now being asked to compete against biological males. That’s not equal. But her question is also pertinent. If we are not going to have an equal situation, why do the sport at all?

If you advertise a sport in which males and females compete against one another, you will not have many takers. Women don’t want to step onto a court against men that are all taller, can jump higher, and run faster to play basketball. And they don’t want to compete in a weightlifting competition against biological men that are naturally stronger than they are. So why do the sport at all?

The bottom line is that political views aside, allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports is bad for women, and it’s bad for sports. It will give an unfair advantage to some men and make it virtually impossible for any woman to win. That will lead many athletes and spectators alike to say, “What’s the point?”


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