The Reformed Advisor

Google Faced with Decision to Engage in Censorship – or Not

Posted on June 20, 2018 in Life, Money, Sexuality by

GoogleIf you owned a business, would you want to provide more or less options for your clients?

More specifically, if your business was to provide search results to customer queries, would you want to be known for providing comprehensive search results or for providing politically charged search results?

That’s the decision Google is now faced with as pro-abortion advocates demand the internet search giant limit search results to pacify their political agenda.

Abortion advocates apparently have no problem with censorship as long as it favors them. I can’t imagine they would be as excited if pro-life groups were calling for Google to censor abortion clinics in search results. I imagine that would cause them to scream and protest about censorship. Then again, if you’re willing to kill unborn children I suppose censoring your opponents really isn’t a big deal.

A recent article reports:

“On Tuesday, abortion activists with the groups UltraViolet and CREDO protested outside Google headquarters in California, demanding that the media giant remove pregnancy centers from its internet search results.”

To be fair, these groups want Google to remove pregnancy centers from abortion clinic search results. It seems the Google algorithm is listing pregnancy resource centers in search results simply due to the volume of clients these centers receive and the feedback posted online.

Planned Parenthood and their affiliates are so desperate to maintain their place in American culture that they are willing to ask for censorship of their opponents to win. NARAL, an abortion advocacy group, has even set up a website seeking for women to tell their stories of mistreatment, deception, and trickery at the hands of pregnancy resource centers.

This certainly seems like a good idea. If a business is engaging in unfair or deceptive business practices, we would all want to know, right? All the testimonials on the site of women that have been mistreated and misled by pregnancy resource centers will begin to tell the real story. The problem for NARAL, as an article in The Washington Examiner makes clear, is that they are having trouble finding any women with stories to tell:

“That’s what is all about — making the case that pro-life centers aren’t worthy of First Amendment protection because of they bamboozle unsuspecting pregnant women into keeping their babies. Quite tellingly, one thing you won’t find at NARAL’s new home for pixelated libel is any real-life woman claiming she’s been mistreated, tricked, or misled in any way by a pregnancy help center.”

report by The Christian Post says that pregnancy resource centers have a 99-percent satisfaction rating from clients:

While close to 99 percent of former pregnancy center clients turn into veritable evangelists—and many start volunteering at the centers right away—the opposite is true of abortion businesses. A quick web search reveals first-hand accounts of Planned Parenthood’s atrocious conditions, its medical privacy violations and its repeated failure to report sex traffickers and forced abortions.”

To put this in perspective, the people that visit a pregnancy center have a positive, life-affirming experience that leads them to start volunteering at the center, and encourages them to tell others about the center, as well as leave feedback online supporting the center. The people that visit a Planned Parenthood facility have a life-ending experience that often results in shame and guilt, and they seek never to tell anyone about their terrible experience, and they certainly will not leave feedback online.

To put it more bluntly, pregnancy resource centers are better, higher quality businesses offering their clients an excellent client experience. On the demand side of economics, demand is growing for the services provided by pregnancy resource centers, while demand for abortion clinics is declining. Planned Parenthood and their affiliates can either change their business model to match demand, or suffer the natural consequences of a shrinking client base.

All of this is causing the Google algorithm to find pregnancy resource centers and report them as the place women need to go for pregnancy help. This is what NARAL and abortion advocates are upset about – the fact that women have a positive experience at pregnancy resource centers and aren’t afraid to tell people about it.

So far, Google hasn’t bowed to the political terrorism of Planned Parenthood. Even though Google did engage in censorship concerning the abortion debate in Ireland. I would hope that Google recognize that free speech is a two-way issue. If one group is not free to speak, no one is truly free to speak.

Censorship is subtle. It’s effects are felt much later. But there’s no doubt that if Google engages in censorship, it will eventually feel the effects of that biased decision.


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