The Reformed Advisor

Category: Public Policy

Economics 101: You are not entitled to the labor or product of any other person.

Posted on September 1, 2021 in Money, Public Policy by

Any argument that seeks to determine conclusively how much a person can earn or own, is not only subjective and faulty from the outset, but it necessarily leads to both slavery and political oppression. It especially leads to political oppression when we demand the government get involved and pass laws limiting freedoms.

Reasons why the $15 minimum wage is bad policy and has no biblical support

Posted on April 22, 2021 in Life, Money, Public Policy, Theology by

Many well-meaning Christian’s support raising the minimum wage, which could be disastrous. The recent COVID-19 Bill that was signed into

Would Jesus Join Looters in the Street?

Posted on June 16, 2020 in Public Policy, Theology by

If Jesus overturned tables one time, does it mean He would join looters in the street today? Our nation is

Are Christians Being Persecuted During the Coronavirus Lockdown?

Posted on May 20, 2020 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom, Theology by

It’s understandable that a robust discussion is taking place, after all, unlike a grocery store where you walk in, get your items and walk out without much personal interaction. Meeting as a church family has a higher degree of risk. The church sings together, sending breathe and saliva into the room. The church is prone to close contact such as handshakes and hugging, the same behavior that caused the virus to spread so rampantly in Italy.

Maybe Being Quarantined is Just What We Needed

Posted on April 7, 2020 in Family, Life, Public Policy by

Our culture has become so obsessed with entertainment in all its forms that we have almost forgotten how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Our lack of contentment is not just a contribution to high levels of debt and lack of margin; our lack of contentment is a driving force in our break neck pace of life that we swear we love as we complain about constantly being tired and busy.

Can Marxism Create Greater Economic Unity Than Capitalism?

Posted on February 5, 2020 in Money, Public Policy by

Economic equality is not guaranteed by the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. To guarantee anyone a specific economic position is the very definition of elitism.

Why the New Lawsuit Against a Cake Maker Should Terrify You

Posted on September 4, 2018 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling that Jack cannot be targeted for his faith, the government in Colorado is targeting Jack for his faith. The Colorado government has decided that Jack simply should not be allowed to do business. It appears that the government has made up its mind that people of faith, people that want to live and do business according to their sincerely held beliefs, don’t belong in the pubic space.

A New Movement Threatens Democrats in Mid-Term Elections – and Beyond.

Posted on August 29, 2018 in Public Policy by

Are we really about to see white millennials and African-Americans begin supporting Republican candidates? What are the implications for the 2018 mid-term elections?

Miss America Could Be the Next Great Exercise in Democracy

Posted on August 15, 2018 in Public Policy by

Will Miss America set an example of what freedom of speech and diversity of thought looks like in a civilized and tolerant society? How will judges score the contestants if scoring is based on “what comes out of their mouth”? From a distance it appears that judging will be based on whether each individual judge actually agrees with what comes out of the contestants mouth. That poses a serious problem.

Americans Seem to Support Kavanaugh More than Abortion

Posted on August 1, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

What has been revealed is that many people are simply unaware of exactly what Roe v. Wade is. Many people think reversing this legislation would make abortion illegal in all 50 states. In fact, reversing Roe would simply return the issue to the states to decide. I would think that people that claim to be “pro-choice” would welcome the ability of Americans to “choose” whether to legalize abortion or not. More choice is better, right?


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