In Light of Perry Noble Being Fired – We Need to Talk About Christian Alcohol Use
Posted on July 20, 2016 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
Let’s take a minute to talk about alcohol and Christians and whether or not it is permissible for Christians to ever drink alcohol.
By now you may have heard that mega-church pastor Perry Noble has been fired from his church for his over-use of alcohol. The church Noble founded and pastored for more than 15 years, New Spring Church, made the decision after first walking through the steps of reconciliation as outlined in Matthew 18. A recent article reports:
“Perry’s posture towards his marriage, increased reliance on alcohol and other behaviors, were of continual concern. Due to this, the Executive Pastors confronted Perry and went through the steps of dealing with sin in the church as outlined in Matthew 18. Because Perry chose not to properly address these ongoing issues and didn’t take the necessary steps toward correcting them, he is no longer qualified, as outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and the church’s bylaws, to continue as a pastor at NewSpring Church.”
Noble admitted to relying more and more on alcohol as an escape and refuge rather than Jesus. This was part of the reason he was confronted by the church leaders and eventually removed from his position. To his credit, Noble supports the decision and says the elders made the right decision. I respect him for that. Continue reading…
Planned Parenthood Cares About Women – But Doesn’t Want Them Seeing Ultrasounds!
Posted on July 19, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Planned Parenthood wants to keep women from seeing an ultra-sound of their baby before they make a final decision to have an abortion.
Nope, that’s not a false statement. That statement comes right out of an article reporting on events taking place in Indiana. A recent article reports:
“This new suit in Indiana seeks to block women from having the opportunity to view an ultrasound of their babies at least 18 hours in advance of an abortion so these women have ample opportunity to be informed about the new life inside of them before making abortion decisions.”
It appears that Planned Parenthood doesn’t like this law for a couple of reasons, according to the article First is that this law would reduce abortions in Indiana and, as we all know, Planned Parenthood makes most of their money from abortions. So cutting into their profit is not something they are willing to support, even if it’s good for women’s health. Continue reading…
You Won’t Believe the Phrase One Writer Says is “Offensive”
Posted on July 14, 2016 in Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
I recently read a headline so astoundingly absurd that I almost didn’t believe it. Surely I was not seriously reading what I thought I was reading? And yet, when I looked again, there it was in all its absolute ridiculousness. The headline read:
“People Shouldn’t Say ‘Start a Family’ Because It’s Offensive.”
The author, I will keep his identity hidden to protect the silly, says that this phrase is offensive to single people and those with no children and, therefore, it should be removed from our vocabulary. He wrote:
“What this euphemism means is get pregnant—or try to get pregnant, or have a baby, or adopt…Start a family devalues any couple who doesn’t happen to have kids, for whatever reason.”
Now, if you can’t pick out the ways in which this statement is beyond ridiculous, let me help.
First, notice that he says this statement is offensive to couples that don’t have kids “for whatever reason.” He is implying that people who willingly choose not to have kids are offended by the choice of others to have kids. In other words, a couple that makes a conscience decision not to have kids – though they could – are offended, he says, by my choice to have kids and use the phrase “start a family.” Continue reading…
Famed Film Maker Has A Question for Christians About Donald Trump
Posted on July 13, 2016 in Public Policy, Theology by Nathan Cherry
I have a confession; I love a good documentary. I know that makes me a geek. I’m okay with it. I especially love historical documentaries that show footage from our past. To glimpse into the past to see what life was like decades, or centuries ago is incredible.
One of the best historical documentary filmmakers in the world is Ken Burns. Anyone that has watched a really good historical documentary has probably watched a Ken Burns film. Recently Ken Burns did an interview in which he asked Christians planning to support Donald Trump a question. He asked:
“What part of Donald Trump reminds you of Jesus Christ?”
That’s a legitimate question that I think every Christian planning to vote for Trump needs to wrestle with. While some are quick to note that we are not voting on a “pastor in chief,” but a president. I would argue that, for Christians, the person we prefer for our nations highest political office should be one that best represents the convictions and values we cherish. Is that Trump?
I don’t know if Ken Burns is a Christian but he seems to be wrestling with the decision to vote for Trump – as a Christian – more honestly than many professing Christians. During his interview he said: Continue reading…
A Helpful Resource for Developing Character in Your Kids
Posted on July 12, 2016 in Family, Home School by Nathan Cherry
Looking around our culture it is apparent that character is not high on the list of priorities. The selfie generation that is all too willing to trade naked pictures for fame has forgotten the pricelessness of strong character. The effects on our world are more than obvious.
I came across an audio series on teaching character to children. As a father I am always looking for resources to aid my efforts to teach and train my kids. I am keenly aware of the need to teach them morals, respect, and character; so anytime I come across a resource that can help with that task I want to share it.
Let’s face it; we live in a society that does not value character. One look at the political landscape, or at the state of Hollywood and it’s quick to conclude that character and morals are not nearly as valuable as the lack thereof. The self-absorbed, entitled mentality that pervades our culture is a by-product of society that rewards laziness, dishonesty, and corruption. As a parent the task of imparting character and training our kids to think independently and be willing to stand in opposition to “the crowd” is even more critical than ever. Continue reading…
Christian School Wants to Expel Students with Gay Family Members. Should They?
Posted on July 7, 2016 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
Should a Christian school be allowed to expel a student or refuse the application of a prospective student simply because that person has a gay relative? That is the position one school in Kansas is taking; and they are receiving a lot of political and social heat for it.
Trinity Academy, a small Christian school in Kansas says it is “a Christ-centered, college-preparatory education for students committed to spiritual growth and academic excellence.” The school claims test scores are far above average and most kids are involved in the music program.
Trinity also says that it reserves the right to expel any student or prospective student with a gay family member. The school’s policy states:
“Given the debate and confusion in our society about marriage and human sexuality it is vital that Trinity families agree with and support the school’s traditional, Christian understanding of those issues…Therefore, when the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home is counter to the school’s understanding of a biblical lifestyle, including the practice or promotion of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) lifestyle or alternative gender identity, the school should have the right, in its sole discretion, to deny the admission of an applicant or discontinue enrollment of a current student.”
On the surface this looks very bad. And the media did everything in their power to make it look as bad as possible. But is this really a bad policy? Continue reading…
Elections Have Consequences – Just Ask Unborn Children in Texas
Posted on July 6, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
If you don’t think elections have consequences you haven’t been paying attention for the past 8 years. If you think the upcoming election won’t have consequences, you simply have no grasp on our current cultural position.
The most pro-abortion president in American history has had 8 years in the White House. His tenure has produced two staunch abortion advocates on the Supreme Court. With these allies firmly in place for the rest of their lives the high court of our country currently stands firmly with the abortion industry. That realty has had a devastating effect on the efforts of individual states to pass common sense laws to protect women and unborn children from the barbarism of abortion.
The most recent setback to efforts of pro-life advocates came from the Supreme Court ruling in the Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt case. The court decided that requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges to local hospitals and requiring abortion clinics to adhere to the same building standards as ambulatory surgical centers were unconstitutional and “not medically necessary.”
To break this down, which will help understand the absurdity of the pro-abortion position and the court’s ruling, let’s make sure we understand exactly what these two laws were seeking to accomplish. Continue reading…
Captain Obvious Award: New Study Suggests High School Condom Programs Lead to More Teen Pregnancy
Posted on July 5, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
What happens when you hand out condoms at the high school level?
If you’re a progressive, liberal, or lacking in common sense the answer is: kids have safe sex.
If you have a properly functioning moral compass and a shred of common sense the answer is: teen pregnancy rates go up.
While advocates of condom distribution studies insist that these programs are designed to encourage safe sex; a growing body of data points to the fact that condom programs simply increase teen pregnancy and abortion rates.
Take a moment to read about a new study that further suggests condom programs do little more than increase teen pregnancy and abortion rates. A recent report comments on the new study:
“Overall, the study adds to an impressive body of research which shows that efforts to encourage contraceptive use either through mandates, subsidies, or distribution are ineffective at best or counterproductive at worst. In many countries, increases in contraception use are correlated with increase in the abortion rate.”
The study supports other data, which suggests that teen pregnancy, abortion, and STD’s all increase due to the implementation of condom programs. To this I utter an exasperated and common-sense based “sigh.”
A Proper View of Sin is Needed When a Christian Leader Falls
Posted on June 30, 2016 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
I am constantly curious by the reaction of Christians to the fall of a prominent Christian leader. Ranging from the “I knew that person would fall” to “my whole world is crashing down,” these reactions reveal our lack of understanding of the nature of sin and our susceptibility to it.
Recently I was listening to a podcast of Dr. R.C. Sproul on the total depravity of man and the nature of sin. This part of his teaching on the doctrines of grace and Reformed theology dealt with sin from an honest and biblical perspective. Dr. Sproul made a very poignant statement that Christians need to hear and understand. He said:
“There is no sin that a Christian is not capable of committing.”
This is a timely comment as many people become disillusioned by the fall of a Christian leader. If we become discouraged by the sin of another we are showing that we do not have a proper view of sin. If we believe for one minute that there is any person not capable of falling due to sin we are gravely mistaken.
Dr. Russell Moore recently wrote on how our response to the sin and fall of another is evidence of our misunderstanding of sin: Continue reading…
SPORTS: A New Idol for A New Generation
Posted on June 29, 2016 in Family, Theology by Nathan Cherry
I recently watched the Cleveland Cavaliers pull off an improbable comeback to win the NBA finals. With their team down 3-1 the Cavs won 3 straight games to bring home Cleveland’s first NBA championship; a promise LeBron James issued two years ago. It was an exciting game and series for fans, but it also reminded me of how much Americans worship sports.
To be fair, I love sports. I’ve been playing and watching since I was a kid. What I am most thankful for is that my parents never allowed sports to interfere with our family, or our life as part of the church. That doesn’t seem to be the case today.
How often have you said to your pastor, “we won’t be around much the next few months, it’s _________ season.”?
That phrase is uttered countless times each year as Christian parents prepare for baseball, soccer, gymnastics and other sporting seasons. Suddenly, the family calendar is based on practices, games, and tournaments. And for the months that follow nothing seems more important or more in focus than making sure every practice, every game, and every tournament gets crossed off the calendar. One blogger recently lamented: Continue reading…