What I Should Have Said to the Doctor That Insulted My Baby
Posted on May 10, 2016 in Uncategorized by Nathan Cherry
I thought it was going to be another relaxing Sunday afternoon. I enjoy our family rest day as we go to church together then gather at my parents’ house for lunch. Then we get to rest for the remainder of the day and enjoy family time as we prepare for our week. It’s my favorite day of the week.
But this Sunday would turn out to be very different.
Few outside of our families knew that my wife was pregnant. This was our fourth child and we didn’t see a need to make a big deal of it. Besides, there is a lot going on with our family and we had little time for much else. So besides our families not many people were even aware she was about 11 weeks along.
Well, we thought she was 11 weeks along.
She had been experiencing some bleeding for about a week. Considering this was her fourth pregnancy she knew her body and how it acted during pregnancy. She was concerned and asked to go to the ER. Being a very logical person I was not excited as I thought she was perhaps overreacting to our previous week of excessive running around and eating out (part of a stay-cation for us.) But I agreed and we sent the kids home with my mom while we drove to the ER. Continue reading…
Here’s Proof That Planned Parenthood Lied About Making Money Selling Baby Body Parts
Posted on May 5, 2016 in Life, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
It looks as though Planned Parenthood will have to find a way to spin yet another damning piece of evidence against their abortion business. After a congressional committee found conclusive evidence that Planned Parenthood in fact did profit from the sale of aborted baby body parts, the world’s largest abortion merchant once again has some explaining to do.
What has become apparent is that procurement companies used their websites to advertise and sell every baby body part imaginable. Clients would go to the site, select the part they desired, and the company would then partner with a Planned Parenthood clinic to supply that part…for a price.
The Planned Parenthood clinics that supplied the aborted baby body parts were given “donations” by the procurement companies for their partnership. Those donations were nothing less than payment for services rendered. This is just one of the accounting tricks use by Planned Parenthood to try and get around federal laws. Continue reading…
How Much is Your Baby’s Brain, Liver, or Hands Worth? New Docs Show What Companies Paid for Aborted Baby Body Parts
Posted on May 3, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The chart below shows exactly what various body parts are being sold for to procurement companies. These companies are contacted by interested parties seeking to buy aborted baby body parts, the company then goes to an abortion clinic to harvest the parts and sells them to the interested party, according to a recent article.
So what is a brain worth? What is a liver or pancreas or leg worth? The chart shows what was charged for specific parts along with the quantity harvested by one company. The reality that unborn children are being killed and their bodies are being sold for parts is horrifying. What kind of society accepts and promotes this behavior as good?
If a company was advertising the sale of unborn animal parts for medical research it would be all over the news. But the media has largely dismissed and ignored this reality because it presents a crystal clear image of the barbarity of the abortion industry. Since abortion on demand is a favored liberal media cause they don’t want to damage their precious cause. So this cruelty goes ignored.
Look at the chart (below the break) and realize that it is currently legal in America to sell the body parts of an unborn child murdered in the womb. Continue reading…
The Guy that Exposed Planned Parenthood is Fighting Back Against Corrupt District Attorney
Posted on April 28, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Remember that District Attorney (Devon Anderson) that decided to charge David Daleiden, the guy that exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal activity through undercover videos? Remember that the grand jury convened to investigate Planned Parenthood decided (for some odd reason) to charge Daleiden and ignore all the evidence against Planned Parenthood?
Now, Daleiden is turning the tables on Devon Anderson and accusing her of “colluding with Planned Parenthood” and seeking to have all the charges against him thrown out.
A recent article explains: Continue reading…
This Letter About A Mega-Church Pastor Being Removed Should Encourage You
Posted on April 27, 2016 in Uncategorized by Nathan Cherry
The Journey is a mega church in St. Louis. Darrin Patrick was the founder and lead pastor of the church and a vice-president for the Acts 29 church-planting network. Patrick has been removed from the church and Acts 29 and I think this should be encouraging to Christians (and non-Christians) struggling with the fall of prominent Christian leaders.
First of all, if you haven’t read the letter from the board of elders at The Journey regarding the events that culminated with the removal of Patrick from his position, you can read it here. I highly encourage you to read the letter (both the one from the elders and the one from Patrick himself) because it perfectly illustrates what biblical discipline in the life of an elder (lead pastor) should look like. And the intended response from that elder should biblical church discipline be needed.
That leads me to why I believe this is an encouraging sequence of events.
I have heard many times over the last few years how people of faith are discouraged and frustrated by the sin of pastors and the subsequent action resulting from that sin. In case you don’t remember some of these high profile cases, let me remind you: Continue reading…
Can Someone Please Tell Me Why Fourth-Graders Need a NSFW Book in Their School Library?
Posted on April 26, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Parents are upset after a book depicting sexual acts was shown to fourth graders.
You can call me uncool, or a prude, or whatever other trendy name for parents that don’t want their kids viewing government-approved porn. I don’t care. There is absolutely no reasonable explanation why a fourth grade student needs to see illustrations of sexual acts.
In questions is a book called “It’s Perfectly Normal.” The book has been approved for 10 years olds (maybe 4th grade, maybe 5th – depending on their birthday.) But when the book was left out at a public school library, and viewed by some 9 year olds, parents were very upset.
The Oregon school principal is apologizing after angry parents demanded to know why their kids had access to the book; especially when they were told it had been pulled from school shelves. Perhaps a better question is why has such a book been approved for 10 year olds in the first place?
Let’s do a very simple review: any image depicting people engaging in sexual activity is considered “explicit” and/or pornographic (depends on who you talk to). To view any such image a person is supposed to be at least 18 years old; as every pornographic website makes perfectly clear. So why is a school allowed to show explicit/pornographic imaged to our children and call it “health class”?
According to one article, some of the images in the book include: Continue reading…
She Sold Lies Writing for Cosmo – Now She Shares the Truth About Two famed Movements
Posted on April 21, 2016 in Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
You may not have known that the sexual revolution and the women’s movement were once two very separate, distinct movements. The way they are portrayed today it is easy to conclude that they have always been one big movement. But a new book by a former Cosmo writer is telling the truth about how the sexual revolution hi-jacked the women’s movement.
Sue Ellen Browder spent more than 20 years writing for Cosmo magazine. In her own words “she sold the Cosmo lifestyle even though I was not living it…I had a beautiful marriage. I was home baking chocolate chip cookies … and raising children and selling this abhorrent lifestyle to young women.”
Browder is now sharing her story and the truth behind how the sexual revolution co-opted the women’s movement for its own immoral gain. Her new book “Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement” is a candid look into the history of two of the most influential movements in American history.
The description of Browder’s book at Amazon says: Continue reading…
The Evangelical Theology of Donald Trump…or…Lack Thereof.
Posted on April 20, 2016 in Public Policy, Theology by Nathan Cherry
I’ve written several times about the concerning reality that any self-identified “evangelicals” are supporting Donald Trump for president. This curious truth says less about Trump and more about the people supporting him; especially the theology of those people.
Michael Horton is a brilliant scholar of biblical theology. He is a professor and author whose books are often used as text books in many college classes. Horton has penned an article analyzing the connection between Trump and his Christian following. In particular Horton highlights the theological implications behind the strong support for Trump from America’s believers.
After sharing a brief history of the shallow extent of Trumps religious upbringing in a controversial church setting, Horton recounts the support from well-known evangelical sources: Continue reading…
AWWW…These Photos of Baby Animals are Amazingly Cute
Posted on April 19, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
If you like seeing baby animals, you will love the photos that National Geographic producer Peter Chinn has created using 3D ultrasound, computer graphics, and small cameras. (Pictures below the break)
The images are possibly unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. As they reveal details of these baby animals that most people never get to see in real life. The elephant, Cheetah, and Polar Bears are stunning. The last image in particular is amazing for its clarity and detail.
It occurs to me that any person viewing these images will immediately admit that these are living creatures. Furthermore, most people would be quick to say that we need to do everything in our power to protect and defend these unborn animals. We support laws against cruelty; laws against illegal killing; and laws to ensure they are protected from the time they are in the womb to the time they die naturally. What I’m unclear about is how anyone could make such an admission regarding these animals and then support killing an unborn human baby. What exactly is the difference?
Take a moment and look at these incredible pictures below and allow yourself to marvel at the miracle of life. Continue reading…