VIDEO: This Animated Explanation of Heaven and Earth is Great for Kids – and Adults!
Posted on March 22, 2016 in Family, Home School, Theology by Nathan Cherry
I ran across this video explaining heaven and earth at a blog site I frequent. It’s simple in its composition but the depth of theological insight and teaching is definitely there.
Many people are confused by the difference between heaven and earth. Are they one and the same? Are they totally separate? How will God bring them together? Is God bringing them together now or will that happen in the future? There is a lot of questions and the average church attending Christian does not have many answers.
This fun video illustrates the difference and explains in simple terms what God did, is doing, and will do with respect to heaven and earth. Take a look and see if you don’t learn a few things. Watch it with your kids and start a conversation about how they can come directly into God’s presence each and every day.
If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.
Rep. Diane Black Responds to Actress That Said She had Never Regretted Her Abortion in Powerful Letter
Posted on March 17, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Amy Brenneman decided to share her abortion story with the world. She was candid in her admission that she has “never, not for one moment, regretted my abortion.” She decided to share this aspect of her life in hopes of raising more support for abortion. Her concern that abortion is losing support to the pro-life movement prompted her to tell the world how proud she was of her own abortion.
In response to Brenneman’s story, Rep. Diane Black, a staunch pro-life Congresswoman that had a 40 year career as a nurse has written an open letter to the actress. Rep. Black wrote her letter with the utmost respect and civility, something often missing from political discourse today. Rep. Black even apologized for the lack of “compassion and empathy” on the part of pro-lifers in the past, saying:
“I also know that some who, like me, identify as pro-life and oppose abortion have not always conveyed that opinion with the compassion and empathy that should be afforded to this topic on both sides of the debate, and for that I am sorry.”
But at the heart of Rep. Black’s letter is the firm conviction that life must be defended from the moment of conception if we are truly going to claim to be the land of the free.
Read Rep. Black’s powerful letter in its entirety below. Let us be reminded that while those fighting for abortion are often ideological hypocrites, they still deserve our respect and civility in discourse. I thank Rep. Black for her tireless effort to defend the most vulnerable among us. She is no doubt part of the reason so many young women are pro-life and standing together to defend the unborn. Continue reading…
Some Worthwhile Christian Opinions on Donald Trump. And Why He is Not a “Christian Candidate”
Posted on March 16, 2016 in Public Policy, Theology by Nathan Cherry
Donald Trump seems to be eliciting a reaction from nearly everyone with his presidential campaign. Some are energized by the un-politician and his blunt remarks. Others are angry over what they believe are racist, bigoted, xenophobic statements. And still others, like Pastor Max Lucado and well-known Christian media outlet The Christian Post are so incensed that they have broken political silence to denounce Trump.
Max Lucado has been a fixture of Christian culture for decades. I grew up reading his books and being inspired by his ability to paint word pictures from the biblical text. And though Lucado has written millions of words in his books, he has remained silent during presidential campaigns; refusing to endorse or condemn any candidate. Until now.
Likewise, The Christian Post has been a go-to resource for many people of faith for many years on all things religious. The Christian Post has never taken a position on a presidential candidate; even though many criticized their silence. All that has changed as The Christian Post makes it clear who they will not be supporting in this year’s election.
So why would two icons of Christian culture break their long-standing tradition of not endorsing or condemning a presidential candidate now? After all, President Obama ran for re-election; isn’t that enough to warrant an op-ed? What is it about Trump that has caused even the most reserved and controlled of Christian media outlets to break their silence?
I believe it is the mass support by self-identified “evangelical Christians” for Trump that has both Lucado and The Christian Post concerned. Specifically it is the concern that people outside of faith in Jesus Christ will conclude that all Christians are like Trump. This is particularly troubling given many of Trump’s claims. The Christian Post says: Continue reading…
Gov. Tomblin Vetoes Bill to Ban Dismemberment Abortion in West Virginia. State Legislature Responds with Powerful Message
Posted on March 15, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
It seems Governor Tomblin can’t get anything done these days.
In recent weeks Gov. Tomblin has vetoed several bills and been promptly overridden by the legislature. One of those bills was SB 10, The West Virginia Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act. This bill had broad bi-partisan support from the time it was introduced and seemed like a no-brainer to sign into law.
Gov. Tomblin however, claiming to be pro-life, vetoed the bill. Honestly, I’ve never seen someone that claims to be pro-life do so little to protect the unborn. Tomblin has, however, done plenty to ensure abortion continues in West Virginia. Maybe he should stop claiming to be pro-life and just admit that he supports abortion. After all, actions speak louder than words.
In his veto, Tomblin said:
“I am advised this bill is overbroad and unduly burdens a woman’s fundamental right to privacy.”
Apparently a woman’s “fundamental right to privacy” outweighs an unborn child’s right to not be torn limb from limb. That’s an odd position to take. Continue reading…
VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Breaks Federal Law – No One Cares
Posted on March 10, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has released a 12th undercover video showing that Planned Parenthood actively changes the abortion procedure to harvest fully intact “specimens” to sell.
The latest video features Jennefer Russo, medical director at Planned Parenthood in Orange County, California, telling undercover investigators how her clinic seeks to harvest fully intact babies in order to sell the bodies to a bioscience company. In case you didn’t know, knowingly altering the abortion procedure is a federal crime. Selling fetal body parts for profit is also a federal crime. The undercover videos released by CMP have proven definitively that Planned Parenthood has daily broken both of those federal laws.
(Video below the break)
You might be wondering why Planned Parenthood has not faced any criminal charges. Why hasn’t anyone been arrested? The truth is that Planned Parenthood is protected by the most pro-abortion president in United States history. President Obama has repeatedly “blessed” Planned Parenthood for their work and given billions of dollars in tax-money to the abortion business despite objections from Americans. (Hillary Clinton is a big fan of Planned Parenthood as well.)
A recent article carried comments by CMP president David Daleiden regarding the shocking revelations uncovered by the undercover video: Continue reading…
What is the Most Important Lesson My Kids Can Learn from Me?
Posted on March 9, 2016 in Family, Theology by Nathan Cherry
As parents we spend a lot of time teaching our kids. Over the years I have helped teach my kids to:
tie a shoe,
ride a bike,
brush their teeth,
vacuum the floor,
and eat with a fork.
These “lessons” were often informal, not something planned with a manual and graded when we were done.
I’m sure you can recall many “lessons” you taught your kids as they were growing up (or maybe you’re still teaching because your kids are young; or hard-headed.) We often teach our kids without even realizing that we are doing so; a truth that is both interesting and somewhat frightening.
We’ve all been told that kids watch our every move and will learn by watching; they will imitate us. So we do our best as parents to be polite, use our manners, and refrain from burping at the dinner table. We want our kids to learn good habits so we try each day to set an example for them. But what about the lessons that can’t be learned by simply watching and observing someone else? Continue reading…
URGENT: Bill to Ban Dismemberment Abortions Headed to Governor Tomblin
Posted on March 8, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
A bill to ban dismemberment abortions in West Virginia has made it through the legislature and been strongly supported by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. The “West Virginia Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, SB 10,” is now headed to Governor Tomblin’s desk to approval after passing through the legislature with a 86-13 vote of approval.
The problem is that Governor Tomblin has already shown his lack of support for pro-life laws. Tomblin vetoed a bill to make abortion on unborn children over 20 weeks illegal. Thankfully the legislature over-rode his veto and the bill became law. What Tomblin will do with this new bill designed to further strengthen West Virginia’s defense of the unborn is anyone’s guess.
A recent article carried comments from supporters of the bill from across the state. Each comment recognizes the humanity of the unborn and the absolute barbarity of allowing an unborn child to be torn limb from limb in the womb. The reality that such a procedure is legal anywhere in the world reflects the evil profit for murder mentality that is so pervasive in the abortion industry.
Defenders of the bill said:
“Dismembering a living, unborn child in the womb so that she bleeds to death is so horrific that it should be outlawed,” said West Virginians for Life President Wanda Franz. “West Virginians can indicate their support for this law by contacting their legislators and asking them to vote for SB 10.”
“We have laws that protect dogs and cats,” said George Wallace, who heads the Cabell County chapter of West Virginians for Life. “We have humans here that are being butchered.”
“I think it’s actually a very good bill,” said the Rev. Brian O’Donnell, executive secretary of the Catholic Conference of West Virginia. “It really expresses what’s in the hearts and minds of the vast majority of West Virginians.”
This is our opportunity as West Virginian’s to stand up for the unborn and defend the most vulnerable among us. I urge you to please contact Governor Tomblin and let him know that you support SB 10 and that you want him to sign the bill into law. You can contact Governor Tomblin here.
Do You Know Where the Presidential Candidates Stand on Important Issues? Check Out This 2016 Voter Guide
Posted on March 3, 2016 in Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
As the 2016 primary season begins to hit its stride, being armed with the right information is critical. This election could be pivotal for our country as we are dangerously close to a path that, I believe, could be ruinous for our once great nation. With that in mind, I found a recent post by Citizenlink, a Focus on the Family affiliate, very helpful.
It’s hard to know where to turn to get reliable information on where candidates stand on important issues. But the folks at Citizenlink have been helping to create voter guides for many years. Citizenlink has partnered with the Florida Family Policy Council to produce an informative voter guide intended to shed light on specific positions held by both Republican and Democratic candidates.
The voter guide addresses the issues of abortion, immigration, common core, and religious freedom. The explanations for answers given by candidates makes this a reputable voter guide that bears a few moments of your time. I found it interesting that only one candidate answered all the questions in the same way I did. That puts the current race into perspective for me.
You can see full-size versions or even download the PDF versions of these voter guides here.
If You’re a Christian and Supporting Donald Trump: Read This
Posted on March 2, 2016 in Public Policy, Theology by Nathan Cherry
I liked watching the Celebrity Apprentice. I thought it was fun to watch these celebrities get told off by Donald Trump because I was pretty sure most of them hated him and would be the first to break a bottle over his head in a bar fight. So of course it made for entertaining television; come on, you were just as intrigued by Dennis Rodman as I was.
However, watching Trump rise politically has been the most confusing and bewildering experience. How can a man say the things Trump says and still be in the race? I’ve seen local politicians be mercilessly attacked and forced from office for less. (I have a theory that the media secretly wants Trump elected, but I’ll save that for another time.)
I’ve been voting for many years and am generally enthused in some way to go to the polls and cast my vote. However, my biggest fear is that when I step into that ballot box in 2016 that I will be faced with the choice between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders for President. If that is the choice we may see more write-in ballots this year than any election in history. (Don’t be afraid to write my name in there, I’ll go to Washington for you.)
The reason I say this article is for Christians supporting Trump is two-fold: Continue reading…
Worst Article Ever! “20 Tips for Your First Abortion” is One of the Worst Things I’ve ever Read!
Posted on March 1, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The reality of abortion is bad enough. The fact that some people defend it as though it is nothing more than a normal, everyday decision is also bad. But a recent article called “20 Tips for Your First Abortion” is perhaps one of the single most vile pieces of writing I’ve ever come across.
In this article, posted to a feminist website, the author, using a pen name (I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want anyone to know I wrote this either) tells women to ignore the fact that the person on the phone making the appointment to kill her baby doesn’t care. She advises women to “take the nonchalance as a sign that it is no big deal. It could be a teeth cleaning. A very deep teeth cleaning.”
Yeah, because killing a living human being and getting your teeth cleaned are really similar. Seriously?
And the title of this article is subtle yet clearly worded: these are tips for your first abortion. This author wants to make it clear that once you have an abortion it will be easy to have another. Statistically, very few women have repeat abortions. The trauma encountered by the procedure keeps a vast majority of women from ever having another. But don’t tell this author, she wants you to pretend this is just a “teeth cleaning” so you’ll feel free to have as many abortions as needed.
Here’s a few of the author’s “tips” for preparing to kill your unborn child: Continue reading…