Are the Unborn Really Human? These Images Answer the Question
Posted on December 31, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Somehow, with all the scientific advancements available to our society, there is still a debate surrounding the humanity of the unborn. Planned Parenthood and NARAL continue to lie – saying that the unborn are not truly human. And yet they, along with many other abortion advocates would cheer the discovery of “life” should a single-celled organism be found on Mars.
The following images tell a very different story, a trust story of just how human the unborn really are. Be warned, some of these images are graphic. Critics often decry the graphic nature of these images as “inappropriate” for civil society. Hmm…in a world where graphic violence can be found in movies, television shows, video games, and all over the Internet, their criticisms sound more like ideological objections than legitimate concerns. The reason for sharing these images is articulated well by when they first posted the images: Continue reading…
Gay Bakeries Refuse to Bake Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake? Isn’t That Discrimination?
Posted on December 30, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Gay people want Christians to bake cakes celebrating their same-sex weddings. Christians want the right to respectfully decline in order to adhere to their religious convictions. Gay people want to sue Christians for refusing saying that it is “discriminatory,” and that business owners should not be allowed to refuse any customers.
Now, what happens when a gay bakery is asked to bake a cake celebrating traditional marriage?
Such a scenario, until now, has been nothing but speculation. Many of us have wondered out loud about this scenario saying that we suspect a gay baker would refuse and the story would be ignored. To this point the tolerance often demanded by many homosexuals is rarely extended to others. The double standards many activists employ is hard to fathom.
Theodore Shoebat decided to turn the tables and see what would happen if he asked gay bakers to bake him a cake with the message “Gay Marriage is Wrong” on it. The videos that follow chronicle his encounters with 13 gay bakers. To say the least, the tolerance many homosexuals demand is not afforded to Shoebat in his request. He writes of his experience:
“Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us. One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian. We recorded all of this in a video that will stun the American people as to how militant and intolerant the homosexual bakers were.” (See video below) Continue reading…
Bold Politician Displays Compassion for Homosexuals By Being Honest
Posted on December 29, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
A council member has come under severe attack from the public and colleagues alike for seemingly doing nothing more than speaking the truth.
Rosalie Crestani, the Rise Up Australia Party’s councilor for the City of Casey, has been the subject of what amounts to a smear campaign against her for her willingness to speak out against the health dangers of homosexuality. In the rush to make everyone accept and celebrate the homosexual lifestyle, the inherent health dangers have been deliberately ignored. Who in their right mind would support a lifestyle that is inherently dangerous to a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health? So honesty has been replaced by political correctness.
The reality that the average homosexual will have 500-1,000 sexual partners in his or her lifetime is a shocking statistic. Whether man or woman, if a heterosexual person admitted to having 1,000 sexual partners we would consider that person immoral, and be concerned with the potential for disease. And yet this is a normal characteristic within the homosexual community and no one seems to want to talk about it.
Lord Monckton, writing for WND, reports that Councilor Crestani boldly stood in the council chambers to read the following statistics regarding the health hazards resulting from the promiscuity of the homosexual lifestyle: Continue reading…
One of the Earliest Transcripts of the Historical Christmas Story (Video)
Posted on December 25, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
If you’ve ever wondered what Christmas is all about. What the purpose of Christmas is. The “transcript” below of the first Christmas shares the inherent meaning that in inseparable from any Christmas celebration. Without the birth of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago there would be no Christmas. But because God came tow earth as a baby in order to die for the sins of mankind, we can celebrate. Not only can we celebrate today, but for those who have placed their faith in the saving, atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross, we can celebrate every day.
The following passage, and video, share the events of the first Christmas. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and honor the true meaning of this joyous day.
Luke 2:4-14 (ESV) – 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,
5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.
6 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth.
7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
8 And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear.
10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
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What’s Christmas All About? Just Ask Linus!
Posted on December 24, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
This beloved family Christmas movie gets sweeter each year as I raise my own kids. One of the most cherished scenes from the movie is when Charlie Brown, exasperated by all the “commercialism” associated with Christmas, asks “isn’t there anyone that knows what Christmas is all about?” Linus gives Charlie Brown the answer is the scene below. Take a moment to watch, share it with your kids, and remember the true meaning of Christmas. Merry Christmas!
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Amazing Video: The Piano Guys and David Archuleta Singing “Angels from the Realms of Glory”
Posted on December 24, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
As Christmas day is now just hours away I wanted to share this video of The Piano Guys doing their version of “Angels From the Realms of Glory” along with Peter Hollens and David Archuleta. This is a beautiful video that captures the meaning and purpose for Christmas. I hope that in the few hours left before Christmas you can take a moment or two to quietly reflect on the reason we celebrate Christmas and the inherent religious significance behind it. Without the historical act of Jesus being born in the manger more than 2000 years ago we would have nothing to base our celebration on. Many of the songs and traditional we hold so dear would not exist and others would simply be meaningless. But thanks to that one historical act we can celebrate joyfully each year as we remember the day that God came to earth as a baby.
Watch the video and let it remind you of what this very special day is all about. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.
Are You Funding Abortion, Homosexuality, Pornography with Your Retirement Account?
Posted on December 23, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
Should a person’s faith determine everyday actions such as where to shop and spend money? As the Christmas holiday approaches that question takes on a greater significance.
Nothing sends a message quite like money. It stands to reason then that where people of faith spend their money has the ability to send a powerful message to companies. Look no further than the attempt to destroy Chick-Fil-A for adhering to the religious convictions of its founder. Christians came out in massive numbers to support the beloved chicken chain and set a goal for single day and quarterly sales for the company. The planned “boycott” was a dismal failure.
The decision to patron or to boycott a company based on the views of the owner, or the organizations and legislation that company supports is near and dear to many people. In fact, an entire organization devoted solely to informing “faith driven consumers” was created for that purpose.
Faith Driven Consumer describes itself as:
“Faith Driven Consumers are Christians who choose to live out our faith in every arena of life – including the marketplace. We make daily decisions based on our biblical worldview and see everything we do in the context of stewardship. Our heartbeat is to give honor to God with every choice we make…. As Faith Driven Consumers, we choose to match our wallets to our worldview and support companies whose corporate actions are compatible with biblical faith. This is action every one of us can take, every day. And we can advocate for and grow faith-compatible businesses all over America.” Continue reading…
Is It Really Important for Kids to Be Raised By Their Mother and Father?
Posted on December 22, 2014 in Family, Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Is it fair to say that children do best with their mother and a father? Is that statement both specific enough and true to be made without argument? Maybe, but it might need just a little editing to make it the most accurate and true statement possible.
Of course LGBT activists would argue that children do just as good with two moms or two dads as they do with a mother and a father. They might have a solid argument if we leave the statement as is. But, if we edit the statement by adding just one word, it becomes a nearly irrefutable statement. That one word: biological.
The statement now reads: children do best with their biological mother and father.
That statement can hardly be argued by anyone considering the rapidly growing body of evidence that shows the truth in the statement. We know from decades of evidence that children with step-parents and children in single parent homes do not do nearly as well as those in homes with their biological mother and father. And try as they may, advocates of marriage redefinition have a hard time arguing that children in same-sex homes do as well as children in homes with their biological parents.
Disclaimer: there is exceptions to every rule. We are speaking on a large scale, general basis.
A couple of months ago, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins made a similar statement during an interview. He was immediately attacked for making such a non-politically correct statement. And yet the growing body of social science corroborates his statement. In response to his statement FRC’s Peter Sprigg wrote a lengthy article detailing some of the social science evidence supporting the reality that children do best with their biological mother and father. Here is some of the research he cited: Continue reading…
Viral Video: Home Free Singing Their Version of a Christmas Classic
Posted on December 19, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
When rising a capella group Home Free wanted to record a video for their stirring rendition of “Angels We Have Heard on High,” they chose a church to do it. Considering the content of the song it seems a fitting backdrop. But the church takes second place to the group’s incredible vocal version of this beloved Christmas classic.
It won’t take long before the listener will understand why this video has gone mega viral in just a few shorts weeks (the video had over a million hits just two weeks after Thanksgiving). The five man group blends melodies and harmonies in what can only be described as a symphony of vocal music to create a beautiful rendition of this Christmas carol that is worth every second it takes to listen.
Songs like this are deeply embedded into our celebration of the Christmas holiday. They tell the story of what Christmas is truly all about. “Angels We Have Heard on High” tells about the angels that appeared in the skies to sing and announce the birth of Christ to the shepherds (Luke 2:8-14), and the shepherds going to see Jesus in the manger (Luke 2:15-20). It also tells of the little baby born to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29). The song makes this clear in the last verse: “See Him in a manger laid, Jesus Lord of heaven and earth; Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, With us sing our Savior’s birth.”
We love these Christmas songs because in the chaos that can be Christmas they remind us of the true meaning of the season and why we can even celebrate. We are remembering the day Jesus was born as a baby for the purpose of dying on the cross for our sins. These songs ground us in the truth of what Christmas is supposed to be, a celebration of Jesus. And this video by Home Free is just another version of the song that will be enjoyed for generations to come and serve that purpose. Take a few moments to listen, it will be a highlight of your day.
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If An Unborn Baby Is Gay – Is It Okay To Abort?
Posted on December 18, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
I was just writing earlier this week about the continued search for a “gay gene.” Researchers are desperate to find this gene so they can, they believe, legitimize and validate the homosexual lifestyle. They believe if such a gene is found it will pound the final nail in the coffin against any and all opposition to homosexuality.
I don’t personally believe that such a gene exists. The idea that there is something genetically different about homosexual people is strange. What do we do with ex-gay people? Are they living against biology by professing to no longer be homosexual? The whole thing seems to me to be an attempt at finding what LGBT activists believe would be an irrefutable argument supporting homosexuality in every facet of society.
Putting my personal opinion aside for a moment, an article connection homosexuality and abortion caught my attention.
Wesley J. Smith recently wrote an article which appeared at about the discovery of a “gay gene” and abortion. Smith, using the recent study for a “gay gene,” linked the study with abortion to ponder:
“[I]f a test became available to determine such a propensity–as is currently available for sex or Down syndrome–should we permit abortion to eliminate babies likely to be gay from being born…?”
Hmmm, this seems like a conundrum. Abortion-rights activists are often just as supportive for LGBT rights, and vice-versa. So what happens if, by chance, a “gay gene” is discovered? Will abortion rights then support the right of any parent to abort a child believed to be destined for life as a homosexual? Will LGBT rights activists support abortion except in the case that the child could be born gay? Continue reading…