Planned Parenthood “Pastoral Letter” is Full of Lies and Bad Theology
Posted on December 2, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Can abortion “threaten your relationship with God”? According to America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, the answer is no. But can we really rely on an abortion business to tell us about our relationship with God?
You may remember that not too long ago Planned Parenthood sent out a “pastoral letter” to let people know that abortion is acceptable for people of faith. The letter, from the Planned Parenthood Religious Affairs Committee, was intended to convince people of faith that abortion is a moral, biblical option for Christians. The letter was signed by a number of “pastors” from various religious backgrounds.
The letter gained a lot of attention and, at one point, was pulled from the Planned Parenthood website in response to the angry backlash it received from the faith community. The idea that any pastor would condone the killing of innocent children is simply wrong – such a person I would say disqualifies himself from being a pastor.
It seems Planned Parenthood though is still trying to convince Christians that abortion is acceptable. Apparently seeing the incredible influence the religious community is having on the debate over the unborn, they are now targeting Christians to persuade them that abortion can be a healthy part of their theology.
Once again the Religious Affairs Committee has sent out a letter explaining, in part, that abortion “will not threaten your relationship with God.” I want to highlight the main points of the letter and respond to each. I do this because it helps us prepare a biblical defense against abortion and anyone, including pastors that would try to convince us of its legitimacy.
– We believe, as religious leaders in our faith communities, that abortion is a morally permissible choice for a woman facing a problem pregnancy. Continue reading…
Video: Sand Castle Competition Entry Shares Pro-Life Message in Amazing Way
Posted on December 1, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The video below is of an entry to the Siesta Key Crystal Classic Master Sand Sculpting Competition. That’s a mouthful for sure. But the competition happens each year in Florida, with people coming from as far away as the Philippines to compete. The week long event boasts some of the most intricate and amazing sand sculptures imagined.
The sculpture chosen as “the people’s choice” this year is called “The Miracle of Life.” The sculpture shows an infant cradled in the hands of his parents, or perhaps even his Creator. The motivation for the sculpture is unknown, but the message is undeniable: Life is a Miracle. And because life is a miracle it should be defended at all times. The idea that it is acceptable to kill an unborn child, a child with an illness or handicap, runs counter to our nature. We instinctively know it’s wrong to kill defenseless people.
Watch the video below to see a better view of this amazing sculpture. It’s hard to believe it was done entirely out of sand but it is absolutely amazing.
(h/t to for posting this story)
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Disturbing Video Praises “Bro-choice” Abortion Supporters
Posted on November 28, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
According to groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL men are not allowed to interject their thoughts concerning abortion because it is a “woman’s right” issue. That is, of course, unless you are a man that supports abortion, then it’s not just acceptable but encouraged that you speak up. The obvious hypocrisy is hard to stomach.
The video below is also hard to stomach. (Warning: graphic images and language.)
The video highlights the “Bro-choice” movement, which is men that believe if a woman is pregnant, and he wants her to have an abortion, she should be forced to have the abortion. The sick, twisted nature of this movement is hard to fathom. Especially in light of places like China where women are routinely subjected to forced abortion. To think that someone would hold the position that a woman should be “forced against her will” to have an abortion is an egregious affront to human dignity and worth; not to mention civil rights.
Video appears after the break. Continue reading…
Bradford, Washington, Lincoln, and W: Thanksgiving Proclamations Thanking God and Encouraging Prayer!
Posted on November 27, 2014 in Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
The very first Thanksgiving Proclamation was made by William Bradford in 1623. At least that is how history records it. I have no doubt the Pilgrims were quite thankful when they landed in the “new world.” But history doesn’t record an official proclamation until several years later when Bradford, the governor of the colony, said these words:
Inasmuch as the great Father has given us this year an abundant harvest of Indian corn, wheat, peas, beans, squashes, and garden vegetables, and has made the forests to abound with game and the sea with fish and clams, and inasmuch as he has protected us from the ravages of the savages, has spared us from pestilence and disease, has granted us freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience.
Now I, your magistrate, do proclaim that all ye Pilgrims, with your wives and ye little ones, do gather at ye meeting house, on ye hill, between the hours of 9 and 12 in the day time, on Thursday, November 29th, of the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and twenty-three and the third year since ye Pilgrims landed on ye Pilgrim Rock, there to listen to ye pastor and render thanksgiving to ye Almighty God for all His blessings. —William Bradford, 1623
Official Thanksgiving Day proclamations were not recorded again until the Continental Congress did so during the Revolutionary War in 1777. Much like Bradford, the first Congress gave not just acknowledgement to God, but thanks, for His blessings. Part of that proclamation states: Continue reading…
From One Heresy to the Next – Gnosticism, Pelagianism, and the New Sexuality Threaten the Church
Posted on November 26, 2014 in Sexuality, Theology by Nathan Cherry
The church of Jesus Christ has endured a host of theological debates and controversies over the centuries. One need only to look back in time to the debate over Gnosticism, or review the debate surrounding Pelagianism (to name just two) to see the scope of theological discussion the church has underwent.
While these heresies attempt to make a comeback once in a while – Gnosticism resembles new age teaching while Pelagianism and Semi-Pelagianism seem to always be lurking in the shadows of church history – the latest heresy to infiltrate the church is no less destructive.
The heresy of sexuality is causing just as great a disturbance in the church as any other throughout history. Denominations are dividing, churches are splitting, lines are being drawn and some are choosing to sit in silence. This new heresy is no less a doctrinal, theological, and moral issue than Gnosticism and Pelagianism.
Efforts to push a new sexuality complete with a new definition of family and marriage want to make sexuality about personal choice, identity, preference, or any other non-biological factor. The reality remains that gender and sexuality is an inherently biological factor determined at birth by no effort of the individual. For those that don’t believe the Bible this is can be a hard truth to handle. It leads to questions of “why am I attracted to the same-sex if it is wrong, or against nature?” Such questions are valid and not to be taken lightly. Continue reading…
Jackie Hill-Perry: A Former Lesbian Now Sharing Christ with Spoken Word Poetry
Posted on November 25, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Do you believe that sexuality is an inherent quality a person has no ability to control? Is human sexuality little more than a biological function of our human nature that we are hopeless to change, even if we wanted to?
Those are the sentiments our society wants us to believe.
At least one outspoken former homosexual is disagreeing.
Jackie Hill-Perry is a Christian spoken-word poet that rhymes about theology and the grace of Christ. What makes her a little different in this discussion is that she is a former lesbian. Hill-Perry’s journey from homosexuality to the light of the Gospel is not too unfamiliar to many.
Hill-Perry recently said that she was sexually abused by a family friend when she was just 5 years old. This triggered gender confusion in her that carried her into her adolescent years. By 17 years old Hill-Perry was sexually active with women and a regular at gay clubs and pride events in St. Louis.
Hill-Perry’s story sounds like many former and current homosexuals. If asked to trace their life back they end up talking about abuse at a young age. It’s sad that such details are ignored or even covered up in the media but they are nonetheless true. Much more than that, they are relevant to the discussion. Continue reading…
Education in Chicago: 5th Graders Learn About Female Condoms and See Pictures!
Posted on November 24, 2014 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
I don’t care if people call this a “pet peeve” of mine. I will continue to be alarmed (and seek to alarm others) of the graphic nature of public school sex-education programs.
A recent report coming out of Chicago once again underscores the absolutely inappropriateness of the material being taught to 5th graders! Yes, 5th graders. Here’s some of the lessons being taught:
How to put on male and female condoms. (They are also being shown graphic illustrations of this procedure.)
How to use condoms for anal sex and encouraged in this practice.
They are being told the “Plan B morning after pill” is not an abortion pill.
They can get sexual and reproductive services without parental consent.
If you read through that paragraph without being shocked and angered that 10-year-olds are being taught such material, it’s time to reconsider your values.
The article reports:
The presentation included slides that are clearly not age appropriate, and include “demonstrations” of applying male and female condoms…The female condom seems to be particularly relevant to the presentation, as there are a considerable number of slides dedicated to this particular form of birth control. Some of the praise lavished on the FC is that it can be inserted ‘hours before vaginal sex, so you don’t have to interrupt foreplay to be safe!’ The FC, according to the presentation, is great for ‘Women, men, transgender folk,’ and you can use if you are ‘gay’ or ‘straight.’” Continue reading…
New Song by Garth Brooks is Leaving A Lot of People In Tears
Posted on November 21, 2014 in Life, Marriage by Nathan Cherry
If you’re a fan of country music you are no doubt familiar with Garth Brooks. Even if you don’t like country music there is still a chance you like Garth. He’s just one of those singers, performers, that people like.
Brooks’ new song shares a simultaneous pro-life and pro-mom message. And it seems to be causing a lot of folks to grab a tissue.
Brooks recently shared that the song is “a conversation between God and this unborn child about ready to go down to earth. And when God describes what a mom is – whew, it kills me.”
Those lyrics that describe what a mom is say:
“So hush now baby, don’t you cry / Cause there’s someone down there waiting whose only goal in life / Is making sure you’re always going to be all right / A loving angel, tender, tough and strong / It’s almost time to go and meet your mom.” Continue reading…
Federal Court Makes Ruling Affecting Every Pastor in America
Posted on November 20, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
Pastors can breathe a sigh of relief today as the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a lower court decision to strike down the minister’s housing allowance as unconstitutional.
Previously, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) had argue that the housing allowance given to pastors was unconstitutional because it provided an unfair tax benefit to pastors, creating preferential treatment for religious messages. It was argued that the housing allowance violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and the equal protection provision of the Fourteenth Amendment. The lower court, with Judge Barbara Crabb ruling, agreed with the FFRF and ruled the housing allowance unconstitutional.
Though the ruling only affected pastors in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana, pastors across the country watched the case with serious interest knowing if the ruling was upheld it would soon spread.
The 7th Circuit determined that since the FFRF was never denied tax-exemption under the housing allowance tax code they had no standing concerning the issue:
“The plaintiffs were never denied the parsonage exemption because they never asked for it, ” the three-judge panel stated. “Without a request, there can be no denial. And absent any personal denial of a benefit, the plaintiff s’ claim amounts to nothing more than a generalized grievance about §107(2)’s unconstitutionality, which does not support standing.”
Commenting on dismissing the case for standing, Christianity Today wrote:
“In other words, the FFRF should apply for the same benefits that churches get. This was the intriguing argument the Department of Justice made earlier in the case: that atheists would qualify as “ministers of the gospel” under IRS guidelines. CT’s sister publication, Church Law and Tax, offers more analysis, including how the Seventh Circuit rejected the current challenge but outlined how a future challenge could proceed. The FFRF told Religion News Service that it plans to carry on the legal fight.” Continue reading…
Christian Business Owner Refuses to Print Gay T-Shirt. Gay Business Owner Agrees?
Posted on November 19, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
Are you willing to promote messages and ideas that you don’t support?
Would you be willing to help support an organization, parade, or message that violates your values and beliefs?
That’s the position Blaine Adamson, owner of Hands On Originals, a Christian-owned T-shirt printing company has found himself in.
When Adamson refused to print a T-shirt promoting a homosexual message and parade, which would have violated his religious convictions, he was sued. He was accused of discrimination and bigotry for his actions though Adamson and his company have not only worked with homosexuals, but employed them, in the past.
Nevertheless, the lawsuit proceeded and Adamson was charged with discrimination and found guilty after the incident in 2012. Adamson has since been ordered to attend “diversity training” in order to make sure a similar incident doesn’t happen in the future.
While this story seems to be common in our society, what is not common is an uncommon ally coming to the defense of Adamson and his right to refuse to violate his values and convictions.
Kathy Trautvetter also owns a T-shirt printing company. Trautvetter supports Adamsons right to decline a project if it would violate his religious convictions or conscience. What makes Trautvetters position so interesting is that she is a lesbian. She began her company with her partner, Kathy, in 2003. Continue reading…