The Reformed Advisor

New Study Shows Connection Between Christians Supporting Homosexuality and Other Immorality

Posted on September 9, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

Gay ChurchIt’s no secret that Christians have begun supporting homosexuality. It’s almost become a trendy “revelation” to “evolve” to the place that “Jesus loved everyone” and therefore would accept the homosexual “as is.” So trendy has this position become that famous Christians are coming out in support for homosexuality while others finally tell the world they are gay.

As LGBT activists cheer and proclaim this is only the beginning of a new Christian “Great Awakening” on the issue of homosexuality, a new study by prominent researcher Mark Regnerus shows the connection between Christian support for homosexuality and other immorality.

Writing at The Public Discourse, Regnerus says he utilized “The Relationships in America Survey” to reach his conclusion that Christians favoring homosexuality also support other forms of immorality at much higher rates. Regnerus said: “I rely on the Relationships in America survey, a data collection project I oversaw that interviewed 15,738 Americans, ages 18-60, in early 2014. It’s a population-based sample, meaning that its results are nationally representative.”

When asked about everything from pornography to casual sex, co-habitation and abortion; Regnerus found that support levels for such immorality were higher (sometimes higher than national averages) among Christians that support homosexuality. For example, when asked about pornography only 4.6% of Christians that oppose same-sex “marriage” said they believe viewing porn is acceptable. But among Christians that support same-sex “marriage” that number jumps to 33.4%, while the national average is only 31.4%. In other words, Christians that support same-sex “marriage” are more likely than the average American adult to believe viewing porn is acceptable.

The survey asked people to indicate their level of agreement with the following seven statements: Continue reading…

WOW! Watch “9 Months of Development” in Only 4 Minutes

Posted on September 8, 2014 in Life by

unborn childThe below video is amazing. In very graphic detail we are given a glimpse into the development of an unborn child from the moment life begins at conception to birth. Details that we never get to see such as the heart beginning to beat, eyes opening for the first time, and blood flowing through the unborn child’s veins are captured in brilliant detail. It’s worth 4 minutes of your time to see the miracle of life and human development.

The science of fetal development has helped confirm the humanity of the unborn. No longer can Planned Parenthood and other abortion activists lie and tell us it’s just a “blob of cells” inside the mother’s womb. There is now no doubt that what is growing and developing inside the mother’s womb is a human being.

Watch the video and be amazed. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

What? Michael Sam Was Cut by the Rams? But…He’s Gay!

Posted on September 5, 2014 in Sexuality by

Michael SamDid you hear the latest excitement from the NFL? No, not that opening day is coming or the new rules that no one likes. I’m talking about the fact that the first openly gay NFL draft choice, Michael Sam, was cut by the St. Louis Rams.

A few months ago Sam made all sorts of headlines for being the first openly gay player to enter the NFL draft. In fact, that’s all anyone could talk about. They talked about his sexuality even more than his on-field accomplishments or his future potential as a NFL player. Some dared to discuss his talents and abilities, saying he was too small and slow for his position and would not make it in the NFL. But they were quickly shamed into silence by everyone else that was elated over his sexuality.

This is the problem when a person’s sexuality becomes more important than anything about him or her. Even as LGBT activists argue that sexuality and sexual-orientation are private matters and no one’s business, they want to parade their sexuality in front of everyone as the singular accomplishment of their life.

Take for example Jason Collins. When this aging, mediocre pro basketball player saw his career declining and the fact that no one was interested in his services, he announced to the world that he was gay. Whoa! The first openly gay male professional athlete in the four major American sports. This is historic, this is monumental, this is…a calculated career move intended to drive up Jason Collins’ stock? Continue reading…

Will Legalizing Gay “Marriage” End the Culture Wars? Don’t Be Silly

Posted on September 4, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy by

culture warNo, no, no, no, no. Hoping the Supreme Court legalizes same-sex “marriage” in all fifty states is not a good idea. Yes, the issue is undoubtedly headed back to the high court and, yes, the court will be forced to rule whether or not individual states have the right to define marriage for themselves. But, to want the Supreme Court to decide for us all what the definition of marriage should be is an absurd proposition.

I get it, the writer of this article saying that such a decision by the high court would be a great thing for the Republican Party is thinking along secular political lines. His end game is a strengthened GOP that doesn’t have to deal with an unpopular cultural issue. Nonetheless, not only do I think it is a political strategy nightmare, I think it’s a moral disaster of epic proportions.

The writer starts off his support for a Supreme Court decision by saying: “Like it or not, opponents of gay marriage are losing the battle…A substantial majority of voters now support it, 59 percent in the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll.

The writer then makes it clear that support is a bi-partisan effort:

“Forty percent of Republicans support marriage equality, including half of Republican Millennials (29 and younger). Even evangelicals, the heart of the opposition to gay marriage, are changing. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, a quarter of evangelicals support gay marriage.” Continue reading…

Planned Parenthood Tells “15-Year-Old” That Painful Sex is OK

Posted on September 3, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

Planned Parenthood just can’t keep from giving terrible, awful advice to underage girls. It’s almost as if they are trying to see how dangerous or perverted they can be, always pushing the limits.

The latest example of the systemic failure of Planned Parenthood comes from the ongoing undercover video series carried out by pro-life organization Live Action, led by Lila Rose. In the latest undercover video a Planned Parenthood staffer at a clinic in Eden Prairie, MN, tells the undercover girl, posing as a 15-year-old, that painful sexual activity is fine as long she consents to it.

Watch the video below to see just how dangerous the advice given by Planned Parenthood is.

Continue reading…

Do 10 Year Olds Have a Right to Contraception and Abortion? Researchers Say Yes!

Posted on September 2, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

sex educationA group of four researchers at the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University say that very young adolescents (VYA) – kids between the ages of 10 and 14 – have a right to contraception and abortion. But that is the least troubling conclusion of this new report, published in Global Public Health.

Here is a glimpse into the thoughts of people attempting to influence the sexuality, sex-education, and moral training of our children in public schools:

 “Younger adolescents see parents as a primary source of information and support, but most parents are ill-equipped to address issues related to puberty, SRH [sexual and reproductive health], and gender roles, and lack communication skills attuned to the young adolescents in their lives…Parental desire to protect their children is often exercised through behavioral regulation and monitoring.”

These researchers lament the fact that many VYA’s see their parents as the primary influence concerning sexuality. I have no trouble agreeing that many parents are indeed ill-equipped to properly address the topics of sex and sexuality with their kids. But this is not a reason to replace parents as the primary influencer in kids’ lives; this is cause for parental training. The problem with any effort to train parents is that those seeking usurp parental influence don’t actually want parents training their kids. They want to indoctrinate kids with a particular view of sex and gender that most parents oppose, therefore, what they really want is for parents to be completely out of the picture. Continue reading…

Visual Artist Creates “9 Month Vine” Based on Wife’s Pregnancy. Must See!

Posted on September 1, 2014 in Life by

TheBlaze shared the visual art Vine of Ian Padgham which took about a year to complete. Considering that Vine videos are only 6 seconds long it doesn’t make sense that his video took so long to compose. Unless of course he was creating a video based on the transformation that comes with motherhood. This particular video uses his own wife as the subject and it easy to see why it was looped more than 6 million times in just two days.

See the very cool Vine video below. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Roundup: Notable Voices Regarding the New HHS Mandate in Light of the Supreme Court Ruling in Favor of Hobby Lobby

Posted on August 29, 2014 in Life, Religious Freedom by

HHS MandateAfter the Supreme Court dealt a devastating blow to the Obama Administration’s HHS mandate, the administration promised a “fix” to make it all legal. True to their promise a new HHS mandate “fix” was released last week. Unfortunately, the new “fix” does nothing to protect the religious conscience and convictions of business owners and religious organizations.

The following articles provide a detailed analysis of the new “fix” and why it’s really nothing new and doesn’t really fix anything. Stay informed about this very critical issue. At stake is the ability for business owners to live and do business according to their religious convictions without fear of government reprisal. This is important because religious freedom is a cornerstone of our country. If the government can force a business owner to violate his/her religious convictions it won’t be long before every person can and will be made to do the same.


The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Gregory S. Baylor regarding the Obama administration’s announcement Friday regarding the Department of Health and Human Services’ abortion-pill mandate. The administration issued a new rule that alters the way faith-based non-profits can invoke a so-called “accommodation,” under which the beneficiaries of their insurance plans can access religiously objectionable drugs, devices, and counseling. The government also proposed a rule designed to provide a way for closely-held businesses to comply with the mandate through the same “accommodation.” Continue reading…

Well Known Christian Musician Says She is a Lesbian

Posted on August 28, 2014 in Sexuality by

Vicky BeechingLet me just get right to the point. Another well-known professing Christian musician has declared to the world that she is gay. She believes and is “certain God loves me just the way I am.” The catalyst for her acceptance of this sexual orientation seems to be some emotional, nearly traumatic religious experiences from her youth.

Vicky Beeching has made a name for herself in Contemporary Christian Music. Her gifts brought her to Nashville when she was just 23 years old. By that time she identified as lesbian, she simply didn’t tell anyone. Her struggle, according to her own account, began when she was young. By age 13 she recalls feeling alone and despondent as a result of the attractions she was experiencing.

At age 16 Beeching recounts a terrible experience at a Christian conference in during which she went forward to ask the prayer team for prayer. They asked her what she would like them to pray for and she told them she had unwanted same-sex attractions and wanted to be rid of them. She says of the experience:

“I remember lots of people placing their hands on my shoulders and back and front. Praying in tongues really loudly and then shouting things: ‘We command Satan to let you go! Cast these devils out of you! We speak to you demon of homosexuality: let her go!’ People around me were wailing and screaming. It was really frightening. I was already feeling so vulnerable, it was horrible to think, ‘Am I controlled by demons?’” Continue reading…

Shock! State Marriage Amendment Stands Against Court Challenge

Posted on August 27, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy by

court challengeImagine my shock when I read that a state’s marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one woman and one man was upheld in a federal court.

It’s not that I think such amendments aren’t Constitutional, quite the opposite. In fact I believe that each state has the sovereign right to decide for itself what the definition of marriage will be. I believe the federal government should stay out of the debate between states and refuse to interfere in the decision each state will make. I believe the people of each state – not a court or a single judge – should make the decision.

So my shock has nothing to do with the constitutionality of such amendments. Instead, my shock is that a federal court would actually uphold the will of the people rather than trample all over it as so many have already done.

A post at ScotusBlog reports: Continue reading…


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