Has the Supreme Court Already Decided the Definition of Marriage for America?
Posted on August 26, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Here’s an important question we need to answer. Is there a Constitutional right to same-sex “marriage”?
If a Constitutional right exists then it should end all the debate. The Supreme Court should simply cite the Constitution and the entire issue will be settled. And yet, when they had the chance not even the Supreme Court was willing to say that such a right exists. That leaves me wondering whether such a right – as some activists claim – is reasonable.
One of the most important court decisions concerning the definition of marriage has been issued and you probably didn’t even know it. Not only did the media fail to cover the decision adequately, but the fact that it took place in Europe made it a little harder to hear about. But, let me share a brief recap to ensure you are up to speed with this monumental decision. Here’s a recap as reported by Alliance Defending Freedom:
The facts: Continue reading…
Government Mandates Re-Education for Christians Adhering to Biblical Convictions
Posted on August 25, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
By now any aware individual that pays the least bit of attention to the news knows about the cases of the photographer in New Mexico, florist in Washington, and baker in Colorado.
If you’ve not heard of these ground-breaking cases it’s time to get your head out from under the rock and start paying attention.
Why are these cases so important? Simply put, they are testing the waters for the trampling of religious freedom in a way not before experienced in the United States. In each of these cases the religious freedom and free speech rights of private business owners were discarded in favor of homosexual rights. Courts in each of these cases told business owners that they can and will be prosecuted if they did not violate their religious convictions.
But if you think these are isolated cases or that they are exceptional you couldn’t be more wrong.
A recent article highlights the case of Liberty Ridge Farms where, Christian owners were not only fined for refusing to host a same-sex ceremony but were ordered to retrain their staff. The article states: Continue reading…
The Most Pornographic Place Your Kids Will Visit is Their School
Posted on August 21, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Parents have enough to protect their kids from these days. Not only do they need to monitor what they watch on television – because apparently naked reality shows are all the rage – but the Internet has it all. Then there’s making sure they aren’t receiving naked pictures via text or drinking at parties. Even parents that are fully engaged, teaching their kids solid morals and values will be exhausted at the sheer magnitude of ways kids need protected.
And of course parents must be defended from their local school!
Yep, you read that right. Where once the local school was a place of safety and learning, it seems it is now a place of undermining parental authority and sex.
The newest example of school-overreach into the lives of students comes from California where a book that will be used in a sex-ed class is being called nothing short of pornographic. It seems schools don’t have the ability to teach students without the use of highly graphic images to illustrate their lessons. We all know that younger generations are highly visual, but this an abuse of students and I still can’t figure out why it’s acceptable to show porn in school but a person needs to be 18 years of age to (legally) access it on the Internet. Continue reading…
A Very Clear Warning to Churches Regarding Youth Ministry (Kids Ministry Too)
Posted on August 20, 2014 in Family, Theology by Nathan Cherry
The following article from the Christian Post should serve as a very sobering warning to every church regarding youth ministry. I would also suggest that it applies to kids ministry as well. Churches that are quick to entertain and lack the ability to challenge their kids and students could be setting them up to reject faith entirely during their college years.
As parents it should be our most sincere desire to be in a church that will intentionally challenge our kids and students in their faith. We should be looking for leaders that are not just convicted in their beliefs, but know the Bible and how to communicate it. At the end of the day the fun and games must take a back seat to imparting solid doctrine and teaching biblical values to the impressionable people in our care.
I encourage you to take a few moments and read this article if you are a parent or church leader. Let us be reminded of the eternal nature of our charge to share our faith and disciple our kids and students.
It’s something most Christian parents worry about: You send your kids off to college and when they come back, you find they’ve lost their faith. The prospect of this happening is why many parents nudge their kids towards Christian colleges, or at least schools with a strong Christian presence on campus.
But in many ways, the damage has been done long before our children set foot on campus. That’s the message from a recent article in the Atlantic Monthly. Continue reading…
Government Decides to Appoint Nanny for Every Child from Birth to Eighteen Years Old
Posted on August 19, 2014 in Family, Home School, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry

Justina Pelletier
It sounds like something out of a horror movie. And yet parents in Scotland are living this nightmare right now. The government has passed and begun to implement a new law mandating a government appointed overseer for every child from birth to eighteen years of age.
No, seriously, I’m not making this up, you can read about it here. And no, I didn’t make a mistake or fall for a satire piece in The Onion. This is actually happening in our world. A government has taken the brazen step of deciding that children between birth and eighteen years old need not just one parent, not even two, but two parents and a government nanny tasked with looking out for the “wellbeing” of the child.
This new “named person,” as a recent article puts it, will have the overall responsibility from the government to “promote, support, or safeguard the wellbeing” of the child to which he or she is assigned. Being a parent myself I am under the impression that this description sounds an awful lot like what a…parent…is supposed to do. I understand that not every parent lives up to the responsibility that comes with having a child. I recognize the need that some parents create by refusing to actually be a parent. But is it really so bad throughout the entire country that every single child now needs a government appointed nanny? I highly doubt it.
So what concerns could there possibly be in having the government assign a nanny to your child?
Let’s start with this thought: Continue reading…
How Does “Gay Marriage” Hurt Straight Marriage? A Simple Answer
Posted on August 15, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
I’ve spent some time lately discussing whether or not homosexual relationships are the same as heterosexual ones. The very fact that this needs to be discussed at length, that others are pondering this thought, indicates a fundamental lack of understanding of what marriage and the man-woman relationship is truly all about.
I don’t want to be juvenile or crude here, but the obvious answer to the question “are homosexual relationships exactly like heterosexual relationships?” is, no.
By not wanting to be juvenile or crude I mean that I want to point out the obvious…er…um…plumbing problem, without going into detail. Phrases like “you can’t put a square peg into a round hole” come to mind and I think you get the idea. But to begin and end the discussion with the sexual aspect is the problem.
Part of the success of the LGBT movement has to do with their ability to separate marriage and sex. For years sex has been downplayed in our society as just another recreational activity. Everything from television to movies made sex nothing more than a decision for consenting adults: have sex on the third date or the fourth? Now they don’t even wait for the third date, entire services and websites are devoted to helping people hook up for “casual sex.” And we’ve all seen social media posts of people in bed with someone they don’t remember, or recognize after a one night stand. There’s no shame. There’s also no morality. Continue reading…
Are Homosexual Relationships Naturally Troublesome? New Research Might Surprise You
Posted on August 14, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Homosexuals have been in the news a lot lately. Oh, you didn’t know that? Yeah, apparently they just want to “be like everyone else” and for everyone to ignore them and go about their business. That plan doesn’t seem to be going well for a photographer in New Mexico, a florist in Washington, or a baker in Colorado. But hey, tolerance.
As gay couples continue to try and convince the rest of us that they are just like everyone else, doing normal relationship things, the world remains unconvinced. This isn’t merely about sex. Yes, that’s an aspect of the relationship that homosexuals desperately want others to believe is normal. But as research shows, the sexual relationship of homosexuals is not nearly as “normal” as they would have us believe.
In an article for Canon and Culture, author Glenn Stanton asks the question: “Are same-sex couples just like you?” Stanton then cites numerous research projects into the sexual habits and durability of same-sex unions to show that they are not, in fact, like others. Stanton begins by stating:
“Same-sex male couples are dramatically more likely to be unfaithful than heterosexual couples.” And “Committed lesbian relationships are more likely to break up than both male-male and opposite-sex couples, by dramatic margins.”
From there Stanton, based on the various research projects cited, states: Continue reading…
My Son Might Grow Up to be Really Selfish
Posted on August 13, 2014 in Family by Nathan Cherry
Have you ever had one of those experiences with your child that makes you beam with pride and want to tell the whole neighborhood? I had just such an experience my oldest son; and I was proud to share it with several people. But their response made me pause and come to a startling realization that brought me back to the responsibility I have as a parent.
Here’s what happened.
My son and I were out washing the van on a cloudy day; I know, sounds weird, but it really needed washed. Still bein young he can’t do much, but he sure loves to be a “big helper” for daddy. So I was washing the van and he was putting soap on the places I had just rinsed. But we were enjoying our time and I was glad we could do it together.
As we washed I told Judah that some kids didn’t have enough water and were thirsty. (I try to bring real life into our mundane activities in order to teach my kids truth.) My son looked puzzled and asked, “How do they wash their cars without water?” I replied that some kids don’t have cars, or food, or water.
My sons response nearly brought me to tears and I beamed with pride as he said, “Well, you can take money from my bank to buy them a car and some food.” I told him that was a great idea and we would do that one day. Continue reading…
Famous Rocker Says Jesus Would Allow Gay Clergy to Marry
Posted on August 12, 2014 in Marriage, Theology by Nathan Cherry
What would Jesus say about gay clergy if He was physically walking our streets today? Would He gives His blessing to those called to pastor His church that also wanted to take part in homosexual behavior? According to one legendary rocker, that’s exactly what Jesus would do.
In an interview with Sky News rock icon Elton John shared his thoughts and opinions on the gay rights movement and where it stands today. He is thankful for the progress made but believes more is needed. On the heels of complimenting all that Pope Francis has done to “simplify” religion, John was asked whether the church should allow gay clergy to marry. He answered:
“If Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person that he was, saying this could not happen. He was all about love and compassion and forgiveness and trying to bring people together and that is what the church should be about.” Continue reading…
Do You Know What the “Gay Rights Platform” Is? If Not You Will Be Shocked!
Posted on August 11, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Every campaign, every organization has a goal. That’s just a normal function of any group. So it should come as no surprise to you that the gay rights movement also has goals. Of course if you were to ask any LGBT activist about their “agenda” they will deny any agenda exists and try to make you feel stupid for such a suggestion. This is also part of the agenda.
The question is, “Do you know what that gay rights agenda is?
In an article for WND, pastor, writer, and human rights consultant Dr. Scott Lively has explained in great detail exactly what the gay rights agenda is, and how it is being accomplished. And he’s done so using their own writings.
Take for example the 1972 Gay Rights Platform. This platform was adopted in 1972 when more than 200 homosexual organizations met in Chicago to write and adopt it. Why should it matter to you? Because nearly every plank in this platform has been achieved. A platform that is more than 40 years old has been implemented with surgical precision. Check for yourself, read the platform and check off how many of their goals have been accomplished. Continue reading…