West Virginia May Have Marriage Redefined Thanks to Court Ruling (UPDATE)
Posted on August 8, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Federal judges have been redefining marriage in conservative states at an alarming rate. I’ve been watching the dominos fall and keeping up as court after court strikes down voter approved marriage protection amendments. (Click here for my first post on the subject, or click here for my previous update.)
The first post centered around 13 states – conservative states – where marriage was being threatened by judicial activism. Since that first post, much has changed. Of those original 13 states where marriage was being threatened, all of them have had their marriage protection amendments struck down. Two others, Georgia and Wisconsin have been added to the list.
This means that 15 conservative states where marriage laws protected natural, one man one woman marriage by a vote of the people have now had those laws wiped out by a single judge, or a panel of judges. That fact should trouble every freedom loving American that believes our Constitution stands as a barrier to such radical activism.
What does this mean for West Virginia? Continue reading…
Remember the Old Nazi Re-Education Camps? It’s Happening Again – in America!
Posted on August 7, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Laugh all you want. Call me an alarmist or a conspiracy theorist, but what is happening right now in America is nothing short of the redefinition of the Constitution. The new definition includes re-education that would make any socialist or communist proud.
I can only describe the case of Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, as jaw-dropping and shocking. Every time I read another account of what is happening to him I shake my head and wonder what America is going to look like in 10 years.
In case you aren’t familiar with Jack’s story, here’s a quick brief. Jack Phillips owns a bakery in Colorado. He has been doing business for 20 years and is highly respected for his artwork in deliciousness. A homosexual couple came in to his shop in 2012 and wanted a cake to celebrate their same-sex union. Jack told them he would be glad to do just about anything else, but that he could not lend his talent and services to celebrate their ceremony. They sued.
A local judge and then the Colorado Civil Rights Commission found Jack guilty of sexual orientation discrimination. But as Jack has said, he isn’t discriminating against anyone: Continue reading…
How to Utilize Social Media Wisely as a Christian Leader
Posted on August 6, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
Just this Sunday my pastor urged caution to people using social media. He reminded us all that words said on social media, like words said in person, are permanent. On the heels of that cautionary reminder I read an article by Thom Rainer entitled “Seven Warnings for Church Leaders Who Use Social Media.”
Rainer is an expert in church growth and health with Lifeway, an arm of the Southern Baptist Convention. Rainer has spent several decades learning about what helps a church grow, and what causes churches to die. He is the first to say that utilizing social media is a must for any pastor and church in our culture. Rainer readily admits that the lack of social media use, even the fear of it, contributes to the closing of churches each and every day.
So Rainer is not against social media by any stretch of the imagination. But he is wise in his counsel on how to properly use social media. Rainer writes:
“Those of you who read my blog or listen to my podcasts know I am a strong proponent of Christian leaders utilizing social media. I have seen so many good things take place on the various platforms available. I have seen the gospel clearly shared and embraced on social media. But social media is a two-edged sword. It can be used for good or great harm. And it can harm the ministries of those in Christian leadership.” Continue reading…
More Judges. More Marriage Amendments Struck Down. More Confusion Over the 14th Amendment.
Posted on August 5, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Marriage protection amendments voted upon by citizens of individual states are being struck down by judges that were not elected. In fact, even as LGBT activists celebrate the dozen or so states that have watched their will trampled by these federal judges, they don’t realize that another judge could come along and undo it all. That’s the problem.
The issue of marriage is a sensitive one, I get that. But to think that a federal judge imposing his political agenda on an entire state is a victory for freedom or even democracy is ludicrous. Such actions do little more than shred freedom and liberty and further create an environment hostile to the Constitution.
So here we are, reading the news that yet another judge has struck down another voter-approved marriage protection amendment. This time both Virginia and Florida watched as judges simply tossed the voters’ voice aside and decided for the entire state what the definition of marriage will be. And the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, another group of judges, has decided that Oklahoma’s marriage protection amendment is unconstitutional struck it down.
That’s three more traditionally conservative states where LGBT activists and politicians alike had little chance of getting a voter-approved measure legalizing gay “marriage” past the people. So, they circumvented the people, trampled both the Constitution and the voter-approved marriage protection amendments, and forced their will on the entire state.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council notes: Continue reading…
Planned Parenthood Tells Young Girl to Watch “Educational Porno”
Posted on August 4, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
What continues to amaze me about these videos from Live Action taken undercover at Planned Parenthood (PP) abortion clinics across the country, is how unconcerned the PP staffer seems to be about the age of the “patient.” According to PP 15 is not too young to not just be in a sexual relationship, but to be engaging in BDSM behavior. Am I the only one shocked by that?
It is equally disturbing that PP does not care that this young, minor child has no parent present. I mean, I knew that PP would happily do an abortion for a 15-year-old without telling her parents, and that they oppose all parental notification laws, and yet it’s still surprising to me to witness. I suppose I am surprised because if this was my child and I learned PP was giving such advice without my knowledge it would not be such a calm, serene scene. But hey, that’s me.
What kind of advice is PP giving to this underage patient?
This particular PP staffer thought it would be a good idea to tell a 15-year-old that she should find a good “educational porno” to watch. I can’t help but wonder if she would feel the same way about an adult telling her underage daughter the same thing. Suppose I decided to tell this PP staffer’s daughter that there is some great porn out there she should be watching. How would the mother react? If she has any moral scruples at all she would be furious and seek legal intervention. But she feels completely at ease telling this young girl – someone’s daughter – to go watch porn. Continue reading…
Why It Might Be a Good Thing for People to Leave Our Church
Posted on August 1, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
If we aren’t careful as church leaders we will fall into the trap of believing that it is our job to keep everyone in our church happy. For the life of me I can’t see anywhere in Scripture where pastors are commanded to make anyone happy, much less keep them happy. I see commands to teach, share the Gospel, study, pray, baptize, and disciple; but I can’t find any instructions on keeping people happy.
The distraction of keeping everyone happy comes from a fear that if people aren’t happy they will leave our church and go elsewhere. Because many churches are struggling to grow and having financial issues the task of keeping everyone happy (and tithing) takes precedence. Though they might not say it out loud, many pastors are afraid that someone might leave their church, not realizing that having people leave their church might be the best thing for the church.
Wait a minute. Did I just say it might be good for someone to leave the church? As a pastor that seems like an odd thing to say. Even more odd would be the statement that not only is it a good thing for people to leave, it might be what is best for that person and the church as a whole.
Okay, where am I getting this idea? I thought we wanted people to stay at our church, so our church will get bigger. Well, if you have a myopic goal of numerical growth then I guess what I’m saying is counter-intuitive and troubling. But, if your goal is authentic church growth (a result of people being saved) and church health (a result of people being discipled), then what I’m saying is necessary and true. Continue reading…
Atheist Groups Rejoice Over IRS Decision to Monitor Churches. But Should They?
Posted on July 31, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
Good news! The IRS has agreed to start monitoring churches more closely concerning political speech. Doesn’t that make you feel safe?
Apparently a lawsuit brought against the IRS by the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) has resulted in an agreement between the atheist group and the IRS to spend more time monitoring churches. After all, we can’t have churches giving direction to their congregations about critical issues, and where candidates stand on those issues. (Alliance Defending Freedom has sent a FOIA request to the IRS asking for these new policies.)
The lawsuit was first prompted in 2009 as a result of the nationwide ‘Pulpit Freedom Sunday” campaign started by Alliance Defending Freedom. This campaign was started as an effort to challenge the unconstitutional “Johnson Amendment” that was inserted into the IRS code back in 1954. The Amendment makes it illegal for tax-exempt organizations to engage in electioneering, broadly defined as endorsing one political candidate or another.
The problem with the Johnson Amendment is that it has been used as a political weapon against churches seeking to educate their congregations concerning critical issues and where candidates stand on those issues.
Under the Johnson Amendment it could be considered illegal for a pastor to get up and say “the Bible teaches that abortion is wrong. In the upcoming election candidate A is pro-life, but candidate B is not. You must decide who to vote for according to your biblical convictions.” Continue reading…
Tony Dungy Gets Blasted for Being Honest About Michael Sam
Posted on July 30, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Let’s get this out in the open right now. I’ve tried to keep this part of my life somewhat secret for years now, and only a few people really know this about me. But, I think the time is right to come forward and admit the truth.
I am a New England Patriots fan.
There, I said it. I feel…better. It’s as if a weight has been lifted and I can now be the “real” me during football season.
Being a Pats fan means that for years I loathed the Indianapolis Colts. Under the expert leadership of Coach Tony Dungy the Colts were a perennial powerhouse in the AFC and more than once prevented my Patriots from advancing in the playoffs. But as much as I disliked the Colts on the field, I’ve never had anything but the highest respect for Tony Dungy.
In fact, what I would say is that any player would be blessed to be on a team coached by Dungy. The combination of his character and his coaching abilities made him one of the NFL’s best coaches – and he’s got the ring to prove it. But not everyone is excited at the thought of being coached by Tony Dungy.
Here’s the story. When asked if he would have drafted Sam, Coach Dungy said: Continue reading…
Jill Stanek: 15 Reasons Why the Pro-Life Movement is Winning!
Posted on July 29, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry

Image credit: Time Magazine
If you weren’t sure if the movement to defend life from conception to natural death was winning or not, the following list should help. Of course the media is in bed with big abortion business so their coverage is skewed to make people think the pro-abortion view is most popular. Wrong.
As Stanek shares, from a number of articles which can be seen here, there is overwhelming evidence to support the fact that the pro-life view is not just winning in courts, but winning in the court of public opinion. More people in America now identify as pro-life and believe abortion should be restricted to extreme cases. The push to protect children with disabilities, children of rape and incest, and even to protect children based on their gender is growing, quickly.
Despite the fact that we have the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history in the White House, more pro-life laws have been passed in the past several years than in the past three decades combined. Despite the media partnership with big abortion business people remain unconvinced that abortion is not murder. As many pro-abortion advocates rightly feared, science is proving the humanity of the unborn in undeniable ways; convincing people more than ever that human life does indeed begin at conception.
Based on the articles Jill Stanek lists in her post at LifeNews.com, here are the 15 reasons abortion advocates say they are losing to the pro-life movement: Continue reading…
How Many People in America are Gay? Does it Matter?
Posted on July 28, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Here’s a quiz for you: What percentage of the American population self-identifies as homosexual?
Think about it. With the massive effort to create homosexual rights, the media reporting every time a person announces to the world that he or she is gay, and all the other hype shoved at each day. What massive, enormous percentage of the American population is languishing under our archaic laws preventing them from marrying?
It must be massive, right? I has to be. People are being fired from their jobs for refusing to support the homosexual lifestyle. Businesses are being shut down because the owners are Christians that refuse to violate their religious convictions. Other Christians are being charged and convicted with hate-crimes for adhering to their convictions that marriage is between one woman and one man.
Surely the percentage of the American population that is homosexual is not just very large, but growing.
Television shows with gay characters is at an all-time high. We’re a long way from the days of “Will and Grace” and Seinfeld’s “not that there’s anything wrong with that.” We now have homosexual behavior being acted out on our televisions. And major American companies such as Burger King are even jumping into the conversation with their rainbow Whopper to show their support. Because, you know, making good food just isn’t enough anymore. (Oh look, there’s a Chick-Fil-A, pull over.) Continue reading…