The Reformed Advisor

Why Should Anyone Believe What a Christian Says?

Posted on May 21, 2014 in Sexuality, Theology by

atheistIt’s hard to read news headlines each day. I try to stay informed by maintaining a robust news aggregator service that I check daily. This allows me to read several hundred headlines each day and keeps me as informed as any person would want to be. But I admit that it is a difficult task.

Part of the difficulty is reading headlines related to Christians.

With all that Christians face from a lost and dying world each day it only compounds our burdens when we harm ourselves and the Gospel from within. When Christians behave in such a way so as to bring shame and embarrassment upon the Gospel we preach and the name of Jesus we are doing no one any favors. Most of all, we are helping to push others further away from Christ rather than being a tool to draw them to the Savior.

Here’s a headline I wish didn’t exist: “Peeping Pastor Pleads Guilty to Very Creepy Crime.” The article reports:

“A former pastor and theology professor has pleaded guilty to climbing up a ladder and watching a couple have sex in their bedroom… [the man] pleaded guilty to peeping into a couple’s bedroom window…admitted that he observed the couple through a second-floor window… [he is] a former preacher and professor at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of surveilling unclothed persons.” Continue reading…

Robert P. George: The Days of Socially Acceptable Christianity Are Over

Posted on May 20, 2014 in Uncategorized by

Professor Robert P GeorgeThe following speech was delivered by respected Princeton professor Robert P. George. The importance of this speech cannot be overstated as it clearly articulates both the present and future place of Christians in our society. We are ow confronted with a culture that reviles followers of Jesus for our biblical values and convictions. What is now upon us is a world in which it is costly to be a disciple of Christ. The question is, what will it cost you and what are you willing to pay to follow Jesus?

Ashamed of the Gospel?

The days of socially acceptable Christianity are over. The days of comfortable Catholicism are past. It is no longer easy to be a faithful Christian, a good Catholic, an authentic witness to the truths of the Gospel. A price is demanded and must be paid. There are costs of discipleship—heavy costs, costs that are burdensome and painful to bear.

Of course, one can still safely identify oneself as a “Catholic,” and even be seen going to mass. That is because the guardians of those norms of cultural orthodoxy that we have come to call “political correctness” do not assume that identifying as “Catholic” or going to mass necessarily means that one actually believes what the Church teaches on issues such as marriage and sexual morality and the sanctity of human life.

And if one in fact does not believe what the Church teaches, or, for now at least, even if one does believe those teachings but is prepared to be completely silent about them, one is safe—one can still be a comfortable Catholic. In other words, a tame Catholic, a Catholic who is ashamed of the Gospel—or who is willing to act publicly as if he or she were ashamed—is still socially acceptable. But a Catholic who makes it clear that he or she is not ashamed is in for a rough go—he or she must be prepared to take risks and make sacrifices. “If,” Jesus said, “anyone wants to be my disciple, let him take up his cross and follow me.” We American Catholics, having become comfortable, had forgotten, or ignored, that timeless Gospel truth. There will be no ignoring it now. Continue reading…

One Racist Gets Banned from the NBA Another Gets a Museum

Posted on May 20, 2014 in Uncategorized by

LeBron JamesLeBron James doesn’t think any of Donald Sterlings family members should be allowed to own the L.S. Clippers. According to James that is “what’s right,” as punishment for Sterlings racist comments. James said:

“As players, we want what’s right and we don’t feel like no one in his family should be able to own the team.”

LeBron might be a genius on the court, but off the court, not so much. To say that no one in the Sterling family should be allowed to own the Clippers because of racist comments made by one person is absurd. To equate that statement with some perverted sense of “right” is even worse. But the greatest tragedy is the outright ignoring of other racist comments by people in the and associated with the NBA by LeBron and the media.

Charles Barkley recently said that the “NBS is a black league.” And faithful side-line fan Spike Lee has long been accused of racism. And let’s not forget that NBA royalty Michael Jordan recently said he was a racist “against all white people” when he was younger.

(Let’s hope LeBron doesn’t come to West Virginia and ask who Robert C. Byrd was. He will find out that he was a former member of the Klu Klux Klan and long-seated U.S. Senator that nearly everything in West Virginia is named after. But we’re not racist.)

So, where does LeBron stand on these NBA darlings and their racist comments? Would LeBron move to ban Michael Jordan and his entire family from the NBA for admitting to being a racist? Will LeBron start a petition to have Charles Barkley removed from the air for his racist remarks? Will LeBron make sure Spike Lee never attends another game? Of course not. Why? Continue reading…

If You Don’t Like Michael Sam It’s Because You’re a Homophobe

Posted on May 19, 2014 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

Michael SamIf he wasn’t gay you probably wouldn’t know who Michael Sam even was. In fact, being gay is, at this moment in time, one of his most celebrated accomplishment in life. Some even believe that being gay is the only reason he was even drafted in this year’s NFL draft; making him the first openly gay player in NFL history.

Here’s the problem, despite any other accomplishments in his life – including being co-defensive player of the year – Michael Sam is known for being gay. NFL scouts say he is an average player that may not do well in the NFL. But that doesn’t matter because he is gay so we have to draft him to make sure the NFL avoids a major PR nightmare.

This is the duplicitous end result of the effort to make homosexuals a special class of people.

Another freedom crushing result is that anyone who dares to speak against such behavior is immediately punished and compelled to apologize.

The Miami Dolphins made safety Don Jones issue a public apology after he tweeted “omg” and “horrible” after Sam was shown kissing his boyfriend on live television. Jones was fined, excused from team activities and subsequently suspended until he completes “sensitivity training.” Jones was forced to apologize publicly where he made this statement:

“I am committed to represent the values of the Miami Dolphins organization, and appreciate the opportunity I have been given to do so going forward.”

There’s not a shred of honesty or sincerity in this statement. This was a compelled statement that someone wrote for Jones and made him say in order to appease the media gods that circle like hungry sharks when someone actually does speak his mind. If you want honesty and sincerity read Jones’ original tweets because that is how he really feels. Continue reading…

Hedgesville High School Student Beats Incumbent in Primary Election

Posted on May 18, 2014 in Life by

sairablairMaybe there’s hope for West Virginia yet.

In the recent primary election a 17 year old Hedgesville student unseat a sitting state delegate by a fairly surprising margin. reports:

“With all 13 precincts in her Martinsburg-area district reporting, Blair beat state Del. Larry Kump(R) by an 872-728 vote margin. Blair campaigned on an antiabortion, pro-Second Amendment platform, offering her cellphone number to constituents and pledging not to go negative. She spent about $4,800 on her campaign, state finance records show (Kump, a former lobbyist, only spent $1,800 on his reelection bid).”

Blair is a strong pro-life candidate that will, I hope, be a consistent voice for life in our state capitol. What makes this interesting is that pro-life candidates routinely get elected in West Virginia, it’s almost impossible in most parts of the state to get elected without being pro-life. And yet our governor still decided to veto the single strongest pro-life bill ever to be passed in West Virginia. It’s shameful.

But maybe voices like Blair will rouse a new generation of pro-life voices that will effect change in Charleston and across the state. Let’s pray for Saira Blair to be a strong voice for life in West Virginia as she heads to Charleston. By the way, if you want to know her philosophy of government and whether it is constitutional, Blair said:

“I think I’m fully capable of doing the job, and I don’t think it’s rocket science by any means — not if you just listen to the people.” 

You go girl!

VIDEO: Actor Jim Caviezel Delivers Powerful Message

Posted on May 17, 2014 in Life, Religious Freedom by

jimCaviezelI am a huge Jim Caviezel fan. My first exposure to him was his role as Jesus in Mel Gibson’s epic movie “The Passion of the Christ.” Since that movie took the world by storm I have been a fan of Caviezel for his willingness to stand boldly for his faith in Hollywood.

Even though Caviezel knew that it could be a death sentence for his career as an actor, he felt called to make the movie and was obedient to that call. Since that time Caviezel has been an outspoken voice for faith in a town not know for any faith at all.

In this video Jim Caviezel shares on everything from how he got the role as Jesus in The Passion to  his latest project recording an audio Bible. And while I wish someone else was doing the interview – this particular guy is a little too light-hearted for the message being shared, the message shared by Jim Caviezal in this video is a much needed one.

Caviezal encourages people to shun “being cool” and cling to Jesus daily. He reminds us that sacrifice is needed in order to be a Christian in our culture and that we all will die. He reminds us that the sacrifice Jesus made is worth any temporary suffering we will face.

I don’t agree with all of Caviezel’s theology, some of which is presented in this video. But I very much support and appreciate his willingness to share his faith and speak about Jesus publicly regardless of what it will do to his career. Toward the end of this video Caviezel shares a message of mercy and forgiveness for those who’ve had abortions; highlighting his deep conviction to life and the pro-life movement.

Jim Caviezel is an anomaly in Hollywood. I wish there was 100 more like him and for all I know there is. But for now I am thankful for Jim Caviezel and his bold faith.

Don’t Fall for the DPTHLTCTOP Method of Raising Your Kids

Posted on May 16, 2014 in Family by

teach kidsDo you want to help your kids?

This might seem like a silly question. You might be thinking that I’ve lost my grip on reality for asking something so inane and obvious. But, I think there is greater depth to this question and the answer than we might know. In fact, there is a possibility that you are doing more to harm your kids than help them.

Of course every parent wants to help. There is something in every parent (well, nearly every parent) that innately desires to do everything within our power to help our kids. This help looks different for every parent and child of course, but we all want to help.

Maybe we start teaching money management at a very young age so our kids will not get into financial trouble. Maybe we make sure our kids have the coolest clothes and shoes so other trendy kids will like them. Maybe we enroll our smaller than average child in martial arts class to make sure bully’s learn their lesson. I can see where each of these would be considered help.

But one area where parents often have a great impact in their kids’ lives without even knowing it is in the area of faith. I’ve often found the different approaches parents take to “teaching faith” to their kids very curious. The method that often causes me the greatest pause is the “don’t-push-too-hard-let-them-choose-their-own-path” method; or DPTHLTCTOP for short (because who doesn’t love a good acronym these days?). Continue reading…

Is Google Censoring Pro-Life Information?

Posted on May 15, 2014 in Life by

GoogleWait a minute, I thought Google was a place to find information. I thought if I needed to know something, or was looking for some particular bit of information that I was supposed to “Google it” and I would find the answer I was looking for?

Am I wrong about that?

Why then is Google censoring ads based on ideological views simply because some activist group urges them to do so?

In case you missed it, NARAL, a pro-abortion lobby group, pressured Google to remove ads by Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) for being “predatory.” NARAL claims that the ads by CPC’s seek to prey upon misinformed women and deceive them into keeping their unborn child. Well, if deception is the criteria for the pressure on Google why hasn’t NARAL pressured Google to remove all of Planned Parenthood’s ads. By now everyone knows that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest liar to women about abortion. I don’t see any pressure to remove their ads.

Then again Planned Parenthood and NARAL have the same objective, to kill unborn children. So as long as you are deceiving women into killing their child it’s acceptable to NARAL to lie. But when you try and tell the truth about abortion using medically accurate and biologically factual information, well, that’s just a “deception” NARAL can’t handle.

So they whined to Google and got a few ads removed; or so they said (more on that in a minute). And we’re supposed to celebrate the censoring of information based on political pressure? Hmm, pretty sure that’s a form of tyranny our Founder’s rejected and fled, not celebrated. But hey, this is NARAL’s world, where lies are acceptable and the truth must be suppressed. Continue reading…

UPDATE: Benham Brothers Speak Out About Unfair Canceling of HGTV Show

Posted on May 14, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

Benham BrothersIn the wake of a home flipping show being cancelled on HGTV for its hosts having a pro-traditional marriage view, the Benham brothers have spoken about the incident.

In case you missed the absurd spectacle created by HGTV and the liberal group “,” you can read my article about it here.

In today’s politically un-correct world where people and groups call for tolerance and diversity while shutting out people with diverse viewpoints, it’s hard to find the logic in much of what takes place. No doubt the Benham brothers were left scratching their heads when they were informed by HGTV that their anticipated show would be cancelled before a single episode aired. The reason, simply because the Benhams are Christians with a pro-traditional marriage view.

Now, here is the hard part to understand. I have no doubt that HGTV knew before they entered into contract with the Benhams that the brothers were Christians. At some point there was a discussions about their faith and how integral it is to their daily lives. Perhaps HGTV even gave some guidelines for speaking about their faith on air. One thing is for sure, HGTV knew the Benhams were committed Christians. Knowing that it is hard to imagine that HGTV didn’t know the Benhams hold to a traditional marriage viewpoint. So why did HGTV agree to the show in the first place if their traditional marriage view is so awful? Why give them a contract at all if HGTV is so opposed to this point of view?

The simple answer: fear and money. Continue reading…

Attention All Christians: Choose Between Your Job and Your Convictions

Posted on May 13, 2014 in Religious Freedom by

Benham BrothersHere’s a memo to all Christians: you will probably be fired from your job for your biblical convictions.

You may be thinking that being fired for your biblical convictions is discrimination, religious discrimination, and illegal and unconstitutional. But apparently it is perfectly acceptable to fire Christians for their beliefs. Let’s examine the evidence.

Yes, we can look back to the Duck Dynasty fiasco that nearly cost the network their number one show. No one seriously believed A&E would fire Phil Robertson for sharing his Christian convictions because, at this point, the show is still making A&E relevant in the cable market. Give it a couple years and it is reasonable to assume Duck Dynasty will be no more and A&E will fade back into obscurity.

Sure, we could look to the firing of Mozilla CEO Brenden Eich for donating to the Prop 8 campaign. It seems that employees can now be fired from their job for choosing to exercise their free speech as private citizens. Better be careful what you say in public, or in private. If some snooping gay activist can dig it up you can bet it will be used to oust you from your job.

The latest example is the Benham brothers.

Twin brothers David and Jason Benham were scheduled to host a show on HGTV this fall called “Flip It Forward.” They were going to help people get into the house flipping business by showing them how to select houses and do the work themselves needed to flip the house. Sounds like a good show. Continue reading…


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