Graph: Planned Parenthood Does 30% of All Abortions in the United States
Posted on March 20, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Jill Stanek, reporting at, shares the following sickening statistics from recent reports regarding abortions in the United States and Planned Parenthood. If you think Planned Parenthood is about women’s health and all the rosy rhetoric they like to repeat, read this and think again.
American Life League’s STOPP reported in February:
Here are some comparative numbers based on theGuttmacher report entitled “Abortion Incidence and Service Availability in the United States, 2011,” and Planned Parenthood’s annual reports, showing Planned Parenthood’s ever-increasing share of the U.S. abortion market:
Planned Parenthood committed 31.6% of abortions nationwide in 2011
Planned Parenthood committed 23.3% of abortions nationwide in 2006
Planned Parenthood committed 16.5% of abortions nationwide in 2001
Planned Parenthood committed 11.3% of abortions nationwide in 1996
Planned Parenthood committed 8.5% of abortions nationwide in 1991
Planned Parenthood committed 6.2% of abortions nationwide in 1986
The graph below shows that Planned Parenthood abortions continue to soar, even as national abortion rates have declined and leveled off.
Click to enlarge… Continue reading…
Ten Things I Want To Tell Teenage Girls
Posted on March 20, 2014 in Family by Nathan Cherry
I’m always looking for good resources on parenting. Raising kids in this culture can be dangerous and I would be silly to think I know it all. But finding well-written, practical, common sense articles can at times be difficult. So when I do find such an article, I am all-too happy to share it.
As the father of a little girl I am deeply concerned with the “trends” in society that tempt our daughters to everything God doesn’t want them to be. Everything from fashion to movies, make-up to music is sending a constant message to our little girls that unless they look, sound, act, behave, smell, and live a certain way, something is wrong.
It takes literally minutes for a girl to have a bad reputation that she may spend years rebuilding. So it is gravely important for parents, particularly dads, to invest heavily in their daughters. Our #1 priority dad is to model exactly what type of man we want our daughters to seek as a husband. If they can’t look to us to set the example they will look elsewhere, and that is a bad idea. Our #2 priority is to speak truth into the errors and lies the culture routinely spews in their direction. By imparting biblical wisdom and values our daughters will derive a self-worth that is based on who they are in Christ, and His opinion of them. This is worth far more than anything else we could accomplish.
Take a few moments to read this article, written by a young woman, then hit “print” and make sure your daughter reads it. Better yet, sit down with her and read it together then discuss it with her. I promise it will be better than any reality show on television.
ADF to Gov. Tomblin: 20 Week Abortion Bill is Constitutionally Sound
Posted on March 19, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The Alliance Defending Freedom, a non-profit Christian legal group, sent a letter to Gov. Tomblin assuring him that the 20 week abortion ban that was overwhelmingly supported by the legislature is indeed constitutionally sound. Tomblin has questioned the legality of the bill while saying he is unsure if he will sign it. He has done so while claiming to be pro-life. The following was reported by ADF here.
Gov. Tomblin now has no reason to veto this bill and doing so will prove that his claim to be pro-life is more a campaign talking point than a conviction.

“Every innocent life deserves to be protected,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Litigation Counsel Catherine Glenn Foster. “Not only does this law protect children in the womb who experience horrific pain during a late-term abortion, it also protects mothers from the increased risk of physical harm and tremendous psychological consequences that come with late-term abortions.”
The Alliance Defending Freedom letter explains that “the Bill is constitutionally sound and should be upheld against any legal challenge…. Medical advances in recent decades have provided a substantial and growing body of medical evidence that has led to a greater understanding of the development of unborn children and their capacity to feel pain at various stages of growth.” Continue reading…
Since When is Being a Married Husband and Father Considered an “Alternative” Lifestyle?
Posted on March 19, 2014 in Family, Marriage by Nathan Cherry
When I was 23 I was single, in graduate school while I worked as a professional, and felt like I was “behind” in life because I wasn’t married with kids.
Little did I know that in a very short couple years I would be engaged, have a Master’s Degree, and be preparing for my future as a husband and father. And while I considered this a perfectly normal albeit late part of an adult life cycle, many today seem to think I am now living an “alternative” lifestyle.
Going back into history as far as you can will reveal the “normal” lifestyle for an adult has been to get married, have children, and then raise those children with your spouse. An adult, still define as someone having reached the age of 18, is legally allowed to marry though many prefer to wait until after college. So it has come to be a normal part of societal life for adults of the age of 22, or 23, or even 25 to be married and begin starting a family. Apparently though, that is now considered an “alternative” lifestyle.
When it was revealed that Olympic skier David Wise, at 23 years old is married with a 2 year-old daughter, NBC labeled his life “alternative.” One reporter said:
“At only twenty-three years old, he has a wife, Alexander, who was waiting patiently in the crowd, and together they have a two-year-old daughter waiting for them to return to their home in Reno, Nevada. At such a young age, Wise has the lifestyle of an adult.”
Somewhere along the way the belief that getting married at a younger age and having kids is part of growing up and becoming an adult was lost. Now reporters are shocked when they see someone that is an adult, 23 years old, living the lifestyle of an adult!? If David Wise is not supposed to be living the lifestyle of an adult, as an adult, what lifestyle should he be living?
I suppose liberals, progressives, and others are lamenting the fact that David Wise is living one of those old-fashioned, traditional lives. Doesn’t he know that he is missing out on all that is out there for him? He could be sleeping around with lots of women, or men, or both – at the same time. He could be playing video games all day with his buddies while he ignores calls from his boss wondering why he’s late for work again. He could be living in his parent’s basement rent free smoking pot for at least another 3 to 5 years while he “finds himself.”
It sounds absurd to say, and yet that is the picture our society is presenting for young men today. The result is labeling a successful gold medalists’ life as “alternative” while pajama boy and cry-baby athletes and rappers are held up as “normal.” What is taking place was recently described by Jim Treacher as “the infantilization of America’s young adults.” He wrote:
“Did it occur to anybody…that David Wise has the lifestyle of an adult because he is an adult? That’s a rhetorical question. Of course it didn’t. What we’re seeing here is a combination of two ongoing projects of leftists and the mainstream media (PTR): the infantilization of America’s young adults, and the ‘otherization’ of completely normal people who don’t behave like they’re on Friends or Two and a Half Men or whatever. Want your parents to coddle you until you’re 26? You’re in luck, bro! Thanks, Obamacare. Want to put off adult responsibilities indefinitely? You have that option.”
The obvious aim of those seeking to redefine marriage and family is to marginalize what has up to this point been considered the standard. A father, mother, and their biological children has been the cornerstone of our republic that has ensured success in many areas of society. Efforts to redefine marriage must include efforts to redefine history to remove this fact and replace it with ridicule for the traditional family.
Every facet of society from music, movies, television, and politics has been complicit in this endeavor to convince society that it doesn’t need strong traditional families to succeed. They have certainly succeeded in some respects of changing public opinion on the issue. But Mona Charen has a reminder for those that believe the traditional family is dead. She writes:
“It’s not wrong to declare that the face of the American family is changing (even if most of the changes have been for the worse), but it may be overwrought. The only way to sing a dirge for the ‘traditional’ family is to define it exceedingly narrowly — and even then, it’s not dead, just diminished. If you define ‘traditional’ as father working, mother not working outside the home, and 2.4 children (okay, kidding about the .4), then yes, only about 23 percent of families fit that model today. But if you broaden the definition a bit to include households in which one spouse, usually the husband, works full-time and the other, usually the wife, works only part-time in order to care for children, then you get a majority of married couples. Among parents of children younger than six, married mothers are less likely to be working at all, making those families look very traditional indeed. (Source: U.S. Department of Labor.)”
I don’t believe the traditional family is dead at all. Most of the people I know live within this definition, even if it is narrow. Yes, they got the point of living within that traditional family via various routes, but they are, nonetheless within a traditional family. The effort to marginalize the traditional family and convince people either that it doesn’t exist or that they don’t need it is, in my opinion, a losing effort. More to the point I believe it is hollow. Though the mainstream media refuses to report on the number of people leaving the homosexual lifestyle in favor of “traditional” gender roles and relationships, it is happening. Homosexuality is fatalistic. And homosexual advocates are terrified to admit they need “traditional” people to procreate to have any hope of continuing.
As they ridicule our lifestyle and seek to marginalize our families simultaneously fearing we will stop having kids for them to adopt, they want everyone else to believe their family is the “new normal.” A blog at the Family Research Council highlights this:
“Ironically, when the parenting pattern that has been celebrated as the ideal for thousands of years — a married dad staying faithful to his wife and child — was highlighted at this Winter Olympics, the lifestyle was described as an ‘alternative.’ American freestyle skier (and now gold medalist) David Wise holds the distinction of being happily married to his wife of several years, Alexandra, and the father of their daughter. In a sport that celebrates the rebellious, such staid behavior at the tender age of twenty three is deemed ‘wildly uncool.’ Meanwhile, the first television depiction of gay couples during an Olympics received a pass as the “new us.”
Entitlement. Government dependence. Immaturity. These each go hand in hand and lead to a society that is no longer free to think, live, and act in accordance with ones convictions. It makes the mind easy to mold and shape into whatever the person doing the shaping desires. If you want a society of sexually confused, immoral, gender-bending serfs willing to give up their freedom in exchange for a handout this is the recipe.
In the end this is a bitter pill to swallow and will leave a person wanting something more.
There’s peace in the conscious awareness of God’s presence. Many Christians though are anxious, worried, or fearful; none of which describe the believer’s relationship with Jesus. The word “peace” appears over 400 times in as many verses in Scripture. Conversely the word fret appears only 7 times and the word afraid only 193 times. These two words combined appear only half as much as the word peace (context and meaning notwithstanding). So it would seem that our relationship with Christ, and subsequently our life as a whole ought to be characterized by peace. If this is true, why does it seem like so many Christians’ lives are wracked with worry, anxiety, and fear?
The book of Psalms records at least 27 occurrences of the word peace. Verses such as Psalms 29:11, “The Lord will bless His people with peace,” and Psalms 37:37, “behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace,” are very clear and encouraging in their message.
But Psalm 119:165 is particularly interesting: “Great peace do they have which love your law…” A large portion of the book of Psalms centers on praising God for His law, His precepts, His truths, and His word. It continually admonishes us to meditate on God’s precepts and law in order to live a happy, pleasing life. (See: Psalms 119:56, 100, 104 for “precepts,” and 1:2; 19:7; 37:31 and 40:8 for “law”) In fact, there is a definite correlation between the words precept and law, and the words peace, joy, rest, strength, and happiness in the book of Psalms. It would seem that the peace, joy, and success of the believer is indestructibly attached to following God’s truths and principles as defined in His word. Continue reading…
40 Days for Life: How Many Babies Have Been Saved So Far…
Posted on March 17, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry St. Patrick’s Day should start with good news – and today we have plenty! So far during this campaign, we are aware of …… 142 babies who, through your prayers and the Lord’s mercy, have been saved from abortion.
Praise God!
Here are more stories of lives permanently changed on the sidewalks outside the abortion centers. Click here to continue reading inspiring and heart-warming stories of babies saved in Arizona, Iowa, and Massachusetts.
Teachers Should Be Allowed to Make Porn and Students Should Be Allowed to Sext Nude Selfie’s
Posted on March 17, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. It seems to make major headlines that a teacher was once a porn star. (Here’s an article from a few years ago.) And there’s ongoing media frenzy over a Duke coed that is paying for her tuition by doing porn.
But my question is why there is such a problem with teachers – ex or current – that want to do porn or even students that want to take nude selfie’s and send them out to all their friends. I was under the impression that this is the sort of thing that is just “normal” and “no big deal” and that only extremist religious prudes get bend out of shape over it.
Just look at this case of a Virginia teen that is being charged with child pornography for taking nude selfie’s and posting them to Twitter. A recent article reports:
“According to WAVY, the unnamed 16-year-old suspect took ‘selfies’ in which she was not wearing clothing, then shared them online at the end of last month…A school resource officer was informed of the then-publicly available photographs’ lewd nature, and talked with both the teen and her mother about the situation. Authorities then confiscated her phone and charged her with one count of distribution of child pornography.”
It seems silly to charge a teen with child pornography for just taking a nude photo and posting it online. After all, Kim Kardashian has posted lots of nude photos; either intentionally or they were “leaked.” Kim Kardashian is held up as a “strong, confident” woman that is successful in business and admired around the world. So if she can do it, why not a teen from Virginia? Continue reading…
LifeNews: Gov. Tomblin Should Sign H.B. 4588 and Protect Babies
Posted on March 13, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry Over the weekend the West Virginia House and Senate put the finishing touches on a hugely important bill. If Gov. Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin signs HB 4588– The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act– West Virginia’s unborn babies, who can feel pain, will be protected from abortion. If there is not a compelling state interest in protecting unborn children from such a hideous death, what would qualify?
If Gov. Tomblin signs the bill into law, West Virginia will join ten other states and the United States House of Representatives that have passed similar bills. If Governor Tomblin signs the bill into law, he will be recognizing what huge majorities in both the House and Senate saw clearly. That HB 4588 is grounded in a moral empathy that resonates loudly with the people of West Virginia: “You don’t kill unborn children who are capable of feeling pain.” If Governor Tomblin signs the bill into law, he will be doing the right thing.
Opponents act as if science stopped in 1973. Ironically, they say proponents want to “take us back.” That is the exact opposite of the truth.
Rather than freezing our understanding of fetal development at what was available to the U.S. Supreme Court more than four decades ago, the bill invites us to look into the window of the womb so that we might know now what we couldn’t know then.
Indeed – because of advancements in science – we know immeasurably more about the developing unborn child than we did in the early 1970′s when Roe v. Wade was decided. Continue reading…
Full disclosure, I stopped watching Saturday Night Live years ago when it stopped being funny. The legends that emerged from the show Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, etc., gave way to a new breed of “comedian” that rely’s more on laugh tracks and poking fun at traditional values than actual comedy.
The video clip below is no exception. In this skit from last Saturday’s episode that saw few laughs and terrible ratings, a group of women led by feminist Lena Dunham attack a man because he was instrumental in shutting down two Planned Parenthood clinics. Shocked, Dunham tells the audience that Planned Parenthood “provides low cost medical advice and care.” When the man in question is said to be a “not so nice guy,” Dunham chimes in with “I think that’s becoming obvious.”
I didn’t really need another reason not to watch Saturday Night Live. But if the show is now going to shill for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, I see no reason to watch or support the show at all. Watch the clip below to see the skit for yourself. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.