The Reformed Advisor

Tag: LifeSiteNews

Graph: Planned Parenthood Does 30% of All Abortions in the United States

Posted on March 20, 2014 in Life by

Jill Stanek, reporting at, shares the following sickening statistics from recent reports regarding abortions in the United States and Planned Parenthood. If you think Planned Parenthood is about women’s health and all the rosy rhetoric they like to repeat, read this and think again.

American Life League’s STOPP reported in February:

Here are some comparative numbers based on theGuttmacher report entitled “Abortion Incidence and Service Availability in the United States, 2011,” and Planned Parenthood’s annual reports, showing Planned Parenthood’s ever-increasing share of the U.S. abortion market:

Planned Parenthood committed 31.6% of abortions nationwide in 2011
Planned Parenthood committed 23.3% of abortions nationwide in 2006
Planned Parenthood committed 16.5% of abortions nationwide in 2001
Planned Parenthood committed 11.3% of abortions nationwide in 1996
Planned Parenthood committed 8.5% of abortions nationwide in 1991
Planned Parenthood committed 6.2% of abortions nationwide in 1986

The graph below shows that Planned Parenthood abortions continue to soar, even as national abortion rates have declined and leveled off.

The Top 10 Pro-Life Pro-Family Stories of 2013

Posted on January 5, 2014 in Family, Life by

LifeSiteNews has posted their top pro-life and pro-family articles from 2013. Check out the list and see how many of these stories you heard about over the year. If you are not getting your news from some alternative media sources besides the mainstream outlets, there is a good chance you are not aware of these and other critical stories.

These articles struck a chord with LifeSiteNews readers for their affront to pro-life or pro-family values. These values are shared by the vast majority of people not just in the U.S., but around the world. And yet they are being attacked vigorously by those who would seek to undermine them. Read these stories and share with others. Only by staying informed can be we hope to combat the onslaught of attacks from those who would like to destroy the values that made America great.

The top-10 pro-life and pro-family stories of 2013 that made you weep, shout, curse…and share

10) Why my support for abortion was based on love…and lies – Jan. 24, 2013

Jennifer Fulwiler’s account of her conversion to the pro-life position was shared over 40,000 times on Facebook.
When I was younger, I was always particularly shocked when I heard about societies where it was common to abandon or kill unwanted newborns. In college I once read a particularly graphic description of a family in ancient Greece “discarding” a newborn baby girl. I was shocked to the point of breathlessness. I was also horribly confused: How could normal people be okay with this, let alone participate in it? Nobody I knew would do that! Were people that different back then?!


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