Did Andy Stanley Misspeak? Should Christians Violate Their religious Convictions?
Posted on March 12, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
In light of the Kansas bill that died in committee and the Arizona religious freedom bill that made national headlines for several weeks before being vetoed by Gov. Jan Brewer, mega-church pastor Andy Stanley made some troubling remarks that have evangelicals questioning his intentions.
According to a recent article Stanley said that he:
“..finds it ‘offensive that Christians would leverage faith to support the Kansas law. Serving people we don’t see eye to eye with is the essence of Christianity. Jesus died for a world with which he didn’t see eye to eye. If a bakery doesn’t want to sell its products to a gay couple, it’s their business. Literally. But leave Jesus out of it.’”
It didn’t take long for commentators to seize on the comment with a flurry of question as to what exactly Stanley meant. There’s no doubt that the plain-text meaning of his statement is troubling as it seems to indicate that Christians should leave God and their faith at home rather than bring it to the work-place. But surely a pastor would not believe such an erroneous idea, and he certainly wouldn’t teach it. Would he?
While I have been a fan of Dr. Charles Stanley, Andy’s father, for many years, I will confess my own growing hesitation to be as supportive of Andy. This stems from my own personal experiences in attending several North Point conferences in which Andy made statements that I found equally troubling. But this latest statement is one that will require further clarification in order to assure people that Andy is not treading into dangerous waters.
Michael Brown, writing at Charisma News, poses several poignant questions that Andy and others opposing such protections for Christians must answer. He asked: Continue reading…
You Want to Influence Your Kids? Here’s How to Do It
Posted on March 11, 2014 in Family by Nathan Cherry
One issue I see in society is what appears to be a lack of concern on the part of parents for their children. I don’t mean ignoring basic needs like food and clothing, but rather the often overlooked “invisible essentials” of imparting faith, morals, and character. It appears that most parents have taken a “survival” mentality and simply hope to get through childhood and the teenage years without actually killing their kids. It’s a strange paradox to see parents acting more like kids as they seek approval form their kids, ask their kids permission, and yield to the demands of their kids.
I can’t help but wonder if parents have forgotten that it is not just their job to raise their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord,” (Eph. 6:4) but also to be a steady influence into their adult years. Then again, maybe influence or the lack thereof, is the problem. And just maybe what has happened is that in the attempt to be loved by their kids parents have lost all influence and consequently are not much loved either.
So, if influence is the key to maintaining a healthy relationship with our kids then how do we get influence? Well first let’s talk about how to lose influence with our kids. It’s important to understand that there is a big difference between control and influence. We start out with absolute control over our kids as infants. But if we try to assert absolute control over them as they grow it will only cause tension and push our kids away as they seek to assert their independence as maturing adults. Carey Nieuwhof shares a few traps that will cause us to lose influence. Continue reading…
BREAKING: Fetal Pain Bill in West Virginia Awaiting Governor’s Signature!
Posted on March 10, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The much discussed Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act has passed every legislative hurdle that has been thrown at it. With much discussion the life saving bill has made it through the state senate and is now on its way to Gov. Tomblin for his signature. Unfortunately, if a quote in a recent article is any indication, the governor may not be signing the bill. The article stated:
“West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin said he’s concerned that a bill to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks could be unconstitutional. ‘Even the legislative attorneys and others have said that they feel that the bill is unconstitutional,’ he said Saturday.”
The bill passed by an 85-15 margin and would enjoy majority support in the state. And with provisions for the mother’s life embedded there is little doubt that the bill would stand up to judicial scrutiny.
Gov. Tomblin has always claimed to be pro-life but done little to nothing to defend life or advance life in West Virginia. This is his chance to put actions to his talk and prove to the people of West Virginia that he is more than just talk. If he chooses to veto this bill it will send shock waves across the state and keep West Virginia as one of just nine states with not a single limitation on abortion.
I encourage you to contact Gov. Tomblins office and let him know you support this bill and want to see him sign it. Our encouragement should not be necessary for someone that claims to be pro-life, but perhaps it will remove any hesitancy on the part of the Governor. (Click here to contact the Governor’s office.)
Girl Scout CEO Lies on Video About Planned Parenthood Partnership After Cookie-Cot Hurts Profits
Posted on March 10, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The situation with the Girl Scouts is heating up and will soon reach an irreversible boiling point. Not only is the fact that the Girl Scouts have a partnership with Planned Parenthood hurting the organization, it is hurting enough that spokesmen and the CEO have both gone on primetime media to try and reassure America. Unfortunately for them the evidence is so damaging and their lies so blatant that it will be very hard to recover.
Let’s first be clear, this is not made up news lacking evidence. For anyone still unsure of whether or not the Girl Scouts are tied to Planned Parenthood, I encourage you to read the very detailed article that Lifenews.com posted showing the storied history between the two organizations. Among the items of interest in the article are photographs of newspaper articles dating all the way back to the 1960’s. Some of those headlines read:
1972 Planned Parenthood conducts workshop for Girl Scouts, 1985: Abortion Foes Ask Girl Scouts to Cut Planned Parenthood Ties, 1985 Girls Scouts review co-sponsorship with Planned Parenthood, 1990 Girl Scout leader shows Planned Parenthood film to troop, 2004: Parents upset the Girl Scouts gave a Woman of the Year award to a Planned Parenthood Executive.
With these examples of an obvious partnership between these two organizations it seems nothing short of deceptive to claim that no such partnership exists. Especially when former CEO Kathy Cloninger admitted on national television that the Girl Scouts do indeed have a partnership with Planned Parenthood. With all this evidence against any claim that no such partnership exists, why would the current CEO and other spokesmen lie and deny the partnership exists? Continue reading…
URGENT: Today Could Be the Day West Virginia Protects the Unborn!
Posted on March 8, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Today is a critical day in West Virginia, one long overdue. Today HB 4588, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act will receive its third reading in the state senate. After passing the first and second readings all that is left is this third reading before the bill will be sent back to the house for a vote. If it passes the house vote it will be sent to the Governor for his signature.
Here’s why its important:
1. West Virginia is one of just 9 states that has no limitations on abortion. In other words an unborn child can be killed up to the moment of birth. That is a shame on every mountaineer. This bill would restrict abortions after approximately 22 weeks for the first time in our beautiful state.
2. It has been scientifically proven many times that unborn children at 20-22 weeks can feel pain. This means abortion at that age, usually done by ripping them limb from limb is nothing but torture. To think that our “civilized” society would allow such a thing to occur is absurd. HB 4588 would prevent such torture of unborn children.
3. This is important because it will tell us if Gov. Tomblin is truly pro-life or not. As governor he has done nothing to protect women and unborn children from the harms of abortion. He has encouraged no legislation while only talking about being pro-life. If he refuses to sign this bill we will know that his talk and his walk don’t agree.
Please pray for this bill and those that will be voting. Let your elected lawmakers know that you support it and want to see them do the same. You can reach any member of the house or senate here: www.legis.state.wv.us.
We are very close to enacting the first law that would protect women and children from the harms of abortion, let’s not let this one slip away due to apathy or a “busy day.”
Planned Parenthood Has A Message for Your Kids You Probably Won’t Like
Posted on March 7, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Forget sex education, Planned Parenthood is teaching kids about BDSM and sadomasochism. The extremist abortion group desires to “educate” kids in every public school as young as Kindergarten with their brand of immoral, sexually deviant behavior. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England is no exception with their latest episode of “A Naked Notion.” According to a recent article the latest video features host Laci Green stating that “BDSM is based on trust.” She goes on to say:
“People sometimes think that those who practice BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused—not true, it’s a total myth. BDSM relies upon and creates trust.”
The article then reveals details of other videos in the series intended for school age children:
“Other videos posted on ‘A Naked Notion’ include one exploring abortion options, and touting abortion as a ‘safe, legal medical procedure.’ In another, she talks about how she lost her virginity at 16, how she doesn’t ‘regret it.’ It’s not about age, she says, it’s whether ‘you want to’ or not.”
Focus on the Family is, as many others are, disgusted by the thought of such content being presented to children in schools without parental consent or knowledge:
“This is a growing trend, the push to normalize — and even celebrate — deviant sexual behavior. Planned Parenthood should be held accountable for sexualizing and exploiting teenagers and children through the promotion of any and every type of sexual behavior. They’ve fed for too long at the government trough, and should be stripped of any taxpayer monies.” Continue reading…
9 Leadership Lessons from Phineas and Ferb
Posted on March 7, 2014 in Public Policy, Uncategorized by Nathan Cherry
Yes, I’m admitting that I watch Phineas and Ferb. In my venture to find a cartoon that I could stomach with my kids we stumbled on this very creative show about two brothers that spend the summer building crazy things and having adventures with their friends. Initially I was just glad to find a show using old-school animation. But as we watched I discovered a gem of a show that has some important life lessons in each episode.
Not only is the writing and music of Phineas and Ferb brilliant, but the lead character, Phineas, just might be one of the greatest leaders in the world; and he’s not even in middle school yet. With this in mind I’ve compiled some leadership lessons courtesy of Phineas and Ferb.
1. Be excited about what you are doing. Have you ever noticed that Phineas and Ferb are always really excited to do whatever it is they will do that day? Phineas excitedly proclaims “I know what we’re gonna do today” with a huge smile. They exude genuine enthusiasm and excitement over their work which spreads to the people around them. This is important for anyone that wants to lead. If you can’t be excited about what you are doing no one else will have a reason to be excited. But if you find sincere joy in your work and tackle each day with unbridled enthusiasm it will spread to those around you.
2. Have a plan. In nearly every episode Phineas and Ferb have blueprints or a plan of some kind that they are working from. They don’t just randomly or arbitrarily start building things, they follow the plan. To be an effective leader you must have a plan. It must be a clear, concise plan that is easily communicated to others. If you attempt to lead “from the seat of your pants” you will most likely stray off course and waste valuable time and energy on things not central to your goal. Continue reading…
A recent article at LifeNews.com shows that Americans are consistently pro-life on the issue of abortion. The issue is an in-depth look at the use of specific words in polls and how it affects the outcome, but the results show a strong pro-life leaning in nearly every poll.
The two poll results shown below are representative of many polls taken over the last decade. The number vary slightly at times but polls consistently show that Americans favor life. This begs the question of why our federal government under the Obama administration has given more money to abortion groups like Planned Parenthood than ever before? And why repeal policies like the Mexico City policy put in place by former president George W. Bush to prohibit the U.S. from sending money for abortion to foreign countries? And why demand, through the HHS mandate and ObamaCare that tax money be spent to pay for abortions?
This also begs the question of why our lawmakers in West Virginia have not made abortion in welfare illegal, allow state tax money to be used for abortions, and still have not enacted any common sense health and safety restrictions on the abortion industry in our state. Obviously our lawmakers, both state and federal are not listening to the people that elected them.
A Man’s Response When He Was Refused Service for Being Conservative Should Be a Lesson to All
Posted on March 6, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
We’ve all heard of a Christian being sued for refusing to take part in a same-sex ceremony. Sure you have. There’s a baker in Colorado, a photographer in New Mexico, a florist in Washington, these are just a few of the many people being attacked by LGBT activists and the government for refusing to violate their religious convictions. (If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, click here.)
Have you ever wondered what would happen if a straight person was ‘discriminated” against by a homosexual simply for being straight, conservative, or Christian?
Wonder no more.
Not long ago Alan Sears, the president of Arizona based legal group Alliance Defending Freedom, was turned down by a photographer when asked to take a family photo for a Christmas card.
Alliance Defending Freedom is a conservative, religious organization that seeks to defend the religious freedoms of individuals and company’s against attacks by LGBT groups and the government. In fact, they are currently representing that photographer in New Mexico I mentioned as her case makes its way to the Supreme Court. It’s a strange sort of irony that Sears is defending one photographer against discrimination charges while experiencing discrimination himself.
At this point, a same-sex couple or homosexual individual would have hired a lawyer, filed charges, alerted the press, met with Al Sharpton, and held a support meeting with GLAAD. What did Alan Sears do? He said, “That’s ok.” In a recent article Sears responded to his experience: Continue reading…
Are You Sure You Want to Support Disney After This Decision?
Posted on March 5, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
We all saw this coming. The Boy Scouts are faced with yet another decision regarding homosexuals in their organization. After they caved to pressure to allow openly homosexual boy scouts, pressure is now mounting for the boys group to also allow openly homosexual leaders. Disney has now cut off funding from the organization unless they change their policy to allow the homosexual leaders. A recent article reports:
“Walt Disney World has decided it will stop funding the local Boy Scouts of America chapter beginning next year unless the childhood group allows open homosexuals to serve as Scoutmasters. The Disney corporation said the BSA violates its non-discrimination policy…It is not clear how much money the amusement park provided to the scouts annually. However, that revenue stream may be available again if the scouts change their policy before January 1, 2015. Homosexual groups said the decision is a sign of their growing influence in the culture, especially in the realm of children’s entertainment.”
There is so much wrong with that paragraph. First, Disney states that the Boy Scouts violate the Disney non-discrimination policy. At what point is it appropriate for one organization to demand another organization abide by its policies? But that’s the goal of liberals, progressives, and homosexuals; everyone will affirm one universal, world-wide social policy – effectively removing autonomy and individuality.
Second, the fact that homosexuals believe they are gaining influence in “the realm of children’s entertainment” is scary. They are seeking to “educate,” or rather indoctrinate kids into a particular worldview that celebrates homosexuality. Any gains in children’s entertainment should be a cause for concern for parents.
Supporting Disney at this point is simply not an option for me. They have, over the last several years become a very liberal organization that approves and celebrates a whole host of immoral behavior and views. To say the least, my family won’t be visiting anytime soon.