Shocking Viral Video: Baby Inside Amniotic Sack!
Posted on February 15, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
The video below has gone viral as people around the world share it and view it. The discussions raised as a result are important as people question the morality and legality of abortion.
The video shows an unborn child approximately 20 weeks old, unborn, still in the mother’s amniotic sack. Speculation abounds as to why the child is in the amniotic sack outside the mother’s womb. Theory’s, such as this is the result of a miscarriage, or that the child was delivered as a result of a car accident abound. But the reality is that this is a human child.
As you watch the video you can see the child move when touched. Does that look like a “blob of tissue”? Are we really going to pretend that the lies from Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates that abortion does not kill a human being are true? Are we going to keep ignoring the greatest act of genocide in our nation’s history?
I don’t know who this child is or why I am seeing this video. But it is my hope and prayer that this video will spread far and wide and confront abortion advocates where they are. I hope this video sparks conversations and prompts a greater defense of the innocent unborn in our nation. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.
Kids That Whine About What They Don’t Have Should Meet Kids Around the World
Posted on February 14, 2014 in Family by Nathan Cherry
Have your kids ever been sitting in the middle of a huge pile of toys, watching one of their 83 DVD’s, after they just got done playing on one of their game systems while they waited for the batteries in their Nintendo DS to charge so they can go on the Internet from their computer to get game codes, and whined “I’m bored, there’s nothing to do!”
In that moment, have you wanted to yell, “When I was a kid we played with sticks and rocks and we liked it!”
Kids have the craziest ability to find a way of whining about what they don’t have in the middle of enjoying the things they have been blessed with. We’ve all seen it. While swimming at a friend’s house they lament the fact they don’t have their own swimming pool. While riding the neighbor’s go-kart they complain about not owning one. While playing dress up at a slumber party they whine about not having more shoes.
But there are two very important things I want to point out when it comes to whining and complaining in our kids.
First, they might have picked the habit up from us! How many times have we, as parents, whined about not having a new 178 inch HD LED Super Slim flat screen television? How often do we complain about our 5 year old car and “wish we had the latest model”? Do our kids complain about not having a pool because they hear us complain about it? Continue reading…
WV State Lawmakers Vote to Support Later Term Abortion. Here’s How They Voted.
Posted on February 13, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Not long ago I wrote an article showing the strange priorities of West Virginia lawmakers. They were feverishly trying to protect us all from polluted water after the chemical spill while ignoring the babies killed via abortion right down the street from their offices.
The latest news from our state capitol is that our lawmakers have voted to support late-term abortion.
The purpose of H.B. 2364 was to protect unborn children capable of feeling pain from the torture of abortion after 20 weeks, except in the case of a medical emergency. Pain capable child protect bills are becoming very popular in light of science that says unborn children can feel pain at 20 weeks. Knowing those children can feel pain at 20 weeks means any abortion performed after that point is nothing short of cruel torture for that child.
West Virginians for Life, through, said:
“Minority Leader Tim Armstead (R-Kanawha) made the motion to Discharge the Committee and bring the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to the floor of the House. The vote to Discharge the Committee failed 48 to 48. The vote was along party lines with the Republicans voting for the bill and two Democrats crossing over to vote for it: Delegates Jeff Eldridge (D-Lincoln) and Ricky Moye (D-Raleigh).”
Once again our lawmakers have claimed to be pro-life while proving they support the unregulated abortion industry in West Virginia. They have ignored the overwhelming majority of West Virginians that support life and want to see the abortion industry regulated. They have shown that decades of one party leadership in West Virginia is partially responsible for the position we are in nationally. They have failed.
To the lawmakers that voted to defend unborn children from torture and pain, thank you. To those who turned a blind eye to the suffering of West Virginia’s most vulnerable mountaineers, shame on you. The graphic below shows exactly how each lawmaker voted on this critical bill. I highly recommend letting your lawmaker know if you are pleased with his or her vote. All contact information for lawmakers can be found here.
Without Morality Based Laws Sexual “Rights” Become Foundation of Society
Posted on February 13, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Years ago when conservative voices sounded the alarm that the redefinition of marriage would lead to legalizing immoral and dangerous behaviors, we were laughed at. Proponents of marriage redefinition said we were “fear-mongering” or resorting to alarmist scare tactics. Those voices are no longer decrying the warnings as even pro-homosexual groups are seeking to distance themselves from the polygamist, polyamory, and pedophilia group’s now seeking “rights.”
The very same arguments used twenty and thirty years ago by homosexuals to first decriminalize sodomy, then to gain legal recognition and protections, and finally to gain marriage rights, are now being employed by numerous other groups seeking the same outcome. Arguments such as “I was born this way,” and “who I have sex with doesn’t hurt anyone,” and “I should be free to love whomever I want” are routinely cited as evidence for the legalization of polygamy, polyamory, and pedophilia.
I’ve said it before and will continue to say that if the government redefines marriage for homosexuals it will have to continue redefining marriage for every other group or be guilty of the same discrimination it now accuses traditional marriage supporters of. If the government redefines marriage once it will have no legal or moral ground to defend against continued redefinition.
One of the most frightening groups seeking legalization and rights is pedophiles. Advocates groups like NAMBLA and B4U-ACT are currently lobbying to have pedophilia decriminalized and recognized as a sexual orientation. Continue reading…
Churches Are Now Being Sued for Discrimination
Posted on February 12, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry

Joseph Backholm, president of the Family Policy Institute of Washington
My friend Joseph Backholm of the Family Policy Institute of Washington has written an article that is simply too good and poignant not to share.
Many have sat on the sidelines of the marriage battle hoping to outlast the attacks. But, as Backholm writes, they are now suing churches in Washington for “discrimination” while the United Nations demands the Catholic church change sacred teaching on sexuality. If that does’t wake you up and cause alarm at how dire the situation is then I question your sanity and coherence.
Read Joseph’s article below and reconsider your “hands off” position. If you continue to take this position you might find yourself in jail anyways, sitting next to the guy who fought on the front lines.
Washington: Now They’re Suing Churches
by Joseph Backholm
Recently, Eastside Catholic High School caused an uproar when they dismissed their vice-principal who entered a same-sex “marriage” in violation of church teaching.
In a story that could have implications for this case, as well as for churches everywhere, last week the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) filed a complaint against a Catholic girl’s prep school which refused to hire a man who is “married” to another man. Continue reading…
The Government Forcing Compliance Will End Badly for Everyone
Posted on February 12, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
There is a concerted effort to force Christian business owners to violate their religious convictions just to satisfy governmental policies. Even though such policies are unjust and violate constitutional freedoms, the government, under the direction of President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, wants to force people of faith to choose between their religious convictions and their businesses.
A culminating moment in this battle will take place in March when two cases come before the Supreme Court. The case of Hobby Lobby, represented by The Becket Fund, and the case of Conestoga Wood Specialties, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom.
In each of these cases, what is at stake is whether or not the federal government can force a Christian business owner to violate his or her religious convictions just to continue operating a business. In particular is the HHS mandate and the fact that it forces Christian business owners that object to abortion to provide contraceptives, abortion drugs and services, through insurance, to employees. Up to this point business owners have been able to keep those items out of the insurance plans offered through their businesses. The HHS mandate seeks to end that freedom and demand that all employer based insurance plans offer these services.
Another side to this issue is the fact that the government is continually trying to establish a “right” to abortion. At one time abortion was merely a freedom the Supreme Court conceded should be available to all; a dubious ruling to this day. Now the government would like to establish that abortion is a right that every person is entitled to. I defy anyone to find a “right” to kill another human being in the Constitution or even the Bill of Rights. Continue reading…
American Heritage Girls Offers “Respect Life” Patch
Posted on February 11, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
I’m a vocal supporter of the American Heritage Girls organization. This alternative tot he Girl Scouts seeks to instill moral virtues and traditional values in their girls rather than the sexually charged and abortion minded environment offered by the Girl Scouts. Just another example of how different these two organizations are can be seen in the fact that the Girl Scouts honored both Nancy Pelosi and Cecile Richards recently as women of courage.
If honoring our nations two most vocal abortion advocates is what the Girl Scouts is all about, count me out. But the American Heritage Girls seeks to honor life and respect life, including the unborn. A recent article reports:
“American Heritage Girls, an international faith-based character-development program for girls ages five through 18, has created a new Respect Life Patch that reinforces the organization’s commitment to honoring life from conception to natural death. Troops representing more than 30,000 girls in 48 states can earn the patch by participating in an event that brings attention to respecting life or by providing a service project for an organization whose mission/purpose demonstrates a desire to respect life, such as pregnancy resource centers, pro-life groups and hospices.”
Check out the American Heritage Girls if you are interested in a place for your daughter to learn solid values and morals that don’t include supporting abortion.
Why I Believe the #CreationDebate Was an Eternal Success
Posted on February 11, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
Answers in Genesis has released a report with the official number it believes watched the debate between founder Ken Ham and evolutionist Bill Nye. Their best estimation reveals that approximately five million people watched the debate around the world; though they also believe the number could be as high as ten million. The statistics for website hits, trending on Twitter, and overall reach are impressive and you can see them here.
But while these numbers are indeed impressive and show that the world is interested in this very sensitive subject, there was more to this debate than purely arguing over origins.
Steve Golden wrote an article at the Answers in Genesis website with, what I believe, is the key to the purpose of this entire debate. He wrote:
“The media is split on the issue. But the overarching victory for Christians in this debate is that the gospel of Jesus Christ was shared with the millions of people watching the debate…Biblical creation is not a salvation issue, meaning that belief or disbelief in the literal history of Genesis will not save a person. Eternal life is conditioned upon faith in Jesus Christ alone.”
As I watched the debate I made more than one remark on social media that it seemed to me that Ken Ham was using this worldwide platform to share the Gospel. On more than one occasion Ham spoke about sin, and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. I couldn’t help but think to myself what great stewardship this was of his opportunity to speak to the world. Continue reading…
State Lawmakers MIA in Battle to Redefine Marriage in West Virginia
Posted on February 10, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Not surprisingly the battle to redefine marriage in West Virginia has been kept relatively quiet. Most people, I would venture, don’t even know there is a challenge to our state’s DOMA law currently pending in federal court. The ability to keep “we the people” out of the loop regarding these critical issues is a tactic liberals employ as often as possible.
Nonetheless the effort to redefine marriage for all Mountaineers is being waged by Lambda Legal, a LGBT rights organization, on behalf of three same-sex couples. A federal judge ruled last week that the lawsuit against West Virginia’s ban on homosexual “marriage” may proceed.
Remember, back in 2010 the Family Policy Council of West Virginia sought to get an amendment to the state constitution on the ballot for voters to approve that would have defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. A couple of our most liberal lawmakers blocked that effort. Lawmakers supporting traditional marriage didn’t believe marriage was in danger of being redefined but said they would be first in line to defend traditional marriage should it ever be challenged.
Has anyone heard from a single lawmaker regarding the issue of marriage?
The lawsuit being allowed to move forward also seeks to overturn a state law requiring all marriage license applications to have the full name of the male and the female getting married; as well as the statement “marriage is designed to be a loving and lifelong union between a woman and a man.” Continue reading…
VIDEO: Parents Choose Life Despite Fatal Diagnosis
Posted on February 9, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Little Zion Isaiah Blick was born on January 11th to Josh and Robbyn Blick. He died 10 days later on January 21st. His parents knew before he was born that he would not live, but chose to give him life rather than take doctors’ advice and abort him. Zion was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a fetal anomaly that is fatal in every case. Knowing their son would not live long, they loved him and documented every moment they had with their precious child.
The Blicks said that spending those ten days with their son, while knowing he would die, taught them a lot about God, love, and life.
The video below shares those moments the Blicks recorded with their son. They now share them with the world to declare that life, no matter how small or short, is worth defending. Watch the video and share it with others. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.