The Reformed Advisor

Tag: Bible

Is God Man or Woman? The Answer Matters

Posted on September 16, 2014 in Theology by

In recent years blogger Rachel Held-Evans has amassed a following of sorts. Mostly for her neo-evangelical views that continue to move away from biblical theology and increasingly embrace a more liberal doctrine. She has publicly embraced homosexuality as compatible with Christian doctrine and appears to hold serious contempt for the Complementarian view of gender given in the Bible.

But the evidence that Evans is straying into a liberal theology rife with dangerous ideas can be seen in her “God as Mother” language used in an article that is now two years old. Like many people, I missed the article when it first came out but recent reviews of it by Owen Strachan and Karen Swallow Prior caught my eye. In the article Evans says:

“Mary was not the first, nor the last, mother to hold the broken body of her child in her arms. … And, because of today, because of the cross, it is a pain that God Herself understands.”

Did you see the two little words that have very big implications?

The Gospel Coalition Asks: “Should I Attend a Same-Sex Wedding?”

Posted on September 15, 2014 in Marriage, Theology by

The following article was written by Matthew Hosier, pastor of Gateway Church in the United Kingdom, for The Gospel Coalition. The homosexual culture has been more overt and prevalent in the UK much longer than it has here in the United States. For this reason I find Hosier’s article compelling. His use of Scripture to present a clear picture of marriage and give an introduction to a biblical sexual ethic for believers is spot on. Hosier doesn’t claim to have all the answers or say his position is the best one, but he does give a great place to start the discussion because, as he mentions, it won’t be long before every Christian will face this question.

Take a few moments to read through the article and be sure to visit the original article here.
Should I Attend a Same-Sex Wedding?

Probably sooner than later, every Christian must decide whether or not you will attend a same-sex wedding. Those of us who are pastors will also need to be ready to give advice to church members. I’ve chewed this one around, in my own thoughts, with my elder team, and with others. I offer these preliminary thoughts, in the form of Q&A, to help you make your own decision.

Well Known Christian Musician Says She is a Lesbian

Posted on August 28, 2014 in Sexuality by

Let me just get right to the point. Another well-known professing Christian musician has declared to the world that she is gay. She believes and is “certain God loves me just the way I am.” The catalyst for her acceptance of this sexual orientation seems to be some emotional, nearly traumatic religious experiences from her youth.

Vicky Beeching has made a name for herself in Contemporary Christian Music. Her gifts brought her to Nashville when she was just 23 years old. By that time she identified as lesbian, she simply didn’t tell anyone. Her struggle, according to her own account, began when she was young. By age 13 she recalls feeling alone and despondent as a result of the attractions she was experiencing.

Government Mandates Re-Education for Christians Adhering to Biblical Convictions

Posted on August 25, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

By now any aware individual that pays the least bit of attention to the news knows about the cases of the photographer in New Mexico, florist in Washington, and baker in Colorado.

If you’ve not heard of these ground-breaking cases it’s time to get your head out from under the rock and start paying attention.

Why are these cases so important? Simply put, they are testing the waters for the trampling of religious freedom in a way not before experienced in the United States. In each of these cases the religious freedom and free speech rights of private business owners were discarded in favor of homosexual rights. Courts in each of these cases told business owners that they can and will be prosecuted if they did not violate their religious convictions.

But if you think these are isolated cases or that they are exceptional you couldn’t be more wrong.

A recent article highlights the case of Liberty Ridge Farms where, Christian owners were not only fined for refusing to host a same-sex ceremony but were ordered to retrain their staff. The article states:

My Son Might Grow Up to be Really Selfish

Posted on August 13, 2014 in Family by

Have you ever had one of those experiences with your child that makes you beam with pride and want to tell the whole neighborhood? I had just such an experience my oldest son; and I was proud to share it with several people. But their response made me pause and come to a startling realization that brought me back to the responsibility I have as a parent.

Here’s what happened.

Famous Rocker Says Jesus Would Allow Gay Clergy to Marry

Posted on August 12, 2014 in Marriage, Theology by

What would Jesus say about gay clergy if He was physically walking our streets today? Would He gives His blessing to those called to pastor His church that also wanted to take part in homosexual behavior? According to one legendary rocker, that’s exactly what Jesus would do.

In an interview with Sky News rock icon Elton John shared his thoughts and opinions on the gay rights movement and where it stands today. He is thankful for the progress made but believes more is needed. On the heels of complimenting all that Pope Francis has done to “simplify” religion, John was asked whether the church should allow gay clergy to marry. He answered:

Why It Might Be a Good Thing for People to Leave Our Church

Posted on August 1, 2014 in Theology by

The distraction of keeping everyone happy comes from a fear that if people aren’t happy they will leave our church and go elsewhere. Because many churches are struggling to grow and having financial issues the task of keeping everyone happy (and tithing) takes precedence. Though they might not say it out loud, many pastors are afraid that someone might leave their church, not realizing that having people leave their church might be the best thing for the church.

Wait a minute. Did I just say it might be good for someone to leave the church? As a pastor that seems like an odd thing to say. Even more odd would be the statement that not only is it a good thing for people to leave, it might be what is best for that person and the church as a whole.

Debate: Can You Be a Gay Christian?

Posted on July 16, 2014 in Sexuality, Theology by

Now, on the surface is the short, simple answer from both sides of the debate. Homosexual activists would quickly say “of course it’s possible” and cite several examples, perhaps Matthew Vines, Jennifer Knapp or friends and family they know. Christians by a large majority would quickly say “no, this is not possible” and cite scripture calling homosexual behavior a sin.

At issue then is whether or not homosexual behavior is a sin. Because if homosexual behavior is not a sin then it is entirely possible to be a proud, practicing homosexual and at the same time be a Christian. If homosexual behavior is a sin then to live in sin and be proud of it while claiming to be a Christian is contrary to biblical teaching on several levels.

How Nationalism Found Its Way Into the Church

Posted on July 14, 2014 in Religious Freedom, Theology by

In the 1950′s, we were engaged in a cold war with the Soviet Union that lasted until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. In the cabinet and leadership of the United States was a growing fervor that the Cold War was a battle between two ideologies–a Christian worldview and an atheist.

Don’t get me wrong, there is some truth to that claim. The USSR thought they could build a country upon atheistic principles and operate their country better. They appeared to be succeeding in the 1950′s with the launch of Sputnik in ’57, our country was in turmoil. The Russians believed their order of society would out-pace American society and through war or ingenuity, they would win.

The U.S. Administration saw this as a battle between atheism and Christianity, a battle between two radically different views of the world.

Thus was birthed Christianity wrapped up in the flag.

“Pastors” Use God to Support Abortion in Planned Parenthood Letter – Again!

Posted on July 12, 2014 in Life by

Remember that “Pastoral Letter” sent out by Planned Parenthood to support abortion? The one that was so offensive they removed it from their website? Well, it seems that they have drafted a second “pastoral letter” supporting women who kill their unborn children. This letter shows the names of the “Religious Affairs Committee” and the denominations they represent. Not surprising is the fact that most of the denominations represented are dying and desperately seeking to fill pews. Even more shocking is that any “pastor” would dare support the intentional murder of an unborn child. See the cover page of the letter and the text of the letter below. (H/T to for reporting this.


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