The Reformed Advisor

Tag: Capitol Hill

Live Nativity on Capitol Hill Sends Powerful Message

Posted on December 5, 2013 in Religious Freedom by

It was reported recently that a live nativity scene was spotted on Capitol Hill. An article reports: “Capitol Hill was treated to the sight of a camel, donkey, sheep, shepherds and wise men wandering their way to the very seat of earthly power. Flanked by Congress on one side and the Supreme Court on the other, these humans and animals gathered to celebrate Christ’s birth with the living Nativity scene.”

But this wasn’t merely about prancing live animals through downtown Washington, D.C. This was about proclaiming the Gospel in the most powerful city in the world while reminding lawmakers that we are a nation “under God.” The clergy that sponsored the nativity said:

“By displaying the Gospel at Christmas time, we’re reminding all of our legislators and our jurists who are responsible for law and public policy that we are indeed a nation under a higher authority, the authority of God, to whom we all must make account.”

Nativity scenes are regularly attacked, vandalized, and prohibited throughout the country. Yet this scene is an important reminder that Christmas has a deeper, spiritual meaning. And that our nation is founded upon the freedom to live out our religious beliefs in the public sector. I’m blessed to hear that such a scene was in view of Congress and the Supreme Court and hope they will consider its meaning this Christmas. Click here for original article.


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