The Reformed Advisor

Tag: consent

Planned Parenthood Ignores Federal Law and Mother’s Wishes To Take What They Want

Posted on August 18, 2015 in Life by

IHolly O’Donnelln the latest video exposing Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby body parts, ex-technician Holly O’Donnell, reveals that despite a federal law requiring consent from the mother to harvest fetal remains, Planned Parenthood will simply take what they want when they cannot get permission.

O’Donnell was a procurement technician at Planned Parenthood (PP). Her job was to identify women that would be a good match for the samples PP needed to pass along as fetal donations. What O’Donnell didn’t know is that not only was it a demand that she approach women to ask them about donating their aborted babies but, when the mother’s refused, PP would simply take what they wanted.

The sixth video reveals yet another instance of PP ignoring federal law to commit atrocious acts for the sake of money. Even while PP president Cecile Richards is on television telling us all how good Planned Parenthood is, and all the wonderful things they do to help women, we learn yet another way PP operates illegally. It makes me wonder how anyone, such as Hillary Clinton, can support and defend Planned Parenthood.

In the video O’Donnell explains:


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