The Reformed Advisor

Tag: faith

State of Kentucky to Christian Organization: Don’t Share Your Faith

Posted on January 6, 2015 in Religious Freedom by

The state of Kentucky is trying to force the Christian organization Answers in Genesis (AIG) to hire non-Christians for their new Ark Encounter attraction. That is the claim of AIG president Ken Ham in a new video that accuses the state of backtracking on a previous agreement to honor state and federal law which allows religious preference in hiring.

The issue first came up when AIG applied for a sales tax refund. Atheist groups protested the states consideration in granting the tax incentive saying it was an endorsement of religion. When the state granted the tax incentive the protests grew. But when AIG was asked to resubmit their application for the tax incentive for procedural reasons, the state, seemingly, pulled a bait and switch on AIG. Ham says:

New Documentaries Tell Stories of Former Homosexuals and Their Faith

Posted on September 29, 2014 in Sexuality by

I’m convinced that those driving the LGBT agenda don’t want to have an honest conversation. This fact is primarily seen in their efforts to silence ex-gay people who have left the homosexual lifestyle. Anytime a story of someone that once lived the homosexual lifestyle but chose to leave surfaces, it is attacked and ridiculed. This shows the intolerance of those asking us all to be tolerant as they vehemently deny that it’s possible to be a “former homosexual.”

I find this interesting. Since science has yet to find any evidence of a “gay gene,” it stands to reason that sexual orientation is a choice. The ideas of nurture and nature, as applied to sexuality, can be brought into the discussion but, ultimately, it’s a choice. This fact makes LGBT activists angry. If sexuality is a choice then creating an entire system of laws based on that choice is dangerous. They realize that even a hint of personal choice in sexuality will sink their cause.

A Very Clear Warning to Churches Regarding Youth Ministry (Kids Ministry Too)

Posted on August 20, 2014 in Family, Theology by

The following article from the Christian Post should serve as a very sobering warning to every church regarding youth ministry. I would also suggest that it applies to kids ministry as well. Churches that are quick to entertain and lack the ability to challenge their kids and students could be setting them up to reject faith entirely during their college years.

As parents it should be our most sincere desire to be in a church that will intentionally challenge our kids and students in their faith. We should be looking for leaders that are not just convicted in their beliefs, but know the Bible and how to communicate it. At the end of the day the fun and games must take a back seat to imparting solid doctrine and teaching biblical values to the impressionable people in our care.

I encourage you to take a few moments and read this article if you are a parent or church leader. Let us be reminded of the eternal nature of our charge to share our faith and disciple our kids and students.
Learning From Young Atheists: What Turned Them Off Christianity

It’s something most Christian parents worry about: You send your kids off to college and when they come back, you find they’ve lost their faith. The prospect of this happening is why many parents nudge their kids towards Christian colleges, or at least schools with a strong Christian presence on campus.

But in many ways, the damage has been done long before our children set foot on campus. That’s the message from a recent article in the Atlantic Monthly.

More Christians Being Told to Violate Their Religious Convictions

Posted on July 21, 2014 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

So the Brendan Eich’s, Phil Robertsons, Chick-Fil-A’s and bakers of the world are targets. For that matter all who hold to any view of sexuality that does not affirm any kind of sexuali activity will be a target. So maybe you are okay with homosexuality but you “draw the line” at polygamy, polyamory, or pedophilia; you will soon be just as much a target as those who currently oppose homosexuality.

This is the game, a game of degrees. The way it’s played is to slowly but surely take steps toward the ultimate goal. Those seeking to redefine marriage know full well that to come out and say “we don’t want marriage to exist” or “we support polygamy, pedophilia, and bestiality” would result in nothing less than an overwhelming defeat for their movement. So they move slowly, with what they believe is most palatable to society, two consenting adults that just want to love each other. And, like a great fisherman, society has taken the bait and the hook is sunk.

Young People Explain Why They Want to Be a Virgin Until Marriage

Posted on June 16, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

People wanting to remain a virgin until marriage are often confronted by a society that thinks they are strange, or that there’s something wrong with them. Sadly, our society is so sex-obsessed that anyone who is not, is considered strange. But, thankfully, young people are choosing to remain abstinent and sharing their reasons with others. Using a popular smartphone app, Whisper, which assures users of absolute privacy and anonymity, people are sharing their purpose for staying pure with others.

Here’s one of the images shared in a recent article showing the reason one user is staying a virgin until marriage. Click here for the full article which contains many more images.

Help Wanted: Where is a Christian Supposed to Work?

Posted on June 5, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

It appears to me that those seeking to redefine marriage, and those that oppose faith, are creating a hostile work environment for Christians. The choice is clear: choose between your job and your faith.

There seems to be an effort to force Christians into silent support for what the Bible calls sin. If society cannot pressure us into willingly supporting homosexuality and other immoralities, it will threaten us with the loss of our livelihood. You will either conform and support or you will lose your job. The choice might be better stated as: choose between silent condoning of sin and your faith.

VIDEO: Candace Cameron-Bure Says DWTS Allowed Her to Share ‘The Light of Christ”

Posted on June 2, 2014 in Religious Freedom by

In this video, Dancing With the Stars contestant Candace Cameron Bure shares thoughts on her experience dancing on the popular television show. She says, as she has from the beginning, that the show allowed her to share “the light of Christ” with a national television audience. It’s well worth a couple minutes of your time.
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Don’t Fall for the DPTHLTCTOP Method of Raising Your Kids

Posted on May 16, 2014 in Family by

Do you want to help your kids?

This might seem like a silly question. You might be thinking that I’ve lost my grip on reality for asking something so inane and obvious. But, I think there is greater depth to this question and the answer than we might know. In fact, there is a possibility that you are doing more to harm your kids than help them.

Of course every parent wants to help. There is something in every parent (well, nearly every parent) that innately desires to do everything within our power to help our kids. This help looks different for every parent and child of course, but we all want to help.

Maybe we start teaching money management at a very young age so our kids will not get into financial trouble. Maybe we make sure our kids have the coolest clothes and shoes so other trendy kids will like them. Maybe we enroll our smaller than average child in martial arts class to make sure bully’s learn their lesson. I can see where each of these would be considered help.

Roundup: Supreme Court Upholds Public Prayer

Posted on May 7, 2014 in Religious Freedom by

Already this landmark decision is being called controversial by both opponents of public prayer and advocates. That might sound strange, but some are wondering if the fact that the court ruled on public prayer at all is a sign that our religious freedoms are being viewed as government granted rather than God-given, as our Founders believed. It is a valid thought to consider as increasing government intrusion on individual liberty and religious freedom has reached historic proportions.

But, for the moment we do need to celebrate what is potentially one of the most critical victories regarding religious freedom in our country in quite a while. Under one of the most religiously oppressive administrations in recent history we should celebrate every victory and be thankful for the freedoms that continue to shape America. Here’s a few of the articles commenting on the recent decision by the Supreme Court.


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