The Reformed Advisor

Tag: virgin

OP-Ed: One Young Woman Makes the Case for Virginity Both Convincing And Appealing

Posted on October 29, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

Considering we live in a sex-obsessed world it is not often that a major media outlet celebrates the decision of

Young People Explain Why They Want to Be a Virgin Until Marriage

Posted on June 16, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

People wanting to remain a virgin until marriage are often confronted by a society that thinks they are strange, or that there’s something wrong with them. Sadly, our society is so sex-obsessed that anyone who is not, is considered strange. But, thankfully, young people are choosing to remain abstinent and sharing their reasons with others. Using a popular smartphone app, Whisper, which assures users of absolute privacy and anonymity, people are sharing their purpose for staying pure with others.

Here’s one of the images shared in a recent article showing the reason one user is staying a virgin until marriage. Click here for the full article which contains many more images.


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