The Reformed Advisor

Tag: feminine

Is Calling God “Mother” Theologically Helpful?

Posted on November 28, 2017 in Theology by

Our culture currently wants to elevate women above men. Men are viewed by many as nothing more than a problem to be corrected. There’s no celebration of our differences as men and women, and no teaching of how to properly exercise our God-given femininity and masculinity. Modern feminism has as its goal to elevate women above men rather than to seek true equality. Are we really going to change how we communicate our relationship with God to accommodate culture? Are we willing to alienate people with terrible mothers in order to make God “more inclusive” for people with terrible fathers?

War on Women? What About the War on Masculinity?

Posted on February 28, 2014 in Family by

I confess I’m fascinated by studying the difference in genders. My wife will attest to the fact that I don’t understand women and do indeed find them strange creatures from another planet. But I am curiously drawn to studying the differences between men and women.

Culturally speaking it’s almost taboo to even suggest there is a difference between men and women. The feminist movement and political correctness have all but erased gender lines. Rather than celebrating the God-given differences we have been gifted with, society seems more interested in androgyny as a happy middle between the sexes.

Sorry, I reject that notion.

I love John Wayne, shooting guns, eating various kinds of meat, and doing “macho” things that are at times slightly dangerous; like jumping off the roof of my house to avoid using the rickety step ladder. Yes, Tim the Tool Man Taylor is awesome. Additionally, I chew my nails and would never consider getting a manicure, think anything resembling a purse is for women, am suspicious of any guy that doesn’t like at least one sport, and believe there should be a distinct difference between women and men.


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