The Reformed Advisor

Tag: kids

Graph: Planned Parenthood Does 30% of All Abortions in the United States

Posted on March 20, 2014 in Life by

Jill Stanek, reporting at, shares the following sickening statistics from recent reports regarding abortions in the United States and Planned Parenthood. If you think Planned Parenthood is about women’s health and all the rosy rhetoric they like to repeat, read this and think again.

American Life League’s STOPP reported in February:

Here are some comparative numbers based on theGuttmacher report entitled “Abortion Incidence and Service Availability in the United States, 2011,” and Planned Parenthood’s annual reports, showing Planned Parenthood’s ever-increasing share of the U.S. abortion market:

Planned Parenthood committed 31.6% of abortions nationwide in 2011
Planned Parenthood committed 23.3% of abortions nationwide in 2006
Planned Parenthood committed 16.5% of abortions nationwide in 2001
Planned Parenthood committed 11.3% of abortions nationwide in 1996
Planned Parenthood committed 8.5% of abortions nationwide in 1991
Planned Parenthood committed 6.2% of abortions nationwide in 1986

The graph below shows that Planned Parenthood abortions continue to soar, even as national abortion rates have declined and leveled off.

Ten Things I Want To Tell Teenage Girls

Posted on March 20, 2014 in Family by

I’m always looking for good resources on parenting. Raising kids in this culture can be dangerous and I would be silly to think I know it all. But finding well-written, practical, common sense articles can at times be difficult. So when I do find such an article, I am all-too happy to share it.

As the father of a little girl I am deeply concerned with the “trends” in society that tempt our daughters to everything God doesn’t want them to be. Everything from fashion to movies, make-up to music is sending a constant message to our little girls that unless they look, sound, act, behave, smell, and live a certain way, something is wrong.

You Want to Influence Your Kids? Here’s How to Do It

Posted on March 11, 2014 in Family by

One issue I see in society is what appears to be a lack of concern on the part of parents for their children. I don’t mean ignoring basic needs like food and clothing, but rather the often overlooked “invisible essentials” of imparting faith, morals, and character. It appears that most parents have taken a “survival” mentality and simply hope to get through childhood and the teenage years without actually killing their kids. It’s a strange paradox to see parents acting more like kids as they seek approval form their kids, ask their kids permission, and yield to the demands of their kids.

I can’t help but wonder if parents have forgotten that it is not just their job to raise their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord,” (Eph. 6:4) but also to be a steady influence into their adult years. Then again, maybe influence or the lack thereof, is the problem. And just maybe what has happened is that in the attempt to be loved by their kids parents have lost all influence and consequently are not much loved either.

Planned Parenthood Has A Message for Your Kids You Probably Won’t Like

Posted on March 7, 2014 in Sexuality by

Forget sex education, Planned Parenthood is teaching kids about BDSM and sadomasochism. The extremist abortion group desires to “educate” kids in every public school as young as Kindergarten with their brand of immoral, sexually deviant behavior. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England is no exception with their latest episode of “A Naked Notion.” According to a recent article the latest video features host Laci Green stating that “BDSM is based on trust.” She goes on to say:

“People sometimes think that those who practice BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused—not true, it’s a total myth. BDSM relies upon and creates trust.”

The article then reveals details of other videos in the series intended for school age children:

“Other videos posted on ‘A Naked Notion’ include one exploring abortion options, and touting abortion as a ‘safe, legal medical procedure.’ In another, she talks about how she lost her virginity at 16, how she doesn’t ‘regret it.’ It’s not about age, she says, it’s whether ‘you want to’ or not.”

Focus on the Family is, as many others are, disgusted by the thought of such content being presented to children in schools without parental consent or knowledge:

“This is a growing trend, the push to normalize — and even celebrate — deviant sexual behavior. Planned Parenthood should be held accountable for sexualizing and exploiting teenagers and children through the promotion of any and every type of sexual behavior. They’ve fed for too long at the government trough, and should be stripped of any taxpayer monies.”

I couldn’t agree more, which is why I’m urging you to take action and tell Congress to end taxpayer funding for the “non-profit” abortion group. Focus on the Family has provided additional information on this story as well as contact information so you can let Congress know how you feel. Even though President Obama has given Planned Parenthood more money than any other president, we can urge our lawmakers in Congress to end that money stream.

Take Action to Defund Planned Parenthood
Please urge the U.S. House of Representatives to stop using our tax dollars to fund a group that encourages teens to participate in unhealthy, dangerous sexual activities.

Learn more about “A Naked Notion”on PPNNE’s website.

(Caution: Mature subject matter: Not appropriate for children and teens.)
Watch the episode: “Getting Kinky—BDSM 101.”

Read “Quick Guide: God’s Design for Sexuality; Sexual Brokenness and Restoration.”

Are You Sure You Want to Support Disney After This Decision?

Posted on March 5, 2014 in Religious Freedom by

We all saw this coming. The Boy Scouts are faced with yet another decision regarding homosexuals in their organization. After they caved to pressure to allow openly homosexual boy scouts, pressure is now mounting for the boys group to also allow openly homosexual leaders. Disney has now cut off funding from the organization unless they change their policy to allow the homosexual leaders. A recent article reports:

“Walt Disney World has decided it will stop funding the local Boy Scouts of America chapter beginning next year unless the childhood group allows open homosexuals to serve as Scoutmasters. The Disney corporation said the BSA violates its non-discrimination policy…It is not clear how much money the amusement park provided to the scouts annually. However, that revenue stream may be available again if the scouts change their policy before January 1, 2015. Homosexual groups said the decision is a sign of their growing influence in the culture, especially in the realm of children’s entertainment.”

There is so much wrong with that paragraph. First, Disney states that the Boy Scouts violate the Disney non-discrimination policy. At what point is it appropriate for one organization to demand another organization abide by its policies? But that’s the goal of liberals, progressives, and homosexuals; everyone will affirm one universal, world-wide social policy – effectively removing autonomy and individuality.

Second, the fact that homosexuals believe they are gaining influence in “the realm of children’s entertainment” is scary. They are seeking to “educate,” or rather indoctrinate kids into a particular worldview that celebrates homosexuality. Any gains in children’s entertainment should be a cause for concern for parents.

Supporting Disney at this point is simply not an option for me. They have, over the last several years become a very liberal organization that approves and celebrates a whole host of immoral behavior and views. To say the least, my family won’t be visiting anytime soon.

Shocking Decision in the Romeike Case! The Family Will Stay in America!

Posted on March 5, 2014 in Home School by

What a difference 24 hours can make. The chances of the Romeike family being allowed to stay in America in order to home school their children, instead of being deported back to Germany where they would face fines, persecution, and the loss of their kids, was very slim.

The most devastating blow came when the Supreme Court denied their petition to hear the case. With all legal roads exhausted it seemed inevitable that this beautiful family seeking asylum in America in order to educate their children in accordance with their religious convictions would be sent home to Germany.

The most recent news from the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) however is astonishing!

Church Sign: Church is Cancelled Due to Lack of Interest

Posted on March 4, 2014 in Theology by

Imagine driving up to your church next Sunday morning only to see this written on the church sign: “Church is cancelled due to lack of interest.” You’d probably call the pastor immediately and demand an answer. What does he mean “lack of interest,” you are in church nearly every week.

There’s an old saying in churches that “20% of the people do 80% of the work.” I’ve heard it all my life and, worse yet, watched churches slowly die as a result of its truth. The same people volunteer to teach classes, stuff bulletins, make meals for new moms, visit shut-ins, serve the community, and do it with a tired smile on their face while many others sit back and “do church.”

Tell Gov. Tomblin to Sign the Pain Capable unborn Child Protection Act

Posted on March 1, 2014 in Life by

West Virginia has a chance to make state history as well as send a strong, clear message to Democrats in Washington. The question is whether or not we will claim victory and make that statement, or sink into the abyss that is status-quo for Democratic led politics.

Let’s be clear on the facts first.

West Virginia currently has no laws restricting abortion. Not one. A woman can have an abortion in West Virginia up to the moment of birth for any reason and no one will ask a single question. West Virginia is just one of nine states that have no laws protecting unborn life. What makes this so ironic is that most of our elected lawmakers claim to be pro-life.

That Dirty Little D Word: Discipline

Posted on February 20, 2014 in Family by

Have you ever been out in public and saw some kids behaving in a way that made you want to grab their ears, twist, and “teach them a lesson?” To emphasize her point, my mom used to grab my ear, twist, and proceed to show me exactly what it was I was supposed to be doing, or not doing. To say I was “all ears” would be an understatement.

Or maybe you’ve had an experience like this one where you end up hiding from your own kids because you’ve concluded that they are aliens sent to destroy you and take over the planet. And more often than not you sit back at the end of a long day, sigh (or perhaps cry) and wonder aloud “how did it get this bad?”

Kids That Whine About What They Don’t Have Should Meet Kids Around the World

Posted on February 14, 2014 in Family by

Have your kids ever been sitting in the middle of a huge pile of toys, watching one of their 83 DVD’s, after they just got done playing on one of their game systems while they waited for the batteries in their Nintendo DS to charge so they can go on the Internet from their computer to get game codes, and whined “I’m bored, there’s nothing to do!”

In that moment, have you wanted to yell, “When I was a kid we played with sticks and rocks and we liked it!”

Kids have the craziest ability to find a way of whining about what they don’t have in the middle of enjoying the things they have been blessed with. We’ve all seen it. While swimming at a friend’s house they lament the fact they don’t have their own swimming pool. While riding the neighbor’s go-kart they complain about not owning one. While playing dress up at a slumber party they whine about not having more shoes.

But there are two very important things I want to point out when it comes to whining and complaining in our kids.


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