The Reformed Advisor

Tag: late term

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Shares About the “Evil” He Encountered

Posted on October 19, 2015 in Life by

The man behind the undercover videos that exposed the atrocities of planned Parenthood shared with Glenn Beck a memorable moment when he believed he encountered “evil” at a Planned Parenthood clinic. David Daleiden told Beck that while he was at the clinic of a late-term abortionist, a woman that routinely kills babies days before they are supposed to be born, he had a moment when he felt the “evil” of the abortion clinic:

“And for the first time during this entire project, I felt really afraid, like an actual fear, a fight-or-flight kind of response. I felt very exposed, like she knew everything about me. And then all of a sudden … back to laughing and joking, totally casual, normal. And I talked about that with several people afterwards, and some people have kind of a spiritual interpretation, and others have a more psychological interpretation. But on some level, we feel like that was the predator look or the predator instinct that you see in someone who is accustomed to killing people.

Amazing Picture! Baby Born at 24 Weeks Changing the Late-Term Abortion Debate

Posted on September 30, 2014 in Life, Uncategorized by

Sadly, most people don’t know the abortion laws in their state. Deliberate attempts to keep people in the dark are meant to eemilycaines2ncourage apathy – which in turn continues to allow abortion groups to kill unborn kids.

In my home state of West Virginia I am amazed at the number of people that are unaware of the non-existent abortion laws. In the Mountaineer state a baby can be killed up to the moment of birth, for any reason. There is no law limiting abortion or even regulating the abortion industry. Abortion is a free for all in West Virginia.

Within this ongoing conversation is the aspect of “late-term abortion” and what the legal limit should be; whether 24 weeks (the current standard) or earlier. As science continually shows us the humanity of the unborn at 8 weeks, 16 weeks and 20 weeks; pro-life advocates have begun an aggressive campaign to see the 24 week abortion limit moved to no later than 20 weeks.


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