The Reformed Advisor

Tag: law

IVF is the Essence of an Inconsistent, Double Standard Definition of Life

Posted on June 19, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

This is where the worldview of many people is often inconsistent. People want to use IVF and have no concern for the loss of life due to this method of making babies. But when the loss is something they did not intend, suddenly it becomes litigious. Would a judge in this case be so clear in his worldview as to declare the couple has no standing to bring the suit because they took part in the intentional killing of human embryos and are, therefore, as guilty as the clinic?

Why Haven’t We Made Porn Illegal Yet?

Posted on March 14, 2018 in Marriage, Public Policy by

Consider for a moment why we don’t invite people to our house to watch us engage in sexual activity. When is the last time your friend, neighbor, or co-worker said “Hey, how about stopping over tonight to watch me and the wife have sex.”? Such an invitation would be met with shock, disgust, and a genuine concern for the well-being of the other person.

Two Legal Cases Highlight the Right to Discriminate and Human Productivity

Posted on March 13, 2018 in Life, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

A recent article shares the case of Cathy Miller, the owner of a California baker called Tastries Bakery. Miller was asked to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony but declined based on her religious convictions. A California judge ruled in favor of Miller, saying that “to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech.”

President Trump Promises to Sign Bill Outlawing Late-Term Abortion

Posted on October 24, 2017 in Life by

Despite efforts by individual states to stop the murder of innocent children, America remains just one of 7 nations across the world that allows late-term abortion, according to this article. This is not a list that I wish for America to be on.

While many cheer this decision and believe it is a step in the right direction, others are concerned that making abortion illegal on the basis of pain could one day backfire. Writing at Christianity Today, Katelyn Beaty…

How Do Christians Think Biblically (and Economically) About Prison?

Posted on October 17, 2017 in Money, Public Policy, Theology by

When we forget that people in prison for committing crimes are still people, it’s easy to justify 30 or 40 years in prison. When we forget that punishments are supposed to have a purpose, it’s easy to throw someone in prison for selling marijuana, stealing a bottle of alcohol, or not paying their taxes. When marijuana is legal in one state but not another, it adds a whole new level of intricacy to the equation.

President Trump Rewards Pro-Life Voters by Removing Obama Era Rule

Posted on May 3, 2017 in Life, Public Policy by

The Obama administration barred states from withholding federal funding from Planned Parenthood with a rule issued by the Department of Health and Human Services in December of 2016, just a few weeks before Obama left office. This is not terribly surprising, as Obama stands as the most pro-abortion president in American history.

But in his first few weeks in office, President Donald Trump has already made a pro-life impact with several actions, which, according to a recent article include:

Maryland Will Take Funds from Low-Income Families to Pay for Abortion

Posted on April 26, 2017 in Life, Public Policy by

A law requiring Maryland taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood if the federal government defunds the abortion merchant will go into effect on July 1. The law sat on Gov. Hogan’s desk but did not receive his signature or a veto. This means, without his support, the law will go into effect. Why the self-described pro-life governor did not veto the legislation is unclear.

The law stipulates that if the federal government defunds Planned Parenthood, Maryland will take $2 million from the Medicaid fund for low-income families and give it to the abortion chain. Another $700,000 from the state’s general fund will also be given. Rather than helping low-income families with their healthcare, Maryland has decided to prioritize abortion. And all of it will be paid for with our tax money.

Should a Woman Be Allowed to Kill a Living, Breathing Baby Already Born?

Posted on April 11, 2017 in Life by

For some people, the abortion issue is complicated. There’s the line, some extensions of the line, the grey areas, and the loopholes. Very few people, despite what you might hear from the media, support abortion on demand through an entire pregnancy. Far more people support abortion restrictions as a pregnancy progresses later in the term.

For a larger percentage of the population abortion is filled with what-ifs and lines to be crossed. Someone might claim to be pro-life but support abortion in the case of rape. That’s not a pro-life position. That’s supporting abortion. If abortion is morally wrong, and it is, then it’s always wrong. The circumstances for the conception of a child don’t change the reality that killing a living human being is wrong. Supporting abortion the case of rape then, is also wrong.

If You Want to See “Freedom of Worship” – Look to Russia!

Posted on September 28, 2016 in Religious Freedom by

The difference between “freedom of religion” and “freedom of worship” is very distinct. The fact that our president says he believes in “freedom of worship” over “freedom of religion” is a warning to be taken seriously.

A group of Pentecostals were meeting in a home church group when the local police came and said they would drive them from the home in accordance with a new law. That new law allows “freedom of worship” but severely restricts “freedom of religion.”

Recently in Russia, a proposed law received overwhelming support from lawmakers and was approved by president Vladimir Putin. That law put restrictions on missionary work, teaching, preaching, or seeking to “recruit” people into a religious organization. The law also restricts people from sharing their faith in their home, online, or anywhere outside of a church building.

If Homosexuals Can Marry then a Mother and Son Should Be Allowed to Marry As Well

Posted on September 1, 2016 in Marriage, Public Policy by

If you support homosexual “marriage,” you owe it to yourself to read what Matt Walsh says about a mother and son fighting for their right to “love” one another. All of the arguments used to defend and legitimize homosexual relationships and “marriage” are being used by the mother and son to defend and legitimize their incestuous relationship. And the things is: if you support the logic and reasoning used to defend homosexual “marriage” then you have no moral or legal ground to refuse to support incestuous relationships.

To prove that point, Walsh runs through the main arguments used to defend homosexual “marriage” and then applies them to incestuous relationships. Namely, he cites:


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