The Reformed Advisor

Tag: law

Planned Parenthood Cares About Women – But Doesn’t Want Them Seeing Ultrasounds!

Posted on July 19, 2016 in Life by

Planned Parenthood wants to keep women from seeing an ultra-sound of their baby before they make a final decision to have an abortion.

Nope, that’s not a false statement. That statement comes right out of an article reporting on events taking place in Indiana. A recent article reports:

Elections Have Consequences – Just Ask Unborn Children in Texas

Posted on July 6, 2016 in Life by

If you don’t think elections have consequences you haven’t been paying attention for the past 8 years. If you think the upcoming election won’t have consequences, you simply have no grasp on our current cultural position.

The most pro-abortion president in American history has had 8 years in the White House. His tenure has produced two staunch abortion advocates on the Supreme Court. With these allies firmly in place for the rest of their lives the high court of our country currently stands firmly with the abortion industry. That realty has had a devastating effect on the efforts of individual states to pass common sense laws to protect women and unborn children from the barbarism of abortion.

The most recent setback to efforts of pro-life advocates came from the Supreme Court ruling in the Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt case. The court decided that requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges to local hospitals and requiring abortion clinics to adhere to the same building standards as ambulatory surgical centers were unconstitutional and “not medically necessary.”

To break this down, which will help understand the absurdity of the pro-abortion position and the court’s ruling, let’s make sure we understand exactly what these two laws were seeking to accomplish.

Here’s Proof That Planned Parenthood Lied About Making Money Selling Baby Body Parts

Posted on May 5, 2016 in Life, Public Policy by

It looks as though Planned Parenthood will have to find a way to spin yet another damning piece of evidence against their abortion business. After a congressional committee found conclusive evidence that Planned Parenthood in fact did profit from the sale of aborted baby body parts, the world’s largest abortion merchant once again has some explaining to do.

What has become apparent is that procurement companies used their websites to advertise and sell every baby body part imaginable. Clients would go to the site, select the part they desired, and the company would then partner with a Planned Parenthood clinic to supply that part…for a price.

I Was Surprised When this Highly Respected Institution Said Encouraging Youth Transgenderism is a Form of Child Abuse

Posted on March 30, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

A court finds living as a boy when you are a girl is punishable by jail time. The American College of Pediatrics believes advocating for youth transgenderism is “child abuse.” And I am really confused by it all.

As you probably know, there is a massive push to “support” youth transgenderism. Schools and other public facilities are being pressured to allow transgender students to use whatever bathroom and locker room they want. Apparently they think it’s a great idea to let hormone-driven boys into girls bathrooms and locker rooms. Since everyone now has cell phones with cameras you can only imagine the privacy and safety issues that will no doubt result in such actions. Nonetheless, the push continues because: equality.

The media has been focused on North Carolina where a “controversial” bill to require people to use bathrooms and locker rooms according to their biological sex has been passed. There has been nationwide outcry from media and activists saying that this a form of discrimination. Again, some people think allowing anyone to use any facility they choose simply by claiming to be the opposite sex is a good idea. I’m sure pedophiles and sex offenders do think it’s a good idea. However, common sense says that such measures are absurd, at best.

VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Breaks Federal Law – No One Cares

Posted on March 10, 2016 in Life by

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has released a 12th undercover video showing that Planned Parenthood actively changes the abortion procedure to harvest fully intact “specimens” to sell.

The latest video features Jennefer Russo, medical director at Planned Parenthood in Orange County, California, telling undercover investigators how her clinic seeks to harvest fully intact babies in order to sell the bodies to a bioscience company. In case you didn’t know, knowingly altering the abortion procedure is a federal crime. Selling fetal body parts for profit is also a federal crime. The undercover videos released by CMP have proven definitively that Planned Parenthood has daily broken both of those federal laws.

You might be wondering why Planned Parenthood has not faced any criminal charges. Why hasn’t anyone been arrested? The truth is that Planned Parenthood is protected by the most pro-abortion president in United States history. President Obama has repeatedly “blessed” Planned Parenthood for their work and given billions of dollars in tax-money to the abortion business despite objections from Americans. (Hillary Clinton is a big fan of Planned Parenthood as well.)

A recent article carried comments by CMP president David Daleiden regarding the shocking revelations uncovered by the undercover video:

Will the Church Be Protected from the Legal Ramifications of Same-Sex “Marriage”?

Posted on December 30, 2015 in Marriage, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

It’s clear from the plain understanding of these laws that anyone, not just a church, has the right to live and do business according to their sincerely held religious beliefs. The idea that the Supreme Court or any governing body can force a person to support anything that violates their conscience or religious convictions is completely foreign to the American Constitution. (This includes the taxpayer funding of abortion.) Our Founders specifically sought to create a place where people would not be forced to violate their convictions.

The proposed resolution goes on to cite cases from around the country where Christians have been prosecuted for their refusal to support same-sex “marriage.” These examples include a photographer in New Mexico, baker in Colorado, florist in Washington, and others that have seen their business and personal lives thrown into turmoil by an overzealous government and complicit media that are chomping at the bit to make examples of anyone that refuse to bow to their agenda.

The resolution goes on to propose the following law designed to protect churches and the people that work for them, as well as religious organizations and their employees and Christian-owned businesses:

All 10 Undercover Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood for Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts

Posted on October 14, 2015 in Life by

Over the last 3 months ten videos exposing the atrocious practices of Planned Parenthood have been released. The Center for Medical Progress began releasing the videos in July, for the purpose of showing how Planned Parenthood traffics aborted baby body parts. The 10 videos are at times very graphic and the conversations are almost too disturbing to believe. But these videos, taken over the course of several years, have exposed the evil of Planned Parenthood and reignited a fire to defund the abortion group and hold them accountable.

Below is all 10 videos and a brief description of what is contained on each. A big thanks to Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist for her work compiling this list. Take a moment to review each video and consider sharing this information with others. As more people discover the treachery of Planned Parenthood more progress is made to hold them accountable. One thing I want to make clear about these videos is that they are, in fact, authentic. Independent tests have shown that no manipulation or altering has been done, the videos are authentic and real. If the videos posted below don’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

1) Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts: This 9-minute-video with more than 3 million views on YouTube features Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director for medical services, munching on a salad and sipping wine while she admits to altering abortion procedures in such a way that baby body parts can later be sold to human organ buyers. Laws prohibit altering abortion procedures for organ procurement.

LIARS: Planned Parenthood Finally Admits They Don’t Do Mammograms

Posted on October 6, 2015 in Life by

In my estimation Planned Parenthood is one of our nation’s most corrupt, criminal organizations. One could hardly find a redeeming quality about the abortion business worth mentioning. Despite efforts to sell Americans a polished image as a woman’s health organization, Planned Parenthood has watched helplessly as videos exposing it’s true nature as a house of death have revealed an image more akin to founder Margaret Sanger’s intent: a highly developed killing machine.

Here’s What I Think About Kim Davis and Christians Ignoring the “Law of the Land”

Posted on September 23, 2015 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

The more I read the less I’m sure of. Is Kim Davis an example that Christians should take note of for her refusal to compromise her religious convictions? Is she a criminal interfering with “the law of the land” that needs to either “get with the program” or get out of the way?

One thing I am sure of is that most people, by now, have at least heard of Kim Davis. And I am fairly certain that most people have made up their mind about whether they view Davis as a hero or a villain. But all the noise and static in the media and on blogs takes time to wade through.

At the risk of personifying irony by becoming part of the noise and static, I wanted to share some thoughts on what could, potentially, be one of the most crucial incidents in our nation’s history.

There seems to be a grave misunderstanding taking place that could alter the course of events if not adequately cleared up. Some are inclined to think that the Supreme Court of the United States makes laws in our country when, in fact, they do not. The Supreme Court has no authority to make laws but, in reality, is to uphold existing laws. It is Congress that has the task of making laws. For this reason Kim Davis is well within the bounds of law to refuse to sign a marriage certificate for a same-sex couple. Why?

Maybe The Kentucky Clerk Should Be Jailed For Refusing to Issue Marriage Licenses. Maybe?

Posted on September 9, 2015 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

So Daniel refused to compromise his convictions, even while working for the king (a secular entity). That decision led to his punishment; a punishment Daniel was fully prepared to accept, even to the point of death. At no time did Daniel plead his case or demand his “religious convictions” be honored. The end result was that Daniel’s accusers were thrown into the den of lions where they all perished, and the king decreed that only the “God of Daniel” was the true God.

Does this biblical account relate to the Kentucky clerk that now sits in prison for refusing to compromise her convictions?

I think there is a relationship between the account of Daniel and this Kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The relationship is that Ms. Davis – the clerk – is living according to her religious convictions despite the laws of the land. The current law makes it illegal to deny a marriage license to any couple seeking to be married, refusing to comply with that law is an act of disobedience to the law.


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