The Reformed Advisor

Tag: patience

The Currency of Patience: A Commodity in a “Amazon Prime” Culture

Posted on November 13, 2019 in Money by

A lack of patience is perhaps one of the most common factors in an unhealthy personal and financial position. Whether its impulse buying, spending more than we make, carrying high levels of debt, or all of the above. Lacking patience will never help advance our goals and contribute to our personal or financial success.

How Do You Respond When Your Spouse and Kids Annoy You?

Posted on December 24, 2013 in Family by

Have you ever noticed that it’s easier to honor a perfect stranger, or someone you hardly know, than it is the people you love the most? I find this to be not only true in my own life, but very perplexing. How is it so much easier to be patient, kind and understanding to people I don’t really know than it is to be all those things with my wife and kids?

Do I love the people at the gas station more than my own family? Do I prefer the company of the grocery store clerk over my kids? Are my co-workers more deserving of my best than my wife? I doubt we would answer any of these questions in the affirmative and yet, practically speaking, we live life as if we answered “yes” to them all.

I am reminded of Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 13: 7 as he teaches on what love looks like in daily life. Paul, speaking of love, says that it:


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