The Reformed Advisor

Tag: unborn

Video: Matt Chandler Nails Abortion Rhetoric to the Wall as “Nazi-Germany Excrement”

Posted on January 26, 2015 in Life by

In this short video, Pastor Matt Chandler discusses the issue of abortion around the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. (The video is about a year old.)

Chandler starts out by reminding us all that when this landmark decision was handed down in 1973 that the science of pregnancy and the unborn was far different than it is today. Back then we didn’t know just how fully developed unborn children were at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 20 weeks. One of the most regrettable decision in American history was made not knowing that the unborn can feel pain as early as 20 weeks (for certain) but perhaps even earlier; making abortion nothing less than the legal torture and murder of innocent unborn children.

One of the aspects of this video that makes it important is the fact that Chandler is the pastor of a Southern Baptist Church. Up until roughly 1979 the Southern Baptist Convention endorsed and support abortion. Thankfully, realizing their mistake, the convention renounced this position and has been a tireless defender of life ever since.

I particularly enjoyed Chandler’s treatment of the pro-abortion rhetoric that a “woman gets to choose what she does with her body.” He frankly calls that lack of logic “bull” and suggests a woman “go prostitute” herself to see if she is truly free to do what she wants with her body.

Kelly Clarkson’s New Song Shares Her Unborn Daughter’s Heartbeat (Video)

Posted on January 20, 2015 in Uncategorized by

Anyone that knows me knows I love music. I don’t discriminate either so my ipod has everything from country, bluegrass and folk to opera, rap, and classic rock. At times the lyrics of certain songs strike me and I’m captured by them and love the song for the message. Other times the music (often it’s the music) and especially the melody blows me away and I may not even listen to the words all that closely.

But I have to admit a new song by Kelly Clarkson has me hooked for a completely different reason.

I don’t mind admitting I’ve been a fan of Clarkson since she won the first season of American Idol. Her music career has been a glowing entry on the American Idol resume. But her new song, release last Monday, offers a strong pro-life message in a way I’ve not seen before.

An article at reports:

This Viral Video is Changing Minds About Abortion

Posted on January 12, 2015 in Life by

We all know that “false advertising” can get you in a lot of trouble. It’s not right to advertise something as one way that is altogether different than reality. So it’s hard to believe that abortionists freely lie to patients about what abortion is, and what it will do the baby inside the womb. And yet, Planned Parenthood is a master of lying to unsuspecting women.

Live Action though, the pro-life organization headed by Lila Rose, has once again gone undercover to expose the lies of Planned Parenthood. In their latest video, “What Is Human?” Live Action records an abortionist in Arizona blatantly lying to a woman about the fact that the child inside her womb is indeed a living, breathing human being worthy of protection. Instead, Planned Parenthood prefers to lie in order to coerce women into killing their unborn children.

An article at reports that the video is not just “changing the debate about abortion, but it is prompting strong reaction from viewers.”

“Launched as part of Live Action’s ‘Inhuman’ investigation, ‘What is Human?’ is not only changing the debate about abortion, but it is prompting strong reaction from viewers. With over 23,000 comments on the Facebook post and its shares, this video is generating important dialogue about the violence of abortion, and the humanity of the preborn. After watching the short film, some viewers who shared the video said they were now more pro-life than ever, while others even went so far as to say the video changed their minds about abortion:”

Think You Have a Good Reason for Abortion? Read This!

Posted on January 8, 2015 in Life by

Writing at Christian Post, pro-life lawyer and activist Kristi Burton Brown has written an article sharing “10 Reasons Not to Have an Abortion.”

Her article is a response to an article at a “parenting” website advocating several reasons for abortion. Being pro-life I find it both ironic and absurd that a website proclaiming to be all about parenting would advocate abortion; but I digress.

Burton-Brown has some excellent points on why women should not have an abortion. Here is her list with some of her thoughts. For the full article go here.

Jefferson Bethke Writes a Letter To His Unborn Daughter

Posted on January 5, 2015 in Life by

Jefferson Bethke, a spoken-word artist that gained fame for his video “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus,” recently wrote a letter to his unborn daughter and then read it to her after she was born. In the video Jefferson shares some practical insight with his infant daughter and let’s her know how proud he is to be her daddy. But he also shares truth with her, that life is hard, and sometimes things don’t make sense. But in it all, Jefferson, true to his calling, shares Jesus in the video and lets his daughter know that Christ is the most important thing about life.

Watch the video below. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Are the Unborn Really Human? These Images Answer the Question

Posted on December 31, 2014 in Life by

Somehow, with all the scientific advancements available to our society, there is still a debate surrounding the humanity of the unborn. Planned Parenthood and NARAL continue to lie – saying that the unborn are not truly human. And yet they, along with many other abortion advocates would cheer the discovery of “life” should a single-celled organism be found on Mars.

The following images tell a very different story, a trust story of just how human the unborn really are. Be warned, some of these images are graphic. Critics often decry the graphic nature of these images as “inappropriate” for civil society. Hmm…in a world where graphic violence can be found in movies, television shows, video games, and all over the Internet, their criticisms sound more like ideological objections than legitimate concerns. The reason for sharing these images is articulated well by when they first posted the images:

The images are posted below as a witness to both the humanity of the unborn and the brutality of abortion. Perhaps if more people see abortion, they will, like most, be convinced of its immoral, brutal violence against the unborn.

If An Unborn Baby Is Gay – Is It Okay To Abort?

Posted on December 18, 2014 in Life by

I was just writing earlier this week about the continued search for a “gay gene.” Researchers are desperate to find this gene so they can, they believe, legitimize and validate the homosexual lifestyle. They believe if such a gene is found it will pound the final nail in the coffin against any and all opposition to homosexuality.

I don’t personally believe that such a gene exists. The idea that there is something genetically different about homosexual people is strange. What do we do with ex-gay people? Are they living against biology by professing to no longer be homosexual? The whole thing seems to me to be an attempt at finding what LGBT activists believe would be an irrefutable argument supporting homosexuality in every facet of society.

Putting my personal opinion aside for a moment, an article connection homosexuality and abortion caught my attention.

Wesley J. Smith recently wrote an article which appeared at about the discovery of a “gay gene” and abortion. Smith, using the recent study for a “gay gene,” linked the study with abortion to ponder:

Video: Sand Castle Competition Entry Shares Pro-Life Message in Amazing Way

Posted on December 1, 2014 in Life by

The video below is of an entry to the Siesta Key Crystal Classic Master Sand Sculpting Competition. That’s a mouthful for sure. But the competition happens each year in Florida, with people coming from as far away as the Philippines to compete. The week long event boasts some of the most intricate and amazing sand sculptures imagined.

The sculpture chosen as “the people’s choice” this year is called “The Miracle of Life.” The sculpture shows an infant cradled in the hands of his parents, or perhaps even his Creator. The motivation for the sculpture is unknown, but the message is undeniable: Life is a Miracle. And because life is a miracle it should be defended at all times. The idea that it is acceptable to kill an unborn child, a child with an illness or handicap, runs counter to our nature. We instinctively know it’s wrong to kill defenseless people.

Watch the video below to see a better view of this amazing sculpture. It’s hard to believe it was done entirely out of sand but it is absolutely amazing.

New Song by Garth Brooks is Leaving A Lot of People In Tears

Posted on November 21, 2014 in Life, Marriage by

If you’re a fan of country music you are no doubt familiar with Garth Brooks. Even if you don’t like country music there is still a chance you like Garth. He’s just one of those singers, performers, that people like.

Brooks’ new song shares a simultaneous pro-life and pro-mom message. And it seems to be causing a lot of folks to grab a tissue.

Brooks recently shared that the song is “a conversation between God and this unborn child about ready to go down to earth. And when God describes what a mom is – whew, it kills me.”

Those lyrics that describe what a mom is say:

“So hush now baby, don’t you cry / Cause there’s someone down there waiting whose only goal in life / Is making sure you’re always going to be all right / A loving angel, tender, tough and strong / It’s almost time to go and meet your mom.”

Take a few moments to watch the video – posted below – and remember that life is precious, and kids need a mom and a dad.

Is The Supreme Court Leaning Pro-Life?

Posted on November 6, 2014 in Life by

There’s an argument in favor of legalizing same-sex “marriage” that says if legalized it will unite the country and remove a cultural wedge issue. One need only to look to the issue of abortion to know how absurdly false that claim is. The fact is, legalizing same-sex “marriage” will no more unite the country than the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court did.

Speaking of Roe and abortion, the Supreme Court has, in recent years, been a far more pro-life court than many have expected. Maybe it’s due to the advancement of science that was previously unavailable to the court. Maybe the court would have ruled differently had this science been available in 1973?

Or maybe it is the growing public sentiment supporting life that is having an impact on the court. As science increasingly reveals the humanity of the unborn the American public increasingly supports defending life at its earliest stages. As the American public makes their convictions known through elections, boycotts, and support for state level legislation, there is no doubt the Supreme Court is watching.


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