Category: Life
Writing at March For Life, Tom McClusky made a list of 16 Bible verses that bolster the pro-life position against abortion. This isn’t an exhaustive list by any means, but it is a great place to start in understanding what the Bible says.
What I particularly enjoy about this list is that it shows the humanity of the unborn. It should be enough to simply say “don’t kill” and leave it at that. Somehow that’s not enough for some who believe unborn children are not human, or not alive until the mother says they are. These verses however show that life begins in the womb and unborn children are just as alive as any others.
Take a look at this list and consider making a new year’s resolution to stand for life against those that seek to kill the unborn. Truly the Gospel of Jesus Christ is one of life, not death. And we who claim the name of Christ should be most vocal about that life He has come to give us all.
Amazing Pictures: Photog Captures First Moments of Life
Posted on December 30, 2013 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Some contend that life begins “when the mother decides life begins.” This is not just a patently false position it is logically absurd. The argument is a weak attempt to justify abortion. The lack of logic and rational thought behind the position is so obvious that few dare use it. But for those who do try and use this silly position they should take a look at the images captured by a photographer at a university hospital in Europe.
A recent article says of the images:
“A photographer has captured the wondrous, miraculous moment of birth – in all its raw and unglamourised glory. Taken before a mother has seen her baby for the first time these amazing photographs show the reality of how we all enter this world.
The warts and all pictures are the work of respected Danish photographer Suste Bonnen who was given unprecedented access to mothers while they were in labour.”
10 Best Pro-Life Moments of 2013
Posted on December 23, 2013 in Life by Nathan Cherry
by Kristi Burton Brown
Originally posted at Live Action.
In any given year, there are thousands of pro-life moments to celebrate. Reflecting on these moments inspires us to keep on keeping in the new year.
Here are ten notable moments from 2013:
10) The rejections of the Estrela Report by the European Union and the Bali Declaration by the United Nations
Brad Mattes explains the Estrela victory for Life Issues Institute:
The Estrela Report is a proclamation of “sexual and reproductive health rights”—code words for their primary objective of abortion-on-demand. The Report would literally declare abortion to be a human right. The goal is to make abortion accessible through the public health systems in all European Union member countries. There are no limitations, meaning that third-trimester abortions until birth could be a common reality. …It should come as no surprise that one of the self-seeking groups behind this measure is the International Planned Parenthood Federation. …
MUST READ: To Sharpen Your Skills In Defending Life and Marriage You Must Read These Two Articles
Posted on December 23, 2013 in Life, Marriage by Nathan Cherry
Are you able to defend life and marriage against the arguments people may throw at you?
If the answer to that question is no, I recommend a little study in order to be better prepared to defend these positions. There is no need to be afraid to engage someone because of the arguments they might use against your views; with a little study you can be thoroughly prepared to offer sound logic and biblical support against popular arguments.
The following two articles do an outstanding job of combating popular notions against life and traditional marriage. The first article, from Matt Walsh, addresses the specific arguments of an obviously “logical” pro-abortion advocate. Walsh’s responses are common sense, logical, and show just how absurd some arguments against life can be.
The second article, by Matt Chandler, addresses four basic arguments often used by advocates of homosexuality and other sexual sins. Chandler’s answers are biblically sound but culturally relevant as well.
I highly recommend taking a look at both of these articles then passing them on to someone else. Enjoy.
You’ve Heard of Wrongful Death, Now We Have “Wrongful Birth.”
Posted on December 18, 2013 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Abortion advocates so believe in the “right” to abortion that they have no trouble suing over what is being called “wrongful birth.” Here’s how the story was reported recently:
“A couple in Washington state have won what is being called the biggest so-called ‘wrongful birth’ lawsuit ever, when they claim they were denied information that could have led them to abort their disabled baby. A jury in Washington state awarded a couple $50 million after genetic tests didn’t give the couple the information they wanted to know about whether their baby had a rare genetic disorder. Had the baby had the disorder, the couple planned to take his or her life in an abortion.”
In short, this couple wanted genetic testing so they could determine if they were going to kill their unborn child. When they didn’t get what they wanted and had the child, who was found to be with a rare genetic disorder, they sued.
Can you imagine looking at your child and thinking “we would have killed you if we’d only known you would be like this.” That’s the mindset of these parents. They don’t see a precious life, a joy, a gift. They see a mistake that they would not have made “if only.” Is this the society we’ve become? Have we degenerated to the place that we will actually sue someone over a “wrongful birth”?
I feel sorry for this child. I don’t see how he could possibly receive the love a child deserves from parents that consider him a mistake and regret that they didn’t kill him. I fear one day we will hear about this child being euthanized. This is truly tragic. Click here for original article.
Woman Carries “Stone Baby” in Her Stomach for 40 Years
Posted on December 17, 2013 in Life by Nathan Cherry
When an 82 year-old Colombian woman went to the doctor for her stomach pains, she never expected to hear that she was carrying a 40-year-old “stone baby.” The condition, known as lithopedion, or stone baby, occurs when the baby begins developing outside the womb. Because a woman’s stomach is not suitable to sustaining life, the body fights what it believes to be an infection by calcifying the unborn child. The result is a “stone baby” that can go undetected for years.
It’s interesting to note that even the laymen’s term for this condition, “stone baby” makes reference to the fact that what is inside the woman is indeed a baby. Just as kidney stones or gall stones refer to the type of stone growing inside a person, so too does this name, stone baby, refer to what is inside the woman: a baby.
Even when things don’t happen as they should in order to produce a healthy, living baby, the humanity of the unborn can be seen. Click here for original article.
If Your State Did NOT Vote for Obama Insurance Rates Are Higher
Posted on December 16, 2013 in Life, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
A recent article explains: “If you live in a state that did not vote for Barack Obama for president, chances are your rates are going up more than if you reside in one that did vote for him. According to pricing analysis by the Heritage Foundation, premiums for 27-year-olds rose an average of 78 percent on Obamacare exchanges in Republican states. But premiums for those same young adults in states that voted Democrat rose by only 50 percent.”
Experts say this could be due to the fact that lightly regulated states – red states – will now be under heavy regulation, causing prices to rise more than already regulated states. But however you look at it, the fact is, prices are rising, coverage is shrinking, and no, you can’t keep your plan or your doctor. And if you oppose abortion you will still have to pay for it unless your state blocks that part of Obamacare.
For those of us in West Virginia, our state makes us pay for abortion with our taxes through medicare and will do the same through ObamaCare. While most of our elected officials claim to be pro-life they continue to force us to support the abortion industry in our state. Click here for original article.
Heartbreaking: Belgium Legalizes Euthanasia for Children
Posted on December 14, 2013 in Life by Nathan Cherry
A heartbreaking story out of Europe reported that Belgium has, in a landslide vote, legalized euthanasia for children. The report states:
“In 50-17 vote today, the Belgian Senate approved a bill that would allow euthanasia for children. The bill now goes to the House of Representatives for final approval before being sent to the King to be signed into law. Most political observers are predicting the passage of the bill. Currently the law in Belgium allows euthanasia requests for those over 18 and of sound mind, although it is acknowledged that these restrictions are widely ignored. The bill allows euthanasia, with parental consent, for children experiencing intolerable physical pain and who are suffering from a terminal medical condition. Since legalization of euthanasia in 2002, Belgium has seen a nearly 500 percent increase in deaths by euthanasia. Various studies have found that patients in hospitals are increasingly being killed without their consent or the consent of their families.”
This is yet another way in which people show no respect for life. We kill unborn children in the womb, we kill the elderly, we kill adults who request it, and now we kill children.
Does anyone actually think it will stop here? How long before Belgium is killing the disabled? How long before those who are unable to “contribute to society” are terminated? The mindset of the Nazi regime is once again creeping through society. We’ve forgotten how to celebrate life in all its various forms and to see the beauty that can result from suffering. I don’t wish pain and suffering on anyone, but I wish life was celebrated.
Parents somehow finding it acceptable to kill their kids ought to be ashamed. Click here for original article.
149 Abortions for Every Adoption Referral
Posted on December 13, 2013 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Planned Parenthood is an aboriton business. We must start with that in order to have an honest discussion about the organization. People that claim they “do good services” for women aren’t being honest if they don’t admit that the primary “service” of Planned Parenthood is abortion. To further show just how important abortion is to women, a recent report states that last year Planned Parenthood did 149 abortions for every adoption referral.
Further statistics show the low level of concern Planned Parenthood has for women’s health:
“PPFA reported a substantial drop in its clinic numbers between December 2012 and December 2013.
“Planned Parenthood reported a 6.7 percent decrease worldwide in customers for its ‘sexual and reproductive healthcare and education.’ In the U.S., it reported seeing 10,000 fewer unduplicated customers than in 2011.
“One of the most glaring numbers was the steep decline in prenatal services-a 31.97 percent decline from the prior year.
“In addition, Planned Parenthood’s highly touted cancer screening services dropped 14.22 percent from the 2011 numbers.”
Just so we’re clear, Planned Parenthood is an abortion business. Click here for original article.
UPDATE: EU Decides Abortion in NOT a Human Right!
Posted on December 11, 2013 in Life, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
The European Parliament will vote Tuesday on a report, known as the Estrela Report, which will decide whether or not abortion is a “human right.” This is important first because it is absurd to think that abortion is a human right. This is important secondly because this vote will no doubt have consequences for America.
As Americans continue to recognize that life should be defended from conception to natural death, the abortion industry grows desperate. Clinics are closing at unprecedented rates, pro-life laws are being passed by states like never before, and most Americans now identify as pro-life than in the last 40 years. This spells trouble for the money making machine of the abortion industry.
A vote, such as the one taking place tomorrow, will have a ripple effect on the United States. Should the European Parliament find a “human right” to abortion, we can be sure the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history and his administration will seek to further push their pro-abortion agenda on us. However, if the vote defends life, we can expect an increased surge in the protection of life here in the states.