The Reformed Advisor

Category: Marriage

The LGBT Master Plan Began 30 Years Ago. And You Had No Idea

Posted on May 2, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

What if I told you a plan was put in place nearly 30 years ago to normalize homosexuality in America? And that the blueprint for the plan was written in plain sight for anyone to see and yet most people have never heard it, read it, or know it exists?

The average person, myself included, would be tempted to believe that what we are seeing from LGBT activists today is a recently developed plan to normalize homosexuality. We would also be tempted to believe that the demonization of anyone that opposes the homosexual lifestyle, most notably Christians, is just an unfortunate casualty of this culture war.

We would be absolutely wrong.

In 1987 an article was written for Guide Magazine in which the authors, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, published their PR blueprint for normalizing homosexuality. The article ‘The Overhauling of Straight America,’ was later expanded into a book and published by one of America’s largest publishing houses where it became a bestseller.

The article opens with this statement:

High Profile Christians Continue Embracing Sin Because – Culture?

Posted on May 1, 2014 in Marriage by

When the average, every day Christian decides to support something the Bible clearly calls sin, no one cares. That’s because no one knows except the small circle that person influences. That’s not to say it isn’t a problem, but only that it’s not nearly as egregious an abuse of influence. But when a Christian singer or major book publisher decides to support those same unbiblical positions, things gets weightier.

In this case a major book publisher known for such authors as Kay Arthur and David Jeremiah has decided to publish a book supporting same-sex “marriage.” Add to that the recent revelation that Jars of Clay front man Dan Haseltine has decided to also support homosexual “marriage” and one has to wonder if these Christians understand the weight of their decisions.

First, a recent article reports:

“WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group is planning to release, through its liberal sister imprint Convergent Books, a manuscript paradoxically titled God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships…The book’s author, Matthew Vines, is a homosexual activist and Bible revisionist known for manipulating Christian terminology to advance the counter-Christian homosexualist agenda. Despite his frequent use of a Christian-like lexicon, Vines surprisingly admits to running an apostate enterprise that he calls The Reformation Project. An unabashed denier of Biblical teaching on sexual morality, Vines has publicly acknowledged that his goal is to ‘reform church teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity.’”

Really? Do we have to go through this again?

Yes, what the world needs now is another so-called “Christian” trying desperately to convince the evangelical world that the current and historical majority understanding of biblical sexuality is all wrong and his “enlightened” view is correct. Not only has every conservative evangelical scholar since recorded time – such as Paul, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Wayne Grudem and Albert Mohler – been completely wrong in their life time of study regarding biblical sexuality. But, so has the majority of Christians throughout history that has affirmed the understanding that homosexual behavior is sin.

Remember That Slippery Marriage Slope? As States Fall the Slope Gets Slippery-er!

Posted on April 30, 2014 in Marriage by

What is striking about each of these cases is the similarities, or relative similarities in each state. If you look closely at the list you will notice these are all predominantly conservative states. Each of these states embraces more traditional values and beliefs regarding a wide range of issues, including marriage. Each of these states tends to elect conservative leaders for both federal and state office. While certain exceptions exist these states are similar in their values, beliefs, politics, and governance.

I predicted that West Virginia would soon be added to this list. There is currently a lawsuit in federal court challenging the legality of West Virginia’s DOMA law. West Virginia doesn’t even have a constitutional amendment defining marriage because our lawmakers would not allow such an amendment to be added to the ballot in 2010 when it was requested. So the only thing preventing marriage from being redefined in West Virginia is our DOMA law, which is currently being challenged by several homosexual couples from Kanawha and Putnam counties. It’s only a matter of time before a federal judge redefines marriage for all of West Virginia unless the people pressure our lawmakers to take action. (Although, don’t count on Gov. Tomblin to sign any laws protecting marriage even if he does profess to be “pro-traditional marriage.” We see how his “pro-life” conviction worked out.)

Another Hollywood Actress Blasted by Feminists for Thinking What Millions of Others Think

Posted on April 24, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

Quiz: What do Stacey Dash, Candace Cameron-Bure, and Kiersten Dunst all have in common?

Give up?

The answer is that they each have been attacked recently in the media for their personal views; views which millions of Americans share.

In a stunning display of “tolerance,” liberals’ heads nearly exploded when a successful black woman, Dash, endorsed Mitt Romney in the last presidential election. What makes Dash’ experience so interesting is that she is a self-proclaimed Democrat that voted for Obama in 2008 but sad she wanted “the next four years to be different.”

Apparently the “hope and change” promised weren’t working out for Dash. So, as any intelligent person would do she reevaluated and decided to support another candidate. Imagine that? Dash said of her decision:

The LGBT Movement is the New Fascism. Conform or Else! (Part 2)

Posted on April 17, 2014 in Marriage by

This is part 2 of my commentary on the the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich and the “new fascism” that is the LGBT movement. Part 1 is here.

Even calm voices such as Dennis Prager is alarmed by the actions of Mozilla. In a recent blog for WND Prager actually told people to uninstall Firefox and boycott Mozilla entirely – something he has never done in his career. Prager warned America that the issue of totalitarianism is the most pressing issue in America right now and must be fought by lovers of liberty. He wrote:

“Worldwide…every genocidal totalitarian regime of the 20th century was leftist. And domestically, too, the left has much less interest in liberty than in forcing people to act in accord with its values. A totalitarian streak is part of the left’s DNA. How you think matters and what you do away outside of work matters: More than 20 states prohibit judges from being leaders in the Boy Scouts – because the left deems the Boy Scouts homophobic.”

Prager is right and that is a frightening thought. At this moment the left is not seeking rights and equality for everyone, the left is seeking conformity by everyone. This matters for two reasons:

The LGBT Movement is the New Fascism. Conform or Else! (Part 1)

Posted on April 16, 2014 in Marriage by

There has been only one event recently (okay, within the last two weeks) absurd enough to make conservatives, liberals and homosexuals lash out in “disgust” and anger. For good reason each party has correctly summarized what has taken place and communicated the detriment it will have on society and liberty.
That even is the firing – I mean resignation of Brandon Eich as the CEO of Mozilla.

I’ve watched this fiasco unfold with interest because of the implications it poses for everyday Americans. Brandon Eich likely will not face financial ruin as a result of his resignation. I have a feeling he is doing pretty good financially. But the example set by the homosexual fascists that ensured his firing will be felt by those willing to speak up but not willing to lose their job. That’s of greater concern.

Newt Gingrich has dubbed this the “new fascism” and said:

Science: We Need Dads

Posted on April 14, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

New research has concluded what most of us already knew: children need fathers.

There is a myriad of evidence that shows a father in the home reduces violent crime, produces a better social environment, and provides essential growth opportunities. However, researchers have questioned the need for fathers thinking they only provide more parenting, not distinct and unique parenting.

New research conducted by Professor David Eggebeen of Penn State University, uncovers the unique impact fathers have on their children that is pointing researchers to the conclusion that fathers do not merely give more parenting, but distinct and unique parenting needed by children of both sexes.

Fathers do not merely give more parenting, but distinct and unique parenting needed by children of both sexes.

A View of Women the Feminist Movement Forgot

Posted on April 12, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

Filing for divorce twice as often as men, women most often say it is due to ‘mental cruelty’ (Source: Why women leave men). It seems that in most all statistics, women are worse off as a whole. They are seeing the highest levels of poverty ( Source: National Women’s Law Center), out of wedlock births (Source: National Review), and one in three women will have an abortion in their lifetime (Source: Guttmacher Institute).

It demands us to ask some serious questions. Has the last century of women’s rights not touched the home? Has women’s equality not turned the tide of divorce? Has it not lifted women out of poverty instead of sinking them further into poverty? Women’s equality has failed precisely because it is misplaced from the Biblical understanding of women. It has failed precisely because it misunderstands the honor God has given to women.

In short, if you think women are equal to men, then you have too low of a view of women. Women are not merely equal, they are to be honored and esteemed unlike that of a man.

Marriage in 13 States Being Attacked from Within – West Virginia Will Soon Follow

Posted on April 10, 2014 in Marriage by

It would probably surprise most West Virginians to know that right now there is a challenge in federal court to our state’s DOMA laws. Several couples from Kanawha and Putnam counties have filed a lawsuit against West Virginia seeking to invalidate our DOMA laws and redefine marriage.

Before anyone gets too self-righteous thinking “that won’t ever happen in West Virginia,” lets remind ourselves that our lawmakers not only rejected a ballot measure to add a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman; but our “pro-life” governor just vetoed a life-saving abortion ban.

Doug Mainwaring Explains Why Gays Don’t Want to be Married

Posted on April 1, 2014 in Marriage by

Doug Mainwaring, an openly gay man, married to a women, rejecting the homosexual lifestyle and same-sex “marriage,” has gained attention in recent years for his outspoken opposition to marriage redefinition.

Mainwaring is a well educated, successful, articulate, communicator of the fact that marriage is inherently the union of a man and woman and nothing, not laws, not judges, not certificates, can change that. He has, as you might have guessed, gained a number of detractors seeking to silence him from exposing the true motives behind the LGBT agenda.

Mainwaring recently wrote an article in the American Thinker responding to some of his detractors after they viciously attacked him for daring to say that marriage cannot be redefined. you can click the link to see what some of those “tolerant” people wrote and Mainwaring’s responses. I’ve posted part of his article below because he explains in find detail common sense reasons to reject marriage redefinition. The fact that he is gay and holds this position makes him dangerous to “the cause” of liberals and those seeking more than they care to admit.

“This whole disagreement stems not from gays being discriminated against by a society that wants to deny them rights. It stems from gays choosing to abandon certain rights. Gays reject the right to marriage. Most don’t want marriage. They want something different from marriage. They want a committed, sexual relationship with another man. And in practice, sometimes these are monogamous, but let’s face it: most evolve into open or semi-open relationships.


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