Category: Sexuality
Traditional Masculinity: Why Being a Manly Man Isn’t Bad
Posted on January 22, 2020 in Family, Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry

The problem with the APA’s blanket assessment is the accusation that these qualities are somehow inherently bad. A better conversation would begin by asking if these qualities have value and how they can be properly expressed.
Christians Need to Think Differently About “Sexual Identity” and Equality
Posted on August 8, 2018 in Sexuality, Theology by Nathan Cherry
These are important words for Christians. Too often Christians sound like the culture around us when talking about our identity. As if we have any identity outside of Christ. We are not “American Christians,” or “African-American Christians.” Neither are we alcoholics, drug addicts, or homosexuals. We are simply Christians. To label ourselves with anything more than Christian is to hold up an idol before Christ and declare it our primary identity.
Miss America Making Changes – But NFL Seems Tone Deaf
Posted on August 7, 2018 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Knowing this to be true, we have to ask ourselves why it is suddenly inappropriate and degrading to have a swimsuit competition during Miss America but nearly naked women dancing suggestively on an athletic field is fine. This very confusing and clearly hypocritical message is typical of our selective-moral outrage culture.
Transgender Athletes Have Unfair Advantage Over Biological Counterparts
Posted on July 17, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
It’s understandable that parents are upset. Their daughters are, essentially, being forced to compete against male athletes. This 100 meter race in Connecticut was largely decided before it even began. It was little more than a race between the two males for first and second place; with the females vying for third.
These Headlines Begin to Pull Back the Curtain on Our Confused Culture
Posted on July 11, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality, Uncategorized by Nathan Cherry
If a white person dresses as a white person because she finds that person beautiful, is that a problem? Is beauty no longer in the eyes of the beholder? Are white people no longer allowed to be proud? Does this apply to all whites (German, Irish, British, South African) or just American whites? It seems the people telling us not to be racist encourage a lot of racist habits.
Google Faced with Decision to Engage in Censorship – or Not
Posted on June 20, 2018 in Life, Money, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
To put it more bluntly, pregnancy resource centers are better, higher quality businesses offering their clients an excellent client experience. On the demand side of economics, demand is growing for the services provided by pregnancy resource centers, while demand for abortion clinics is declining. Planned Parenthood and their affiliates can either change their business model to match demand, or suffer the natural consequences of a shrinking client base.
The Women’s March is Really Upset About the End of a Sex-Trafficking Website
Posted on May 31, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
When a “woman’s rights” group responds to legal action against an organization committing dangerous and harmful crimes against women with “outrage,” it is really hard to take that group seriously. This is a twisted response by the The Women’s March revealing a lack of clarity and consistency in their worldview.
Should Christians Change Theology to Accommodate Transgender People?
Posted on May 2, 2018 in Sexuality, Theology by Nathan Cherry
Claiming that a lack of inclusion into the church robs transgender people of their identity is to miss the biblically stated purpose for the church. The church exists, not to affirm our individual identities but to unite us under the shadow of the cross as the body of Jesus Christ. The church, by commission from Jesus and historical creed, doesn’t care about any individuals feelings or identity. The mission of the church has been clearly communicated and it stands outside the identity of any one person.
Manufacturer Willing to Endanger Children to Make a Profit
Posted on May 1, 2018 in Money, Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Let’s add some perspective to this scenario: engaging in sexual activity with a minor is illegal. Producing or consuming child pornography is illegal. And yet, at this very moment sex dolls made to appear child-like are being manufactured for sale. This means people that struggle with unnatural and illegal desires will be able to somewhat live out their fantasies.
A New Industry Will Make Sexual Harassment and Violence Much Worse
Posted on April 25, 2018 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
The sexual revolution has also produced mixed messages that can only be considered hypocritical. Feminists demand respect while advocating for legal prostitution and pornography. It’s hard to take seriously the claims of a group that are upset over sexual harassment while they simultaneously endorse multiple means leading to harassment. Feminists decry our “rape culture” while proudly supporting fashion trends and industries (pornography) that objectify women. You can’t have it both ways.