The Reformed Advisor

Category: Sexuality

How the Transgender Will Redefine Gender, Marriage, Parents, and Family

Posted on July 7, 2014 in Family, Marriage, Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

This is the second part of a two-part post. Read part 1 here.

A recent article by TIME magazine gleefully advocates for transgender people and their “struggle” to be accepted. Sharing the story of Cassidy, the first openly transgender Homecoming Queen in the U.S., the TIME article (and video) eagerly exposes people to another world full of confusion.

At one point Cassidy says she “came out” to her parents as a gay man in high school, but now lives as transgender. Yet Cassidy said it was in 5th grade that “she” first acknowledged and knew “she” was transgender. The amount of sexual confusion here is astounding to me. This is a young man that has been confused for a long time and rather than seeking any kind of help he is being encouraged in his confusion by others.

Speaking of confusion, an article at The Federalist details the extreme confusion of a female named Tracey transitioning to male:

Yes! Pastors Should Preach “Political” Messages

Posted on July 1, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality, Theology by

I’m a major advocate of pastors talking about “politics” from the pulpit. It has nothing to do with the fact that I’m a pastor, or that I’m a political junky. It has to do with my belief that at the core of every Christian is a theology that orders his or her worldview. That worldview dictates daily actions and interactions. For this reason it is critical that pastors address “political issues” from the pulpit.

Now, I want to make sure we are on the same page. When I say “political issues” I don’t mean that pastors should talk about the IRS, or the FCC, or whether our current foreign policy is working, or the state of our military. Those are not the “political” issues I have in mind.

When I say pastors should discuss political issues from the pulpit I am referring to issues that are, in fact, biblical moral issues that have been hijacked by our highly politicized culture.

Issues such as abortion, marriage, sexuality, and gender roles are not political issues; these issues are biblical moral issues that demand attention, clear communication, and biblical grounding.

Are Christians Abandoning the Biblical Position on Homosexuality?

Posted on June 26, 2014 in Sexuality, Theology by

A recent Gallup Poll found that 37% of people believe homosexuality is a product of environment, while 42% say people are “born gay.” Despite the absolute lack of evidence for a “gay gene” or any biological marker for homosexuality, the notion still persists that people are somehow born with homosexual tendencies. This also despite the growing mountain of evidence to showing environmental factors contribute to a person’s self-image and identity, which plays a major factor in sexual orientation.

While the number of people believing people are born gay is down from 2013 when it reached an all-time high, the trend of believing there is a genetic marker that forces people to be gay is still hanging around.

Some are citing this as proof that Christians will eventually “come around” and “get with the program” on the issue of homosexuality and accept it. Some are even saying that opposition to homosexuality on the part of Christians is “collapsing” and will eventually crumble.


Why Do Christians Need to Oppose Transgenderism?

Posted on June 25, 2014 in Sexuality, Theology by

Since the SBC annual meeting the issue of transgenderism has been on my mind a lot. Not because I hadn’t thought about it before, but because of the fact that a major denomination needed to adopt a unified statement clarifying biblical teaching on the issue. Something seems terribly wrong with this fact.

Why is it necessary for the SBC to adopt a formal resolution codifying biblical teaching on the issue of transgenderism? Dr. Russell Moore, head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission answers the question:

“The cultural mindset is that gender is something that is constructed by the individual. So it’s disconnected from how the person is created. And that’s one of the reasons why I think this resolution … was so wise, because it spoke to what the Bible teaches about what gender means in the first place, about how God’s design is good.”

Dr. Moore is right. The fact that society has turned gender into something that can be bent and altered at will is part of the problem. The established gender binary’s that once created the foundation of our society have been attacked and weakened, prompting a surge of defense for the male-female complimentarian view that was once so…normal.

Why I Voted for the SBC Resolution on Transgender Identity

Posted on June 24, 2014 in Sexuality, Theology by

The Southern Baptist Convention took a much needed stand in the effort to reshape sexuality into a fluid, preferential aspect of one’s life. At the annual meeting this year in Baltimore, MD, the SBC voted on a resolution entitled “On Transgender Identity.” The full text of the resolution can be read here.

Much discussion has already taken place around this resolution. Even before the convention began there was a rumbling as a result of what some knew would be “controversial” resolutions. One friend, when he heard I would be attending the SBC annual meeting, said he would be praying for me as we would be “voting on some resolutions that will be perceived as controversial.”

When day two of the annual meeting arrived and I looked at the list of resolutions I didn’t see anything that could be remotely considered controversial for a Southern Baptist. Then I got to resolution number nine.

Resolution number nine is speaks to the issue of transgenderism. As efforts to redefine marriage in our culture have progressed and been successful, the logical progression that many of us predicted would occur is now taking place. Once homosexuals found support for their alternative lifestyle and sexual orientation it was just a matter of time before others, such as polygamists and transgender persons began seeking rights as well.

Sadly, even some Christians have been deceived into believing there is nothing wrong with being a transgender person. The reality however is that such abuse of one’s biological sex stands in direct opposition to God’s created design. Hence the need for the SBC to codify in a resolution the Southern Baptist position.

Here’s what the resolution says, in part:

Live Action: Undercover Video Shows Planned Parenthood Telling Teens to Have Kinky Sex

Posted on June 23, 2014 in Sexuality by

Warning: The videos posted below contain graphic content not suitable for kids.

We live in a society that is hesitant to call anything evil. After all, we don’t want to offend anyone with our personal opinions and views. But the reality is that Planned Parenthood is an evil organization that is doing incredible harm to women, children, and students. You may not like hearing that, but after reading this article and watching these videos you might change your mind.

Recently Live Action, headed by pro-life champion Lila Rose, released an undercover video showing a Planned Parenthood staffer advising a 15-year-old girl about how to have kinky, BDSM, sex. Not only did the staffer share graphic content too pornographic to actually air, but she advised the 15-year-old girl to go to a porn website for ideas.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe decency laws require persons visiting porn websites to be at least 18 years of age. Why is this staffer telling a 15-year-old to watch porn online? Why is this staffer teaching a minor child about kinky, BDSM sex?

Even more angering is the fact that all this is being done with your tax money as Planned Parenthood is primarily funded by tax dollars from President Obama’s administration.

You mad yet?

Sex-Ed Class Asks 14-Year-Old Girls: How Far Will You Go Sexually?

Posted on June 20, 2014 in Sexuality by

Parents that send their kids to school without paying attention to what they are being taught are failing in their duty to protect their kids.

At one time our schools focused on academics, math, reading, and science; or even offered trade classes to prepare students to enter the workplace. Not anymore. The focus of today’s public school is political indoctrination aimed at creating a very specific worldview.

One of the most powerful weapons in the school arsenal is sex education. There’s no doubt we live in a sex-obsessed culture where sex is used to sell everything from tires to office supplies. If you want people to take notice of your advertisement, include a half- naked person. Public schools are now using the “sex sells” method to “educate” students regarding sexuality and abortion.

Parents of students at a California middle school was shocked and outraged when their kids brought home the handout of a presentation that included pictures. A description of these pictures was given by a local news station:

Young People Explain Why They Want to Be a Virgin Until Marriage

Posted on June 16, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

People wanting to remain a virgin until marriage are often confronted by a society that thinks they are strange, or that there’s something wrong with them. Sadly, our society is so sex-obsessed that anyone who is not, is considered strange. But, thankfully, young people are choosing to remain abstinent and sharing their reasons with others. Using a popular smartphone app, Whisper, which assures users of absolute privacy and anonymity, people are sharing their purpose for staying pure with others.

Here’s one of the images shared in a recent article showing the reason one user is staying a virgin until marriage. Click here for the full article which contains many more images.

Will the SBC Discipline a California Church for Supporting Homosexuality?

Posted on June 13, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

A motion was made from the floor of the SBC annual meeting this year to discipline a Southern California church.

This might sound like an odd motion, but upon understanding the reason for the motion the action might be warranted.

This particular church, The New Heart Community Church, in La Mirada, CA, based on the leadership of their pastor has decided to affirm homosexual behavior.

The move came after the pastors’ son revealed in a video that he was gay. The pastor then told the church that he had decided to support his sons behavior and lifestyle. The church decided to support their pastor and change church policy rather than adhering to biblical truth.

This is important because this is the first instance of a southern baptist church endorsing homosexuality.

How the Church is Failing Millennials on the Homosexual Issue

Posted on June 9, 2014 in Sexuality by

I was just talking Sunday night with some folks in my church about how the church is failing our younger generations on the issue of homosexuality. To my surprise, they agreed with me. We all agreed that the popular church strategies of either ignoring the issue or of being soft and not fully addressing the issue is not helping; and is doing more harm than any intended good.

There is a number of ways that I believe the church is failing on this issue. As I told my friends I was discussing with after church Sunday night, the world believes Christians are in one of two camps: the Westboro Baptist camp, or the we’re-all-God’s-children camp.

In other words, people think Christians either hate all homosexuals and want to see harm come to them; a la Westboro Baptist. Or that we believe we’re all God’s children (a heretical lie) and that God made people gay.

Either of these two positions is false and problematic. But there is one particular reason why I believe the church is failing millennials on this very critical issue.


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