The Reformed Advisor

Category: Sexuality

Will the Supreme Court Force the Baker to Bake a Cake?

Posted on July 13, 2017 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

One element to this story (and others like it) that continues to intrigue me is that the customers could have gone to any other cake shop to get their cake. Do they really want to force someone to make a cake for their event under threat of government penalty? Will we next begin forcing artists to paint? Or forcing musicians to sing? What would be the difference between forcing a musician to write and sing a song for your same-sex wedding and forcing a baker to bake a cake? If one can be done, can’t the other?

Canada Says Bestiality is Ok! Is that Ok?

Posted on July 11, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Canada has ruled that sexual acts with animals are legal providing there is no penetration involved. This ruling was handed down by the Canadian Supreme Court after a convicted sexual predator, found guilty of assaulting his stepdaughters, appealed the charge and conviction of bestiality.

Does Having A Monthly Menstrual Cycle Make You Less of a Man?

Posted on July 6, 2017 in Sexuality, Theology by

Lets be clear. No amount of feelings will change your biological gender. You can really want to be the opposite sex all you want, but there is nothing you can do about it. The surgeries are like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. It doesn’t really change what’s going on inside.

LGBT Group Can’t Handle St. Louis Cardinals Inviting Christian to Speak at Christian Family Day

Posted on July 5, 2017 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

Because of these comments, which Pride St. Louis calls “divisive and demeaning,” they are asking the St. Louis Cardinals to disinvite Berkmen from speaking at the Christian Family Day.

Let’s put a little perspective on this.

The Cardinals are hosting “Christian Family Day” during which they will invite Christian families to come to the ballpark and enjoy a game together. After the game, they will invite all those that want to stay to hear Berkman speak about the roll his Christian faith played in his life as a major league ball player. There’s a couple of notable things to consider here.

Settled Science: You Can Be Either Male or Female

Posted on June 15, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Let me start by saying I love the differences between men and women. I know that’s probably not a popular thing to say in our culture as we are supposed to downplay the differences between the sexes. Not me, I like the differences and I like celebrating our differences.

Up until about 10 years ago it was normal, popular even, to celebrate the differences between the sexes. Routinely within our culture we praised men for certain things and women for other things. This, despite the growing assault of the feminist movement, was nothing that would capture headlines.

Then things changed.

Experiencing Sex Before Your First Kiss – We Have a Porn Problem

Posted on April 18, 2017 in Sexuality by

As a father it is heartbreaking to think that many teenage girls are being pressured daily to provide naked pictures and sexual favors to hyper-sexualized boys. At one time boys first viewed pornography around ages 11-13. That number has now been moved back to age 8. But even the pornography they viewed was not the hard-core images and videos available at the touch of a finger today.

But we also have to acknowledge that previous generations primarily viewed static images, not video clips or even full-length movies. The average male first experienced pornography in the pages of a magazine where images could not talk or do more than hold a single pose. Today however, the pornography being viewed is video clips from all over the world being uploaded by porn producers, movie and music stars, and the average person next door. The world of porn has gone global.

Is It Fair to Let Men Compete Against Women in Sports?

Posted on April 6, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

If I was a woman, training to compete in national and international competition, I would be concerned. I would recognize that I am about to compete against biological men that will have a natural advantage over me. So we now have to wonder, where’s the outrage from feminists over this obviously unfair treatment of women?

Do Genesis 1:27 and Galatians 3:28 Teach Transgenderism?

Posted on February 16, 2017 in Sexuality, Theology by

For those who have not spent much time studying the Bible and the context of these two verses, let’s take a closer look at them and see if they do in fact support transgenderism or not.

In the first verse, Genesis 1:27, is recorded the words of Scripture after the creation of man and woman. The first thing we need to notice is the use of the word “him” and “them” in this verse. The writer of Genesis first says that God decided to man (lit. “mankind,” Heb. adam). So first, God says that He intends to make mankind and will fashion mankind in the image of God. This means, simply that God decided to make mankind in the same image of God, as God’s imago dei (image bearer). In this, both male and female are the image bearers of God and were both made in God’s image.

West Virginia Mother Wants School Bible Course Ended So Her Daughter Doesn’t Have to Attend

Posted on January 31, 2017 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

When I was about 9 years old my elementary school announced that our class, a group of fourth graders, would be taking part in a sex-education course. They sent a letter home to all parents and let them know the dates of the course. This allowed parents to decide whether they wanted their kids to be in the class or not.

My parents decided that they did not want me in the course and signed a form requesting that I be excused from the class during that period.

So, every day during the sex-education class – which only lasted a week or so – I went to another room and did other work while my peers and friends took part in the course.

Was It Appropriate for National Geographic to Feature a Transgender Child?

Posted on January 11, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

As a culture and society, we should do everything in our power to protect children. Whether that is protecting the unborn in the womb, or ensuring child predators are stopped, protecting the children of our nation should be a top priority.

For this reason it is alarming to see a well-known publication promoting the dangerous political ideology of transgenderism.

National Geographic recently made the decision to display the image of a 9-year-old boy named Avery on its January 2017 edition. Avery, according to his parents, identifies and lives as a girl.


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