The Reformed Advisor

Is It Fair to Let Men Compete Against Women in Sports?

Posted on April 6, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Australian weightlifterWomen should be angered by the fact that men are being allowed to compete in their sporting events.

The winner of a women’s weightlifting competition in Australia is, in fact, a man. A 39-year-old man named Gavin Hubbard is living as a woman named Laurel. Gavin entered the Australian International Weightlifting Competition and dominated his weight class to win the competition.

First, let’s state the obvious: men competing in women’s sporting events is not fair.

There’s a reason men’s and women’s sports are kept separate. It doesn’t have anything to do with misogyny, sexism, or anything other politically correct trigger word. The reason men and women’s sports are kept separate is because men would always have an unfair advantage over women.

For example, men tend to be taller, have more muscle, produce more testosterone, have thicker bones, have larger hearts, and have better vision and depth perception than women. This all translates to the simple, and observable fact, that men are better athletes than women. (Click here to read a study detailing the differences between men and women.)

This is not a sexist statement; it’s a scientific statement that can be easily observed. If you are still unsure about this statement, answer these few questions: Continue reading…

Biblical Election Works Much Like a Political Election

Posted on April 4, 2017 in Theology by

Biblical electionThe word election, as it pertains to salvation carries much controversy and confusion. Many are unsure of how it is used and what it means in the theology of salvation. But this confusion is not necessary.

The word election isn’t used in Scripture in some confusing way. It’s used in exactly the way we understand it today. Americans should be especially familiar with the meaning of the word as we have an election, seemingly, every year. And when someone is elected to public office, do we then say that he was elected by himself, of his own will? Do we say, “He was elected mayor because he really wanted to be mayor, and because he really wanted to be mayor and chose to be mayor we all decided to choose him as well”?

Of course we don’t say that, it’s silly. No one chooses his position first and then is elected by people because he first chose himself. The only way to secure a political office is for the people to choose a person first by an act of their own will. In any election it is not the person seeking election that does the electing, but the people that decide whom they will elect. We understand this concept very well.

Knowing that we understand the concept of election well makes it curious that so many Christians struggle with understanding the biblical concept. The biblical concept is not different than our American political election. The biblical concept of election maintains the plan definition of the word and means simply that God chose us before we chose Him through an act of His own sovereign will. Continue reading…

If You Set These 4 Financial Goals You Will End Up Ahead of Others

Posted on March 30, 2017 in Uncategorized by

SaveEvery January 1st many people set new goals for the year. I typically don’t do “New Year’s Resolutions” as I try to push myself as a regular habit. But this year I decided to set one very specific goal for 2017: exercise more. Well, not more per se. I just wanted to start exercising…period.

So far, I am proud to say that I have kept my goal of exercising at least 5 times per week. I just completed a 30-day challenge with my wife. And I continue to make exercise a regular part of my day. That’s important for someone like me. As a financial professional I spend my days looking at economic and investment data, while sitting in front of a computer screen. Not healthy.

Speaking of investment data and goals… (You see what I did there?)

When was the last time you set financial goals for yourself, or for your family?

Financial goals are just as important as personal goals, professional goals, fitness goals, etc. Most people have a goal of retiring one day, but that’s about it. Aside from knowing they want to retire, they don’t have much of an idea of what other goals to set and how to get to where they want to be financially. But, I think I can help.

I recently read an article that suggested 4 financial goals you can (and should set) right now to help you start moving forward financially. I like the goals mentioned here and through they were worth sharing and discussing. You can read the original article here. Continue reading…

Do You Understand God’s Part and Man’s Part in Salvation?

Posted on March 28, 2017 in Theology by

graceI recently read an incredibly well written article detailing God’s part and man’s part in salvation. It helps to clear up many of the misconceptions and misunderstandings about the part each plays in God’s saving work.

Many misconceptions about salvation exist today. Misconceptions such as “everyone can be saved” pave the way for massive evangelistic efforts that leave churches wondering, “what went wrong?” Other misconceptions, such as “man has no part in salvation” make it seem as though anyone that is saved is saved against their will. These misconceptions and others are creating confusion as to the nature of salvation and the part that God and man play in the process.

An article by John Reisinger at Monergism does an excellent job of explaining the process of salvation, including God’s part and man’s part in the process. I want to share it with you in the hopes of clearing up misconceptions and laying out the biblical process for salvation. The article starts by stating:

“God and man must both do something before a man can be saved.  Hyper-Calvinism denies the necessity of human action, and Arminianism denies the true nature of the Divine action.  The Bible clearly sets forth both the divine and human as essential in God’s plan of salvation.  This is not to say, as Arminianism does, God’s part is to freely provide salvation for all men, and man’s part is to become willing to accept it.  This is not what we said above, nor is it what the Bible teaches.” Continue reading…

The Shack: Why This Popular Book and Movie Should Be Condemned by Christians

Posted on March 22, 2017 in Theology by

The ShackSo much hoopla has been made over the new movie “The Shack.” Unfortunately, many Christians are supporting this film that is filled with much heresy. Let’s take a look at why Christians should be avoiding this terrible film instead of supporting it.

We live in a day and age when many Christians are deceived by feel-good theology. Whether in the form of books, movies, or preachers on television with white smiles and perfect hair, Christians are often led astray by their lack of theological discernment. This is a problem for individuals and for the local church alike.

Compounding this problem is a “don’t judge me” culture in which even Christians have fallen for the lie that it is wrong to judge. This is sad considering the many verses in Scripture that not only teach us that we have a responsibility to judge, but show us the right and proper way to do it. (See: Matthew 7:15–20; 18; Luke 6:43–45; 1 Corinthians 1:11; Galatians 6:1; 2 Timothy 2:25, 3:16; Titus 2:1.)

The end result is that many Christians will readily accept a book, movie, or preacher that has remotely spiritual overtones without discerning whether they are biblical or not. They will also quickly condemn any person that dares to speak against said book, movie, or preacher as “judgmental.” This is causing a rise in “Christian heresy” in our culture and in our churches.

And then there is the favorite Christian excuse: “well, if it leads one person to Jesus it’s okay with me.” What a cowardly, damnable position to take. I should know; I used to take that position. I used to be of the opinion that anything that could lead a person toward Jesus was a good thing. The problem is that when the thing you are using to lead people to Jesus doesn’t accurately reflect the truth of who Jesus is, you are leading people to a false Jesus, a false Gospel, and a lie. Furthermore, you are creating an idol. Anything, book, movie, or preacher that does not biblically represent Jesus is creating an idol for others to worship. For this reason, movies like The Shack are little more than heretical portrayals of God in need of rebuke by Christians, not support. Continue reading…

Friends in Maryland: Did You Know Your Elected Officials Were Doing This?

Posted on March 21, 2017 in Life by

Planned Parenthood MarylandIt is no secret that a super majority of Americans want the abortion business Planned Parenthood defunded of tax dollars. For years Planned Parenthood has operated by taking millions, more than $500 million annually to be exact, from tax payers, given to them by the federal government. But taxpayers, both pro-life and pro-abortion, have made it clear that they don’t want their tax dollars paying for elective abortions.

The previous administration refused to even consider defunding Planned Parenthood, despite bi-partisan support. The Trump administration has said, however, that it is willing to cut funding. That seems like a no-brainer considering the bi-partisan support and overall common sense it makes.

In case you aren’t aware that a majority of people want to see Planned Parenthood defunded, a recent article reports:

A recent survey found that community health centers not only provide more comprehensive health care than Planned Parenthood, excluding abortions, they also outnumber the abortion group’s facilities by 20 to one.”

Democrats in Maryland have responded by saying they will take the tax dollars of Maryland residents approximately, $2.7 million annually, and send it to Planned Parenthood. Continue reading…

Romans 9: Understanding Objections to Election and Making Sense of Paul’s Teaching

Posted on March 15, 2017 in Theology by

The-Doctrines-of-GraceOne of the biggest advantages of understanding the doctrine of election is that it makes sense of some of the most difficult passages in the Bible. Romans chapter 9 is no exception.

Romans chapter 9 is one of the most difficult passages in the Bible concerning election, salvation, and God’s purpose in it all. In this chapter we have a very difficult verse: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated” (v. 13). Making sense out of this verse is very difficult. How do we properly reconcile the God that loves all with a verse in the Bible that says God hated someone?

When taken as a stand-alone verse it doesn’t make much sense. That is proven by some of the terrible interpretations of the verse. Interpretations such as, “God loves the Jews but hates the Arabs.” Or, “God loved all the descendants of Jacob but hates all the descendants of Esau.” Or even, “God will bless the line of Jacob but will not bless the line of Esau.” All of these interpretations are wrong and do terrible violence to the text and its proper understanding.

When this verse is understood in proper context of the larger passage discussing God’s will, election, and salvation, it makes sense.

The first thing we need to understand is that God chose Jacob over Esau. Before they were born, before they did anything good or bad, God made a sovereign choice for no other reason than “God’s purpose of election might continue” (v. 11). And what is God’s purpose in election?

According to the following verses in Romans 9, God’s purpose is nothing less than having “mercy on whomever he wills,” and to “harden whomever he wills.” In other words, Gods purpose in salvation(election) is entirely His own. We have nothing to do with it. It has nothing to do with man because “it depends not on human will or exertion” (v. 16). And the reality is that God has created some “vessels of wrath prepared for destruction” (v. 22). And God has also created some “vessels of mercy…prepared beforehand for glory” (v. 23). Continue reading…

VIDEO: Family Sued, Loses Business for Adhering to Religious Convictions

Posted on March 14, 2017 in Religious Freedom by


Aaron & Melissa KleinImagine for a moment that you own a business in your community. For years you proudly serve the people of your community. Regardless of who they are, you serve each person with respect and excellence. Your business grows and you gain a reputation for being a great local business that treats everyone with respect and has great service.

As the years pass by you get to know people that are regular customers of your business. Despite having different views on many weighty issues, you continue to serve each person with genuine respect. After all, part of being a business open to the public means serving people you disagree with. So you happily, and proudly serve people from all walks of life.

The, one day, one of your customers, someone that you have served more than once, asks you to take part in her wedding. She would like you to create a work of art to help celebrate her wedding. You respectfully decline to take part in her wedding. Since this is someone you’ve served on more than one occasion she will surely understand that you can’t take part in her wedding because it would violate your deeply held religious convictions.

The next thing you know, you are being sued by the client and the state for…to your surprise, discrimination. How can you be sued for discrimination when you happily served every person that walked through your front door? Can the state really force you to violate your convictions? Do you have to choose between your convictions and your business? Continue reading…

This One Powerful Tool Could Change Your Financial Future

Posted on March 8, 2017 in Money by

Peggy BankUtilizing one simple, yet powerful tool could make all the difference in the world for your financial future. Knowing how underused this tool is among American households makes it easy to understand why so many are in financial trouble.

What if I told you there is one very simple, yet powerful tool you can begin using today to make a significant impact in your family’s financial future? Would you be interested in learning more?

The reality is that a majority of Americans are in financial trouble. Everything from student loans to credit card debt is keeping Americans from reaching their financial goals. And, for some, it is keeping them from even saving money on a regular basis. A recent survey found that 33% of Americans have no savings at all, making them prey for financial shock.

But it is possible for all that to change with just one simple, yet powerful tool that can be implemented into any household today. That tool: a budget.

Did you know that only one in three Americans prepare and follow a monthly budget? That is according to a recent Gallup poll. It’s no surprise that so many are on the brink of financial ruin. The most basic, and powerful tool needed to avoid massive debt, save for emergencies, and prepare for retirement is going ignored by most Americans. Continue reading…

Pro-Life Teen Responds to Teen Vogue Abortion Article in Powerful Video

Posted on March 7, 2017 in Life by


Image credit: Students for Life America

It is unthinkable to me that abortion would be marketed to teenagers as “no big deal.” Among the many things that teenagers will deal with as they grow and mature, abortion should not be one. But, to tell them abortion is a nonchalant experience is reprehensible.

Teen Vogue recently decided to tell their young readers that abortion was nothing to be concerned about. In fact, the folks at Teen Vogue want abortion to be so nonchalant that people buy gifts for their friends who have an abortion and treat it like a celebration. Seriously

Sadly, in their attempt to create “girl power” among their readers they, like many abortion supporters, failed to realize that they are encouraging the death of many unborn girls. That irony is lost on so many in the modern “feminist” movement. While they rally and campaign for women’s right they also champion one of the greatest female holocausts in history.

But one teen is fighting back. The video below features Autumn, a 16 year old pro-life advocate. She decided to confront Teen Vogue for their despicable treatment of abortion. Autumn opens by telling Teen Vogue that since their ad was aimed at teens her age, she would like to respond to the ad. Her opening remark is that, despite what Teen Vogue tells their readers, “abortion is a big deal.”

Autumn is the abortion industry’s worst nightmare: a young woman with a pro-life conscience. Thankfully, Autumn is not alone. She is one of the many millions of women that have rejected the lies of the abortion industry and are fighting to defend the unborn. She is a terror to the abortion industry because already, at a young age, she is convicted by the reality that the unborn are human lives that deserve to be defended.

Take a moment to watch this well-reasoned response to Teen Vogue and the abortion industry. Be encouraged that a great majority of young millennials are pro-life and have soundly rejected the false narrative of abortion on demand fed to them by Planned Parenthood and their shills like Teen Vogue. Share this video with others as a testimony to the unborn and the defense of human life.

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