The Reformed Advisor

She Claims to be a Christian, Minister, AND a Planned Parenthood Volunteer

Posted on January 5, 2016 in Life by

Emma AkpanI’ve almost come to the conclusion that nothing is shocking anymore. In a world where people get paid obscene amounts of money to sing, act, or play sports while the people educating our kids struggle to get by. It’s hard to fathom too much that would be shocking.

For that matter, we live in a world where our government works hard to protect plants and animals while they endorse the whole-sale murder of unborn children. So I say once again that it seems we are living a time when nothing can shock us.

Then I ran across this gem of a story.

Methodist Minister: I Help Women Get Abortions at Planned Parenthood Because I’m a Christian

Emma Akpan is a self-identified Christian, minister, and Planned Parenthood volunteer. She says that helping women at Planned Parenthood to kill their unborn children is something she does “because of my faith.” She recently said:

“I am a clinic greeter because of my faith, which teaches me how important it is to provide care for my community…For me, that means ensuring that women have safe access to their health care facilities.”

Emma is taking a typical religious position in our culture, which says: “I am the interpreter of my faith.” In recent years people have become their own gods, their own Bible, and all the faith they need is wrapped up in themselves. There is a lack of ability to interpret life and the issues we face as a culture in light of the Bible. Instead, people bend and mold Scripture into whatever conveniently fits into their views. Continue reading…

This is the Kind of Coach I Want My Kids Playing For

Posted on December 31, 2015 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Coach Joe KennedySuppose you’re a high-school football coach that has received praise and accolades in your annual review for the last 7 years. You’ve also been told by athletes and parents about what a good influence you are on the players and what a great role model you are. You don’t do anything special or different for your entire tenure as a coach. Then, one day you find out the school is placing you on administrative leave and suggesting you not be re-hired.

What would you think?

That is the position coach Joe Kennedy found himself in when the local Washington state school district he worked for refused to allow him to continue saying silent prayers on the football field.

Here’s the story.

In 2008 Coach Kennedy saw the movie “Facing the Giants” and decided to start praying for his team. He would stroll out to the field before and after games to say a silent prayer for the athletes. He didn’t tell anyone, didn’t invite anyone, he just started praying. Before long members of his team joined him and they would silently pray before and after games. No one was forced. No one was disciplined or removed from the team for not praying. It was a completely voluntary routine.

This went on for 7 years until someone complimented Coach Kennedy to the principal. Yep, you read that right. No one complained. Instead someone gave the coach a compliment and praised him to the principal who then decided that maybe they were doing something wrong….after 7 years. This led to the school district asking Coach Kennedy to stop his long-held routine. Kennedy insisted he was doing nothing wrong by offering silent prayers and not requiring anyone to participate but the school district said that merely praying was prohibited. Continue reading…

Will the Church Be Protected from the Legal Ramifications of Same-Sex “Marriage”?

Posted on December 30, 2015 in Marriage, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

church signIn light of the Supreme Court’s ruling earlier this year forcing all states to recognize same-sex unions as legitimate “marriages,” measures to protect churches must be taken. We’ve already seen the legal prosecution of individuals for their refusal to participate in and support same-sex weddings. Common sense protections for churches and religious institutions and organizations simply makes sense.

The Southern Baptist state convention in Illinois has drafted a resolution affirming the right of churches and religious organizations to live and do business according to their faith. The resolution was adopted by the “Illinois Baptist State Association meeting in Marion, Illinois on November 11-12, 2015” in order to “reaffirm their churches unwavering commitment to their doctrinal and public beliefs concerning marriage.”

The resolution begins by laying the biblical framework for marriage. And while I will be the first to admit that Christians have done a poor job in adhering to the biblical structure God designed for marriage (i.e. adultery and divorce are issues needing addressed); that doesn’t change the biblical truth God established. The resolution is therefore correct in pointing out:

“WHEREAS, God in His divine wisdom and revealed Word created marriage as the covenanted, conjugal union of one man and one woman (Genesis 2:18– 24; Matthew 19:4–6; Hebrews 13:4);” and “The Baptist Faith & Message (2000), a consensus statement of doctrinal beliefs approved by elected messengers to the 2000 Southern Baptist Convention recognizes the biblical definition of marriage as ‘the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime…’”

From there the proposed resolution cites both Constitutional law and local, Illinois law supporting the right of churches and religious organizations to refuse to support or affirm same-sex unions:

“The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America states that ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus guaranteeing the free and public practice of religious faith; and First Amendment — Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses also protects churches in their ability to profess that they disagree with same-sex marriage in the pulpit, through their usage policy, and through their marriage performance policies. And Current Illinois law provides that a church, religious denomination, or clergy member is free to decide which marriages to solemnize, and marriage need not be solemnized by a clergy member in order to be legally valid. And, Article 1, section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois reads:  The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination, shall forever be guaranteed, and no person shall be denied any civil or political right, privilege or capacity, on account of his religious opinions.”

(The resolution specifically cites the following Illinois law: (750 ILCS 75/15) Sec. 15. Religious freedom. Nothing in this Act shall interfere with or regulate the religious practice of any religious body. Any religious body, Indian Nation or Tribe or Native Group is free to choose whether or not to solemnize or officiate a civil union. (Source: P.A. 96-1513, eff. 6-1-11.))

It’s clear from the plain understanding of these laws that anyone, not just a church, has the right to live and do business according to their sincerely held religious beliefs. The idea that the Supreme Court or any governing body can force a person to support anything that violates their conscience or religious convictions is completely foreign to the American Constitution. (This includes the taxpayer funding of abortion.) Our Founders specifically sought to create a place where people would not be forced to violate their convictions.

The proposed resolution goes on to cite cases from around the country where Christians have been prosecuted for their refusal to support same-sex “marriage.” These examples include a photographer in New Mexico, baker in Colorado, florist in Washington, and others that have seen their business and personal lives thrown into turmoil by an overzealous government and complicit media that are chomping at the bit to make examples of anyone that refuse to bow to their agenda.

The resolution goes on to propose the following law designed to protect churches and the people that work for them, as well as religious organizations and their employees and Christian-owned businesses:

“…that such aforementioned legislation should provide that no minister or clergyman, and no religious organization or individual employed by such a religious organization, should be required to solemnize any marriage, provide any services, accommodations, facilities, goods, or privileges for the purpose related to the solemnization, formation, or celebration of any marriage, nor to treat any marriage as valid for any purpose if the action would cause the organization or individual to violate a sincerely held religious belief. This legislation should further provide protection against any civil or criminal legal action, stating that a refusal to provide services, accommodations, facilities, goods or privileges in such situations would not be the basis for a civil or criminal cause of action or any other action by this state or a political subdivision of this state in order to penalize or withhold benefits or privileges, including tax exemptions or governmental contracts, grants, or licenses, from any protected organization or individual.”

What is being proposed here is nothing less than what the Constitution already guarantees: that no person will be made to violate his or her religious convictions and those convictions will not be the base for any legal or civil action or penalty. Sadly the state of our legal landscape necessitates a resolution that clarifies the Constitution for those that seem to have lost its meaning.

But the call to add further protections for the church is not new. Alliance Defending Freedom has been urging churches to add additional statements to their Constitution and By-Laws for years now. I can remember sitting in meetings with their lawyers in 2009-10 where they strongly encouraged churches to adopt certain language that would protect the church from a growing legal threat. I would say the need for such language to be added is more critical today than ever. Churches should consider the “7 Things All Churches Should Have in Their By-Laws” and take measures to protect themselves now.

It would be wise for other denominations and associations to add the language of this resolution to their governing documents.

Video: Wait Until You Hear This Stunning Rendition of “Hallelujah” Played on a Violin in a Subway

Posted on December 29, 2015 in Theology by

Lindsay Stirling is one of the coolest violinists I’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to. Not only is her talent for playing the violin amazing. But her ability to dance while playing her violin is stunning and inspirational. Her choreographed performances feature world-class dancing and music that is sure to captivate any music fan.

In the video below Stirling plays her rendition of the famed song “Hallelujah,” made popular by such artists as Jeff Buckley. This soul stirring song is accompanied by a simple message shared by Stirling that Jesus Christ brings hope to the world. At the end of the video Stirling says of the Gospel of message of Jesus:

“His gospel allows us the knowledge to know that we can be with our loved ones forever…And in my darkest moments, Jesus Christ has given me hope.”

Take a few moments to watch the video and consider the message of Jesus Christ: that we are all sinners destined for death, but through Christ we can be restored to a right relationship with God the Father and be assured of eternity with Him in heaven. (If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.)

Merry Christmas! A Short Christmas Prayer.

Posted on December 25, 2015 in Uncategorized by

Silent NightI don’t know what the first “Christmas” was like. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t called Christmas. And I’m fairly certain that Mary, Joseph, and anyone else involved didn’t quite know what was going on. They knew a baby was being born. They knew God had spoke to them and told them everything would be okay. But beyond that I’m not sure the full impact of that day was realized.

Over the years Christmas has evolved into a day filled with traditions and celebrations that are joyful and festive. Some have to do with that baby born in a manger many centuries ago. Some are simply a product of cultural evolution. Some are…strange (egg nog…really?).

However you find yourself celebrating, and wherever you might be on this joyous day. My prayer is that you will slow down long enough to remember the baby that started it all. His name is Jesus. He’s no longer a baby. He grew to become the greatest prophet, preacher, and teacher the world has ever known. And the reason He needed to be born was so He could die for you and me. We are sinners deserving nothing less than God’s wrath and punishment. But Jesus took that wrath and endured that punishment for us. The result? We can be restored to a right relationship with God and have the peace that our sins are forgiven. That is truly a reason to celebrate.

So, today, I hope for you joy in remembering the baby that was born. But more than anything I pray that you will repent and seek forgiveness from the Savior that came to die for you. The Gospel of Jesus and the salvation He offers is worth more than this world can imagine.

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas.


4 Million Views in a Few Days: This Acappella Version of “Mary Did You Know” Will Give You Chills

Posted on December 24, 2015 in Theology by

“Mary Did You Know” is one of my absolute favorite songs of all time. I listen to versions of the song with careful scrutiny to determine who has done the song justice and who should never have tried to sing it. (I’ll keep my personal favorite to myself.)

One thing is for certain, Peter Hollens has done an absolutely amazing job with his Acappella version of the song. As he begins to sing, sitting on a church pew, it seems odd that it is just him. I couldn’t help but wonder what caused the video to be viewed a million times in 48 hours. But then, another five “Peter Hollens” join the original to finish the song. As I sat watching one man sing six parts in a flawless performance I was moved. Yes, it’s that good. and yes, you need to watch it.

Enjoy this stunning rendition of a beautiful song with deep theological truth in the lyrics. Let your heart and mind be blessed by the truth of the song.

True Love is NOT About Feelings or Emotions – Anna Duggar Understands That

Posted on December 23, 2015 in Marriage, Theology by

Anna DuggarThe Ashley Madison scandal rocked the country. It was particularly devastating for the hundreds of pastors and church leaders that had their names revealed as clients of the cheating website. One of the most public accounts was that of former Family Research Council associate and star of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting, Josh Duggar.

Just days after the hack that revealed the names of men across the country that had signed up with Ashley Madison, Duggar publicly apologized. But not long after it was revealed that Duggar was addicted to pornography and had cheated on his wife Anna multiple times. This news prompted him to resign from The Family Research Council and seek professional help at a treatment facility.

The Duggar family issued a statement saying they were disappointed in Josh, but also reaffirmed their support for him and his wife Anna. Other than that statement the family has been mostly quiet about the incident. Recently however both Jessa Duggar (sister of Josh) and Anna (Josh’s wife) have shared how deeply the revelations of Josh’s unfaithfulness hurt their family.

Jessa made this comment: Continue reading…

VIDEO: The Piano Guys Remind Us Why “O Come O Come Emmanuel” is Still an Awesome Song

Posted on December 22, 2015 in Theology by

One of my all-time favorite Christmas songs is “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” From the melody and harmonies to the theologically rich lyrics, this song is a beautiful reminder that we are still awaiting our promise for Messiah’s return. Consider the first verse and refrain of the song:

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

The song continues to teach theological truth and inspire worship from there. If you too love inspiring music and incredible musical ability, you will love this rendition of the famed Christmas carol. The Piano Guys have a gift for making some amazing instrumental music. This is no exception. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did.

Do School Employees Lose All Religious Rights By Being a School Employee?

Posted on December 17, 2015 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Naperville Football CoachThere’s an enormous misunderstanding regarding the Constitution and religion that is causing all sorts of trouble for folks that just want to pray. The misunderstanding is being intentionally propagated by an atheist group that doesn’t want to see religious expressions in public.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has a notion that government and religion are mutually exclusive. They have as their mission “to protect the constitutional principle of separation between church and state.” The problem here is that there is no such “constitutional principle.” Nowhere in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence is there a word about keeping religion out of public life; or the so-called “separation of church and state.” In fact, what the Constitution does say is that the government has no authority to make any laws pertaining to the free exercise and expression of religion.

But that doesn’t stop this atheist group from demanding that coaches not take part in team prayers.

One of the latest cases comes from Naperville, Ill. where a high school football coach is under fire for simply being present with his players during team prayers. (Click here to read the local article) The complaint came after a picture of the team, including the coaches, was sent to the FFRF. They sent a letter to the school district demanding the action cease immediately. Continue reading…

Take 3 minutes to Watch This Stunning A Capella Video Telling the Christmas Story. Yep, It’s That Good!

Posted on December 15, 2015 in Theology by

I’m a fan of A Capella music. So when I saw this video it was a no-brainer to share it. A recent article shares a brief description of the musicians singing and their purpose for the video:

“Two A Capella groups from Brigham Young University teamed up with an interfaith nonprofit to release a stunning version of ‘Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful’ — a rendition that they hope will help people ‘remember the real reason that makes this season so joyful.’ BYU singing groups Vocal Point and Noteworthy joined Faith Counts, a nondenominational organization, to produce the song as well as an associated video:

“As another holiday season comes upon us and life seems to speed up in a frenzy of party planning and gift buying, take a few minutes to slow down and remember the real reason that makes this season so joyful.”

I couldn’t agree more. Slow down for a few moments and reflect on the purpose this season exists. Without the birth of Jesus we would not have anything to celebrate. This video is stunning and I hope you will not only watch it but that you will share it and bless someone else.” Merry Christmas.


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