Education: Why We Choose to Home School Our Kids (Must Watch Video)
Posted on June 14, 2014 in Home School by Nathan Cherry
What if your child was ready to go to college at age 12?
Home schooling is not what it once was. At one time it was considered a fringe form of education that posed serious social integration questions. People often wondered how home school kids would be able to function in society after spending their entire life, at home. Those concerns are largely dead considering the very social nature of our society and the integration of social media into everyday life.
What many people don’t know if that home schooling is the fastest growing form of education in the United States annually; and has been for several years. Families are looking at the options and deciding that between public school, private school, and home school, that home school makes the most sense.
Some are doing this for safety concerns, public schools have been targets of gun violence, gang violence, and drug violence.
Others are choosing home school out of moral, character, values concerns. In recent years the moral climate of public schools has been decidedly negative. Many families find themselves at odds with what passes for morals and values in public schools. From supporting abortion to pushing a radical sexual agenda filled with homosexuality, and sexual experimentation, families are increasingly concerned with the lack of moral training in public schools. Continue reading…
Will the SBC Discipline a California Church for Supporting Homosexuality?
Posted on June 13, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
A motion was made from the floor of the SBC annual meeting this year to discipline a Southern California church.
This might sound like an odd motion, but upon understanding the reason for the motion the action might be warranted.
This particular church, The New Heart Community Church, in La Mirada, CA, based on the leadership of their pastor has decided to affirm homosexual behavior.
The move came after the pastors’ son revealed in a video that he was gay. The pastor then told the church that he had decided to support his sons behavior and lifestyle. The church decided to support their pastor and change church policy rather than adhering to biblical truth. Continue reading…
Justin Bieber and Jonah Hill Prove Free Speech is Dying
Posted on June 12, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
Did you see the massive media firestorm over the comments made by both Jonah Hill and Justin Bieber?
It’s crazy, there has been nothing on my newsfeed, my Facebook and Twitter but stories about how angry people are over the comments made by these celebrities. Hill made a homophobic comment and Bieber made racist remarks not once, but twice on video. The result has been chaos as media across the country discusses the comments and the anger people are expressing as a result.
Except…no such media firestorm exists.
Oh yes, both Jonah Hill and Justin Bieber made comments, and yet unless you were really paying attention or watching late night talk shows you would never know it. Continue reading…
How Should Christians Think About Education?
Posted on June 11, 2014 in Home School, Theology by Derick Dickens
What is a great education? Some people may envision an Ivy League degree or an “A” student who belongs to the honor society. But as Christians, education is more than memorizing facts and being able to answer mathematical equations. These are all good, and they do makeup part of the educational process, but they are not education; education is more substantial.
Part of the problem is that there is a diminishing definition of education. Today, people have relegated education to a diploma and reading, writing, and arithmetic, but this minimalist view of education is destroying the soul of true education, replacing it with a cookie cutter approach, test focused studies, and ideals that fail to educate.
There are many distinct offerings for education that is often missed, but today we will explore three.
Education is Theological and Spiritual Continue reading…
If a Cake Maker Can Be Forced to Violate His Convictions – What About a Graphic Designer?
Posted on June 10, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
I was immediately drawn to an article at The Gospel Coalition relating to graphic design. You might not know why it’s important, but in light of recent events in our culture it is critical. Let me explain.
The article centered on a church graphic designer and why she loves her job. Nothing earth shattering here. The writer said that as a graphic designer she has a purpose:
“Our church represents our God, and I want to do everything possible to represent him as the beautiful, intelligent, and creative one that he is.”
Still nothing to argue with or get too excited about. In fact, at face value there is nothing in this article to attract most people. But let me draw a very clear distinction that perhaps graphic designers and every day citizens have not considered; but need to.
Jack Phillips owns Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado. In 2012 he refused to bake a cake celebrating a same-sex wedding. He was sued for discrimination and ultimately was found guilty. Upon appeal the government made a very chilling proclamation. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission told Phillips that he must bake cakes in violation of his religious convictions and must prove that he has complied with the order.
Alliance Defending Freedom lead counsel Nicolle Martin commented on the ruling: Continue reading…
How the Church is Failing Millennials on the Homosexual Issue
Posted on June 9, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry

Is this view biblical?
I was just talking Sunday night with some folks in my church about how the church is failing our younger generations on the issue of homosexuality. To my surprise, they agreed with me. We all agreed that the popular church strategies of either ignoring the issue or of being soft and not fully addressing the issue is not helping; and is doing more harm than any intended good.
There is a number of ways that I believe the church is failing on this issue. As I told my friends I was discussing with after church Sunday night, the world believes Christians are in one of two camps: the Westboro Baptist camp, or the we’re-all-God’s-children camp.
In other words, people think Christians either hate all homosexuals and want to see harm come to them; a la Westboro Baptist. Or that we believe we’re all God’s children (a heretical lie) and that God made people gay.
Either of these two positions is false and problematic. But there is one particular reason why I believe the church is failing millennials on this very critical issue. Continue reading…
Disturbing Video: Undercover Videos of Planned Parenthood Show Depth of Corruption
Posted on June 6, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Live Action – the pro life organization led by Lila Rose – has released a new campaign aimed at defunding Planned Parenthood. The new comprehensive campaign is called, “Lies, Corruption, and Scandal: Six Years of Exposing Planned Parenthood.”
As part of the campaign a packet was delivered to ever U.S. congressman and senator with a report detailing Planned Parenthood’s expansive malfeasance.
Live Action has also set up a website for the campaign, launching a petition drive, and releasing a video that gives a six minute synopsis of Live Action’s six years of undercover investigations of the United States’ largest abortion merchant.
Those findings include:
- Child sexual abuse
- Racism
- Deceptive and manipulative counseling
- Sex trafficking help
- False advertising and fraud
- Sex-selective abortion
- Lies about clinic safety
Remember that, despite the abuse, fraud, illegal activity, and lies, Planned Parenthood receives half a billion dollars – with a b – every year of our money from the government. That is $1.4+ million A DAY. Continue reading…
When Caesar Demands That Which Belongs to God
Posted on June 6, 2014 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by Derick Dickens
Original article posted here.
What belongs to God? Everything!
When Jesus says to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God (Matthew 22:21), He was not giving government superior status over God. He was not even giving equal status of Government to God. Rather, He gave government a limited realm which we must respect.
But there are times when we should not render to Government because Government is asking for more than they should.
One example is on Friday, the now famous Colorado Baker, Jack Phillips, lost his latest appeal to the to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Told he must bake a cake for a homosexual marriage celebration in violation of his religious beliefs, or else, he remained resolute, “I will stand by my convictions until somebody shuts me down.”
“I will stand by my convictions until somebody shuts me down,”
When Jesus pointed to the image of Caesar on the coins, He didn’t give government a carte blanche to do whatever government desired to do. In the same sentence Jesus limited government, “and to God what belongs to God.” In reality, everything belongs to God, even Government. So when our faith and government disagree, we have to obey the higher authority, the greater authority, God.
In our new era of government overreach, government does not want competition of our loyalty. They want you to render to them that which belongs to them as well as render to them that which belongs to God. They don’t mind us having different beliefs, but they refuse to allow us to have different practices. Continue reading…
What!? Things Abortion Advocates Say
Posted on June 5, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
A recent article at captures the words of abortion advocates. These aren’t made up, these are real supporters of abortion speaking. The things they say are downright scary, angering, and absurd. See if you agree.
Have you ever wondered what Planned Parenthood’s real agenda is? Have you ever considered the real goals behind abortion? Have you ever thought about what abortion really is, according to the people who do it every today?
Wonder no longer. Instead, consider – really ponder – these eight scary statements said by abortion activists. The people who said these things aren’t random humans pulled from an aisle in a grocery store; they’re people who are deeply involved with abortion. They know the truth; they know the facts; they know how tragic and cruel abortion is to real, living human beings.
So listen up.
1) “I don’t know that [when life begins] is really relevant to the, relevant to the conversation.” ~ Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Continue reading…
Help Wanted: Where is a Christian Supposed to Work?
Posted on June 5, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
The work environment for Christians seems to be increasingly hostile. The accounts of people being refused a job for being Christian, of even fired for adhering to their religious convictions is becoming more frequent.
If this trend continues where will Christians be able to work where they can provide for their families while living according to their faith?
This problem involves more than just high-profile Christians such as Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. When liberals and homosexual activists tried to get him fired from the hit A&E show for stating his biblical convictions regarding marriage and homosexuality, they failed. The fact that they tried is the disconcerting part.
But the “gay mafia,” as they have been called recently, succeeded in getting Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich removed from his position as a result of his contribution to the Prop 8 campaign six years ago. While it’s true that he was not fired, per se, those calling for his resignation did so on the basis of his belief in traditional marriage. The pressure was created as a result of his personal view on marriage and had nothing to do with how he treated people, did his job, or anything related to Mozilla.
But look at some other cases of Christians being fired for their religious convictions. Continue reading…